• I deeply regret riding an elephant on holiday. This year, we should all make the ethical choice | Chris Packham

    I deeply regret riding an elephant on holiday. This year, we should all make the ethical choice | Chris Packham
    The suffering of animals in the tourism sector is depressingly common. But we can all help shut down such cruel tradesIt won’t surprise anyone to know that I’m not the sort of person who’d choose to go to tourist attractions that keep animals in captivity for human entertainment. But like many of us, when it comes to interacting with animals while on holiday, there are things I look back on that I would do differently now.Tourist attractions such as dolphin parks and tiger temp
  • Hundreds of labradoodles in urgent need of homes after RSPCA Tasmania shuts down puppy breeder

    Hundreds of labradoodles in urgent need of homes after RSPCA Tasmania shuts down puppy breeder
    Tasmanian Labradoodles agrees to close to avoid charges laid for alleged overbreedingFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastMore than 250 labradoodles – many who have never been in contact with a human – are in “urgent” need of a home after RSPCA Tasmania shut down the state’s biggest puppy breeder over animal welfare concerns.Tasmanian Labradoodles surrendered all of its dogs la
  • Wildlife rescue group Wires faces crunch vote amid volunteer discontent over funds raised after bushfires

    Wildlife rescue group Wires faces crunch vote amid volunteer discontent over funds raised after bushfires
    Donations grew dramatically after Australia’s black summer but animal carers say they didn’t receive enoughGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastAustralia’s largest wildlife rescue organisation faces a landmark vote on Sunday, as members unhappy with the distribution of donations after the black summer bushfires attempt to change its constitution.The income of the Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (Wires), based in NSW, balloo
  • King Charles ruffles feathers as he drops royal patronage for pigeon racing

    King Charles ruffles feathers as he drops royal patronage for pigeon racing
    Monarch’s decision follows opposition from animal rights activists, leading to fears the sport’s days are numberedThe king has upset the pigeon racing community after dropping the monarchy’s official support amid opposition from animal rights activists.King Charles has ended royal patronage for pigeon racing, a sport his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, grandfather George VI, great-grandfather George V, and great-great-grandfather Edward VII all took part in enthusiastically. Contin
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  • Hands off the koala: why cuddling Australia’s iconic marsupial could soon be a thing of the past

    Hands off the koala: why cuddling Australia’s iconic marsupial could soon be a thing of the past
    Countless famous faces have been snapped snuggling up to koalas in Australia. But it’s a practice animal activists hope will become extinctFrom Taylor Swift to King Charles, cuddling a koala in Australia has long been a bucket-list item for celebrities, politicians and tourists alike.But the activity may be going the way of the dinosaur, as animal activists label it “outdated” while calling for a ban, and a growing number of zoos jettison the practice in favour of more hands-of
  • Stress may be to blame for military horses bolting through London, says expert

    Stress may be to blame for military horses bolting through London, says expert
    Equine specialist questions whether the animals’ behavioural needs are being met and says capital may be overwhelmingThe stress of life as a military horse could explain why several of the animals have bolted through London on two occasions in the past three months, an equine expert has suggested.On Monday three horses from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment (HCMR) broke loose and ran through central London. Video footage showed one colliding with a car. It is thought one of the horses
  • NSW greyhound racing board could be sacked after minister issues ‘show cause’ notice

    Greyhound Racing NSW allegedly breached licence that stipulates it must immediately disclose anything that brings industry into disreputeFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastThe New South Wales minister responsible for greyhound racing has threatened to sack the industry’s governing board over its alleged failure to properly manage a series of complaints over how it operates and other matters.Guardian
  • Digested week: A sadly corrupted deer and the coming cyborg apocalypse

    Digested week: A sadly corrupted deer and the coming cyborg apocalypse
    We start with evidence of humanity’s unfathomable stupidity, before moving to exhibit B: GlastonburyA Highlands red deer known as Callum the Stag has had to be put down. His teeth had rotted, leaving him unable to forage for his natural diet, and his overall health had deteriorated largely, it is posited – though the National Trust for Scotland did not make the connection directly – because tourists kept feeding him their snacks whenever he approached them as they took his pict
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  • Join LAWS today

    By joining the Labour Animal Welfare Society, you’ll be part of an organisation that works to improve the lives of animals by promoting the cause of animal welfare across the Labour movement.LAWS is affiliated to the Labour Party as one of the official Socialist Societies.The LAWS AGM held in June 2024 approved reform of the membership fees and structure. This means that individual membership is now £20 per year, with a concession rate of £10 per year. Organisations and Constit
  • George Monbiot’s outrage about the RSPCA is misplaced | Letters

