• Get ready for Crudstergram! Charlie Brooker's gadgets to save the world

    The Black Mirror creator invents exciting products to transform your life – from the workout that makes you feel like a saint to the world’s cleverest toiletI don’t know if you’ve noticed, but happiness is in sharp decline. Many people blame technology for our woes, and it’s not hard to see why. The internet is nothing but deranged screeching and fascist memes sitting atop a plateau of moldering desperation masquerading as ironic meaninglessness. No one has smiled i
  • Kraft Heinz brands’ Twitter accounts hacked with NSFW content

    The Twitter accounts of several Kraft Heinz-owned brands were hacked Friday as the handles for Planters, Kool-Aid and Capri Sun all began churning out nonsensical and even obscene tweets.The Planters Twitter account @MrPeanut, followed by 36,200 people and named after Planters’ monocled mascot, rattled off a series of nonsensical tweets in a thread that included language that ranged for inappropriate to obscene for a legume brand, including “penis” and “fuck.”The Ko

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