    George Monbiot’s outrage about the RSPCA is misplaced | Letters
    Sushila Dhall says the Guardian writer’s criticism of the RSPCA Assured scheme is unfair. However, Molly Sendall says Chris Packham should resign as the charity’s presidentGeorge Monbiot, whom I generally greatly respect, sounds more outraged by the RSPCA than by the factory farms, or the supermarkets that support them, or the legislation that allows people to torture birds and animals on a mass scale (How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on a
  • Famous Highlands stag fed by tourists put down over health concerns

    Famous Highlands stag fed by tourists put down over health concerns
    Callum the red deer was reportedly in poor condition with rotted teeth from being given wrong types of foodA Highlands red deer known to approach tourists for their snacks has been put down over health concerns.Callum the stag was a familiar sight at Torridon’s Beinn Eighe car park, in the north-west Highlands, due to his willingness to walk up to tourists and accept food from human hands. Continue reading...
  • CCTV should be mandatory in Victorian piggeries, parliamentary inquiry finds

    CCTV should be mandatory in Victorian piggeries, parliamentary inquiry finds
    State opposition says the inquiry’s 18 recommendations include ‘extreme restrictions’ that should concern all primary producersFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastClosed-circuit television cameras would be made mandatory at piggeries and farms under changes recommended by a Victorian parliamentary inquiry into pig welfare.A report from the inquiry, tabled in state parliament on Thursday,
  • How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale | George Monbiot

    How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale | George Monbiot
    As it celebrates its 200th birthday, the RSPCA has lost its way - and is helping endorse indefensible abuse in factory farmsHow does it happen? How does an organisation end up doing the opposite of what it was established to do? This month marks the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: the world’s oldest animal welfare organisation. I wonder what there is to celebrate.If you mistreat your dog or cat or horse or rabbit, you can e
  • Wilding review – a biodiversity success story in West Sussex

    Wilding review – a biodiversity success story in West Sussex
    David Allen’s documentary about a couple trying to run a profitable eco-business is an inspirational puff piece Half puff job, half genuinely inspirational record of a rare eco-success story, David Allen’s documentary revolves around aristocratic farmer Charlie Burrell and his wife, Isabella Tree. The pair own 1,400 hectares (3,500 acres) of land in West Sussex and since 2001 have been engaged in an “experiment” to make the estate both biodiverse and profitable. Basically
  • ‘Labour will improve animal welfare’ promises 2024 manifesto

    ‘Labour will improve animal welfare’ promises 2024 manifesto
    The next Labour government’s commitment to the cause of animal welfare has been formally recognised in the party’s 2024 general election manifesto, ‘Change’, which is published today. The document outlines key policies that Labour will fulfill, after 14 years of Tory broken promises on animal welfare issues.
    Under the section titled ‘Stronger animal welfare’, the manifesto states:Labour will improve animal welfare. We will ban trail hunting and the import of h
  • Labour will introduce the most comprehensive animal welfare package in a generation

    Labour will introduce the most comprehensive animal welfare package in a generation
    Labour has pledged to introduce the biggest boost in animal welfare for a generation in a bid to end the horrific levels of cruelty animals suffer. Labour’s Shadow Environment Secretary, Steve Reed MP, outlined Labour’s plans to protect endangered species and Britain’s most loved pets. Singer and animal rights campaigner Will Young backed Labour’s plans saying:  
    “Animals across Britain and the world are subjected to horrific cruelty – from
  • Thailand market fire kills more than 1,000 animals prompting calls for crackdown

    Thailand market fire kills more than 1,000 animals prompting calls for crackdown
    Animal welfare groups have called for better regulation of the sale of wildlife after a fire swept through the pet zone of one of Bangkok’s biggest marketsAnimal welfare experts have called for a crackdown on the sale of wildlife in Thailand, after a fire swept through the pet zone of Bangkok’s most famous outdoor market, killing more than 1,000 animals.Puppies, cats, fish, snakes, swans, cockatoos and rabbits kept inside cages were all reportedly killed in the blaze, which began ear
  • Wallace and Gromit image pasted over king’s portrait by animal rights activists

    Wallace and Gromit image pasted over king’s portrait by animal rights activists
    Two Animal Rising supporters cover monarch’s face with Wallace character in protest against RSPCA-assured farmsAnimal rights activists have pasted a picture of the stop-motion cartoon character Wallace, from Wallace and Gromit, over the new portrait of King Charles, in a protest highlighting alleged cruelty at RSPCA-accredited farms.Two supporters of the group Animal Rising entered the Philip Mould gallery in central London after midday on Tuesday and carried out what they described as a &
  • Labour’s foie gras ban pledge confirmed

    Labour’s foie gras ban pledge confirmed
    Ahead of July’s General Election, Labour has confirmed it will ban products made by force-feeding ducks or geese from entering the UK, after a similar policy was dropped by the Tories. Steve Reed, the shadow environment secretary, told The Times: “Labour has a proud track record on animal welfare, from ending the testing of animals for cosmetic products and the cruelty of fur farming.“The next Labour government will build on this record to end cruelty toward animals.
  • Animal welfare concerns prompt review of NSW rehoming facility for greyhound racing dogs

    Animal welfare concerns prompt review of NSW rehoming facility for greyhound racing dogs
    State racing minister says allegations relating to treatment of greyhounds at Wyee centre could ‘undermine public trust’ in the industryFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastThe New South Wales racing minister, David Harris, has ordered a review of a greyhound rehoming facility in Wyee after current and former staff raised serious concerns about animal welfare, including claims dogs had been inju
  • Tories ignore scientific advice and expand the badger cull

    Tories ignore scientific advice and expand the badger cull
    The Tory government has issued more badger cull licences, overruling DEFRA’s own scientific adviser who says there is “no justification” for doing so, according to leaked documents.The Labour Party has previously said it would end the badger cull if it wins power. Daniel Zeichner, the shadow farming minister, said last year: “The 2018 Godfray review, the last piece of work done by the government, found that badger culling is not the answer. We’re
  • Membership

    Please note, the LAWS AGM held in June 2024 approved reform of the membership fees and structure. More details will appear here in the near future. In the meantime, please send any membership enquires to [email protected] .By joining the Labour Animal Welfare Society, you’ll be part of an organisation that works to improve the lives of animals by promoting the cause of animal welfare across the Labour movement.LAWS is affiliated to the Labour Party as one of the official
  • Man sentenced for dumping bodies of giant tortoises in Devon woodland

    Man sentenced for dumping bodies of giant tortoises in Devon woodland
    Gary Priddle from Exeter given community order after 10 animals died when heating failed over ChristmasAn animal enthusiast has admitted dumping the bodies of 10 giant tortoises in Devon woodland after they died from the cold when the heating failed over Christmas.Gary Priddle, 56, an electrician who kept more than 50 tortoises at his home in Exeter, had left the animals alone over the festive period and when he returned the 10 Aldabra tortoises were dead. Continue reading...
  • ‘Seeing her hurt was more than I could bear’: the family pets left in limbo amid Australia’s domestic violence crisis

    ‘Seeing her hurt was more than I could bear’: the family pets left in limbo amid Australia’s domestic violence crisis
    Emergency accommodation helps those fleeing violence – but few will accept animals, leaving them at risk of abuseGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastSarah* looked down at her phone and saw the text. It had no words – just a picture of her dog tied up in the sun, on a dirt road she didn’t know. It was January, the hottest part of the year.She says it was sent by her husband, who she had left nine weeks earlier, fleeing with her two children.
  • ‘They couldn’t care less’: fears for dogs’ welfare as Greyhound Racing NSW axes one of two adoption centres

    ‘They couldn’t care less’: fears for dogs’ welfare as Greyhound Racing NSW axes one of two adoption centres
    Staff raise concerns as Wyee rehoming centre abruptly closed after steep drop in gambling revenue for governing bodyGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastCurrent and former staff have raised serious concerns about animal welfare and the culture at the agency that governs greyhound racing in New South Wales after it abruptly shut down one of just two adoption centres for ex-racing dogs this week. .Workers at the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) in Wyee were fire
  • Taylor Swift’s cats have condition that causes constant pain, say experts

    Taylor Swift’s cats have condition that causes constant pain, say experts
    Animal welfare experts urge fans not to buy Scottish folds as mutation can lead to abnormal bone growthTo any devoted Taylor Swift fan, the musician’s cats are almost as well known as she is, frequently appearing in her TikTok postings and with hundreds of millions of posts devoted to them across social media.But as Swift’s planet-conquering Eras tour prepares to make landfall in the UK next month, animal welfare experts have urged her fans not to copy Swift’s cats, saying the
  • Voter views on animal welfare are changing – and taking the live sheep export trade with them | Gabrielle Chan

    Voter views on animal welfare are changing – and taking the live sheep export trade with them | Gabrielle Chan
    Labor says it will phase out the practice by 2028 – 10 years after it first announced the policy. But farm advocates say the timeline is ‘radical’Sign up for the Rural Network email newsletterJoin the Rural Network group on Facebook to be part of the communityOne of the great contrasts that has struck me on city visits is the rise of dog culture.Massive pet warehouses with owners and their dogs waiting outside to buy dog clothes, fancy food, treats, leads, collars, beds, blanke
  • Voter views on animal welfare are changing and taking the live sheep export trade with them | Gabrielle Chan

    Voter views on animal welfare are changing and taking the live sheep export trade with them | Gabrielle Chan
    Labor says it will phase out live sheep exports by 2028 – ten years after it first announced the policy. But farm advocates say the timeline is ‘radical’Sign up for the Rural Network email newsletterJoin the Rural Network group on Facebook to be part of the communityOne of the great contrasts that struck me on recent city visits is the rise of dog culture.Massive pet warehouses with owners and their dogs waiting outside to buy dog clothes, fancy food, treats, leads, collars, be
  • ‘Free Bella’: campaigners fight to save lonely beluga whale from Seoul mall

    ‘Free Bella’: campaigners fight to save lonely beluga whale from Seoul mall
    Five years after her last companion died and the aquarium’s owner pledged to free her, Bella still languishes in a tiny tank amid shopsIn the heart of Seoul, amid the luxury shops at the foot of the world’s sixth-tallest skyscraper, a lone beluga whale named Bella swims aimlessly in a tiny, lifeless tank, where she has been trapped for a decade.Her plight is urgent, with campaigners racing to rescue her from the bare tank in a glitzy shopping centre in South Korea’s capital bef
  • ‘Unable to meet the community’s expectations’: Australia to ban live sheep exports in 2028

    ‘Unable to meet the community’s expectations’: Australia to ban live sheep exports in 2028
    Government promises $107m package for industry to transition, after years of campaigning against tradeGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastAustralia’s live sheep export trade will end on 1 May 2028, the federal government has announced, after years of campaigning by animal welfare advocates.Labor’s long-held policy to end the sea exports has been opposed by many in the agricultural sector, although the trade has been declining while bans on sending
  • Australian government offers fiver year $107m package to ban live sheep exports in 2028

    Australian government offers fiver year $107m package to ban live sheep exports in 2028
    Agriculture minister says the ‘live sheep export industry has shown time and again that they are unable to meet the community’s expectations’Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastAustralia’s live sheep export trade will end on 1 May 2028, the federal government has announced, after years of campaigning by animal welfare advocates.Labor’s long-held policy to end the sea exports has been opposed by many in the agricultural sector, al
  • Australian government offers five year $107m package to ban live sheep exports in 2028

    Australian government offers five year $107m package to ban live sheep exports in 2028
    Agriculture minister says the ‘live sheep export industry has shown time and again that they are unable to meet the community’s expectations’Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastAustralia’s live sheep export trade will end on 1 May 2028, the federal government has announced, after years of campaigning by animal welfare advocates.Labor’s long-held policy to end the sea exports has been opposed by many in the agricultural sector, al
  • Bullfighting firm in Seville to give free tickets to under-eights

    Bullfighting firm in Seville to give free tickets to under-eights
    Company says move is best way to introduce tradition but critic claims it couldpsychologically damage young childrenA firm managing bullfights at Seville’s renowned bullring is to give free tickets to children under eight, adding to a national debate about the traditional, and gory, Spanish pastime.The company, Pages, said adult spectators with a ticket for the “novilladas” – practice bullfights involving younger bulls – at Seville’s Maestranza may be accompan
  • Scottish salmon industry challenged over move to drop ‘farmed’ from labels

    Scottish salmon industry challenged over move to drop ‘farmed’ from labels
    Fish welfare campaigners say Defra decision facilitates greenwashing and will mislead consumersAnimal welfare campaigners are challenging the decision to allow producers of Scottish salmon to drop the word “farmed” from labelling.An application by the industry body claimed changing the protected name wording on the front of packaging from “Scottish farmed salmon” to “Scottish salmon” made sense because wild salmon was no longer sold in supermarkets, which cons
  • Dog gone: Italy bans ‘puppy yoga’ after reports of alleged mistreatment

    Dog gone: Italy bans ‘puppy yoga’ after reports of alleged mistreatment
    Health ministry rules that only adult dogs can be used for ‘animal assisted’ wellbeing activitiesPassionate yogis in Italy have been taking their downward dog to the next level in studios offering “puppy yoga” classes.But the health ministry has curtailed the growing trend after banning the use of pups to protect the animals’ health and welfare. Continue reading...
  • Italy bans ‘puppy yoga’ after reports of alleged mistreatment

    Italy bans ‘puppy yoga’ after reports of alleged mistreatment
    Health ministry says only adult dogs can be used for ‘animal assisted’ wellbeing activitiesPassionate yogis in Italy have been taking their downward dog to the next level, snapping up mat spots in studios offering “puppy yoga” classes. But the health ministry has curtailed the growing trend after banning use of the pups to protect the animals’ health and welfare.In a note on 29 April, the ministry said only adult dogs could be used for “animal assisted”
  • Twelve horses died around the Kentucky Derby last year. Little has changed since | Elizabeth Banicki

    Twelve horses died around the Kentucky Derby last year. Little has changed since | Elizabeth Banicki
    I have spent long stretches of my life around the racetrack. The methods for training young horses in the US means fatalities are inevitableAs Churchill Downs prepares to host the 150th Kentucky Derby on Saturday a darker anniversary looms. One year ago, 12 horses died at Churchill Downs in the days and weeks surrounding America’s biggest race.As hype builds around this year’s runners, those who died fall deeper into the well of memory, if they’re thought of at all. Wild on Ice
  • Twelve horses died around the Kentucky Derby last year. Little has changed since

    Twelve horses died around the Kentucky Derby last year. Little has changed since
    I have spent long stretches of my life around the racetrack. The methods for training young horses in the US means fatalities are inevitableAs Churchill Downs prepares to host the 150th Kentucky Derby on Saturday a darker anniversary looms. One year ago, 12 horses died at Churchill Downs in the days and weeks surrounding America’s biggest race.As hype builds around this year’s runners, those who died fall deeper into the well of memory, if they’re thought of at all. Wild on Ice
  • ‘It was wet. It was filthy. It was aggressive. I said, I’ll take the racoon. But keeping exotic pets is cruel’

    ‘It was wet. It was filthy. It was aggressive. I said, I’ll take the racoon. But keeping exotic pets is cruel’
    Lindsay McKenna’s wildlife centre takes in exotic animals when owners can’t cope. She and other experts fear the law is failing the very animals it is designed to protectWhen Lindsay McKenna went out to buy a piece of furniture from a seller, the last thing she expected was to return with a wild animal.“Something moved in the garage when I was in there helping the guy lift [the furniture],” she said. “It was a racoon in an incredibly small cage, it could hardly turn
  • Country diary 1949: swans at risk of lead poisoning

    Country diary 1949: swans at risk of lead poisoning
    23 April 1949: For many years swans have attempted to make their home on Ullswater but their brief tenure there has ended in deathsPENRITH: Several visitors to the Lake District on Good Friday had the somewhat unusual experience of watching six mute swans flying up the River Eamont towards Ullswater. As they passed, only a yard or two above the water, their wings made a rushing sound as of waves swishing on a shingly shore. For the spectators it was a pleasant experience to see the sun scintilla
  • Call us woke if you like, but all animals deserve the RSPCA’s protection | Chris Sherwood

    Call us woke if you like, but all animals deserve the RSPCA’s protection | Chris Sherwood
    From snails to chickens, the organisation aims to stop suffering wherever it is foundThe RSPCA is 200 years old, founded in 1824 by a group of revolutionaries, including the anti-slavery campaigner William Wilberforce, determined to change the world. Our charity sparked an animal welfare movement that spread around the globe and has made the protection of animals an accepted and welcome part of our society. In short, we’ve changed lives – both for animals and people.We were ahead of
  • ‘Bulging skulls and protruding eyes’: Ten features dog owners should avoid

    ‘Bulging skulls and protruding eyes’: Ten features dog owners should avoid
    Welfare experts say people need to choose pets with natural body shapes so their health doesn’t sufferWould-be dog owners should avoid bulging skulls, protruding eyes and shortened twisted legs and instead opt for a naturally healthy body shape, an international team of experts has urged.The health and welfare implications of extreme canine body forms has become a pressing issue, with experts repeatedly warning of the myriad problems faced by breeds with flat faces – from breathing c
  • World Bank’s funding of ‘hog hotel’ factory farms under fire over climate effect

    World Bank’s funding of ‘hog hotel’ factory farms under fire over climate effect
    Environmental and animal welfare groups call on lender to phase out support for ‘industrial’ livestock operationsThe private sector arm of the World Bank is facing claims that it contributes to global heating and the undermining of animal welfare by providing financial support for factory farming, including the building of pig farming tower blocks in China.A coalition of environmental and animal welfare groups is calling on the World Bank to phase out financial support for large-scal
  • Skins and feathers are as cruel as fur, the fashion industry is told

    Skins and feathers are as cruel as fur, the fashion industry is told
    Copenhagen fashion week is hailed for raising the bar on animal rights. But will the organisers of other fashion weeks follow?Copenhagen fashion week has just announced that it will ban exotic skins and feathers from its catwalks next year, becoming the biggest industry event yet to do so.“Skål to Copenhagen fashion week for raising the bar for other events,” says the vice-president of corporate projects at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta), Yvonne Taylor. &ldq
  • Cute, cuddly, and often crippled: look where the love of dogs has taken the British | Martha Gill

    Cute, cuddly, and often crippled: look where the love of dogs has taken the British | Martha Gill
    From dachshunds to pugs, our canine friends are bred to better serve as emotional crutchesor status symbolsYou may have missed a recent international incident. Last week, we Brits got wind of a very worrying development across the Channel. “Sausage Dogs to be banned in Germany,” ran alarmed headlines in the UK press. The Germans, for their part, were so baffled by this response that they reported on it themselves. “Brits Fear for the German Sausage Dog”, ran a puzzled art
  • Charity steps in to rehome 300 cats from ‘overwhelmed’ man in Canada

    Charity steps in to rehome 300 cats from ‘overwhelmed’ man in Canada
    Man says he ended up in ‘a crazy situation’ after he began taking in cats abandoned during Covid pandemicAn animal welfare charity in western Canada is scrambling to secure the resources needed to care for about 300 cats – all of them seemingly in good condition – after a call came in from a man who described himself as being “overwhelmed” by the sheer number of cats and kittens in his home.Bruce Robinson told the British Columbia SPCA that he had taken in cat
  • Global heating could cause an extra 1.2m lamb deaths in Australia each year, study finds

    Global heating could cause an extra 1.2m lamb deaths in Australia each year, study finds
    University of Adelaide study finds potential lamb deaths from heat stress could increase from 2.1m to 3.3m per year under a 3C riseSign up for the Rural Network email newsletterJoin the Rural Network group on Facebook to be part of the communityRising temperatures due to global heating will decrease lamb survival and fertility rates in Australia’s sheep flock resulting in industry-wide losses of up to $166m annually, new analysis predicts.A University of Adelaide study, published in the jo
  • Grand National organisers will not seek injunction against Animal Rising

    Grand National organisers will not seek injunction against Animal Rising
    Jockey Club says it has received no threats from protest groupLast year’s race saw more than 100 arrests and a delayed startThe Jockey Club has decided not to apply for an injunction to deter possible incursions on to the Aintree track by animal rights activists at next month’s Grand National.Protests before last year’s Grand National by Animal Rising, which included an attempt by protesters to scale a perimeter fence and glue themselves to one of the track’s famous obsta
  • Video shows koalas clinging to trees as gum trees cut down on Kangaroo Island – video

    Video shows koalas clinging to trees as gum trees cut down on Kangaroo Island – video
    WARNING: contains images some viewers may find distressingFootage supplied to Guardian Australia shows koalas clinging to falling blue gums as logging occurs on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. The footage was taken across two days in November 2023 and January 2024. Logging has been stopped while an investigation takes place.Investigation into logging on Kangaroo Island under way after release of ‘horrific images’ of dead koalas Continue reading...
  • Number of abandoned French bulldogs increases sharply in England and Wales

    Number of abandoned French bulldogs increases sharply in England and Wales
    Exclusive: Number of such dogs that have been dumped rose from eight in 2020 to 582 in 2023, RSPCA saysThey may be lauded in the show ring, adored by celebrities, and feature in myriad adverts, but the number of French bulldogs being abandoned has risen sharply in recent years, data suggests.According to the RSPCA, the number of such dogs in England and Wales that have been dumped rose from eight in 2020 to 582 in 2023 – an increase of more than 7,000% in three years. Continue reading...
27 Jul 2024
23 Jul 2024

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