• The tiny rituals that bring comfort and joy in times of fear and uncertainty | Paul Daley

    The tiny rituals that bring comfort and joy in times of fear and uncertainty | Paul Daley
    The morning’s tea needs to be brewed in the yellow pot, the sheepdog must be scratched repeatedlyAmid the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic lockdowns a few years ago, as I walked the neighbourhood each twilight, I couldn’t help observe the little domestic quirks of people I didn’t and still don’t know.Like everyone else I was finding light and meaning and comfort wherever I might. The early evening – like the early morning and lunchtime – walk with my dogs
  • Why is it easier to remember that I’ve forgotten something than to remember what I’ve forgotten?

    Why is it easier to remember that I’ve forgotten something than to remember what I’ve forgotten?
    The long-running series in which readers answer other readers’ questions on subjects ranging from trivial flights of fancy to profound scientific and philosophical conceptsWhy is it easier for me to remember that I’ve forgotten something than to remember the thing I’ve forgotten? John Gray, YorkPost your answers (and new questions) below or send them to [email protected]. A selection will be published next Sunday. Continue reading...
  • Electrical brain stimulation can ease heartbreak, study finds

    Electrical brain stimulation can ease heartbreak, study finds
    Researchers say transcranial direct-current stimulation can reduce ‘love trauma syndrome’Breaking up, as the Neil Sedaka hit goes, is hard to do. The emotional pain of a romantic split can be so severe it has its own clinical name – love trauma syndrome, or LTS.But help could be at hand for those seeking to mend a broken heart. New research shows wearing a £400 headset for just a few minutes a day may ease the misery, negativity and depression that can accompany a failed
  • When our young son died, we decided to build him a boat

    When our young son died, we decided to build him a boat
    Wild Cat Island had always held a special place in the imagination of our son, so after his funeral we chose to try and send him on one last journeyFamously, Windermere is the setting of the children’s adventure story Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome, and it’s also one of our son Torin’s favourite books. It appealed to his own love of adventure, mischief and all things piratical. Along with his little sister, Lowri, we embarked upon many canoe adventures together on the R
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  • New Type of Psychotherapy Helps Treat Chronic Pain

    Source: United Press International - Health NewsA new form of psychotherapy works even better at treating chronic pain than gold-standard cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a new study finds. U.S. veterans who received emotional awareness and expression therapy (EAET) experienced a longer and more significant reduction in chronic pain than those who underwent CBT, researchers reported Thursday in the journal JAMA Network Open. Over 60% of veterans who underwent EAET reported a sizable...
  • Colorado Was Built on $1.7 Trillion of Land Taken From Tribal Nations

    Source: U.S. News and World ReportA report published this week by a Native American-led nonprofit estimates that Colorado was built on $1.7 trillion worth of Indigenous homelands, and that the state has reaped more than $546 million in mineral extraction from the these lands. The report also identifies 10 tribal nations that have "aboriginal title, congressional title, and treaty title to lands within Colorado" and documents how the land was taken, often in direct violation of...
  • APA Praises Supreme Court Decision to Maintain Access to Abortion Drug

    Source: APA Press ReleasesThe American Psychological Association praised the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling allowing a drug used for abortions to remain on the market. "Policies based on the concept that abortion is harmful to women's mental health are not supported by scientific evidence. Research has consistently shown that having an abortion is not linked to mental health problems, but people who are denied abortions have worse physical and mental health," said APA CEO...
  • Ukrainian Children Taken by Russia Left with Trauma, Say Campaigners

    Source: U.S. News and World ReportRussia's abduction of Ukrainian children is an attempt to steal the country's future and has left the youngsters with psychological scars, Ukrainian campaigners said Saturday as they called for international efforts to bring them home. Kyiv says about 20,000 children have been taken to Russia or Russian-occupied territory without the consent of family since the war began, calling the abductions a war crime that meets the U.N. treaty definition...
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  • Red Fever Traces Indigenous Impact of on Western Culture and Democracy

    Source: Canadian Broadcasting Company - Top Stories NewsA new documentary, Red Fever, probes the Western world's fascination with stereotypical imagery of Indigenous people, as it travels through North America and Europe, from the Arctic to the Deep South, exploring Indigenous histories and their lasting impact on today's culture. It also tells the little-known story of how the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, often described as the world's oldest participatory democracy, served as a model for the U.S
  • Communities in Schools of Los Angeles Partners with PASSERINE to Produce First-Ever Brand Film

    Communities in Schools of Los Angeles Partners with PASSERINE to Produce First-Ever Brand Film
    Communities in Schools of Los Angeles, an affiliate of Communities in Schools (CIS), the largest dropout prevention organization in the United States, has partnered with PASSERINE, an LA-based creative agency and production company, to produce their first-ever brand film.Communities in Schools of Los Angeles connect students with caring adults and community resources to help them excel in school, overcome personal and [PR.com]
  • After Apologizing, Pope Francis Uses Homophobic Slur for Second Time

    Source: CBS News - World NewsJust weeks after apologizing for using a homophobic slur, Pope Francis used the same word again during a closed-door meeting Tuesday, according to Italian news agency ANSA. The agency, citing unnamed sources at the meeting, says that the pope used the offensive term during a discussion with nearly 200 Roman priests at Rome's Salesian Pontifical University. Francis, 87, had used the same derogatory language for gay men during a meeting with...
  • U.S. Judge Strikes Down Florida Ban on Gender-Affirming Healthcare

    Source: Google News - HealthA federal judge on Tuesday struck down a 2023 Florida law that blocked gender-affirming care for transgender minors and severely restricted such treatment for adults, calling the statute unconstitutional. Senior Judge Robert Hinkle said the state went too far when it barred transgender minors from treatments with their parents' permission, saying transgender people are constitutionally entitled to receiving the treatment they need.
  • Elon Musk Sued Over Alleged Sexual Harassment at SpaceX

    Source: Google News - HealthDetails of Elon Musk's alleged conduct are laid bare in a new lawsuit filed by eight former employees of SpaceX, who claim the "Animal House" environment fostered by the eccentric CEO and his executive team created a toxic work environment. The allegations include near-constant sexual comments and actions from Musk himself—both publicly and privately—which were repeated and mimicked by other employees at the company.
  • The experts: actors on 20 ways to look and feel confident – when you’re anything but

    The experts: actors on 20 ways to look and feel confident – when you’re anything but
    Does the thought of a presentation or meeting new people make you sweat? Actors including Maxine Peake and Johnny Flynn explain how to perform under pressureFrom job interviews to presentations, first dates to wedding speeches, how can you give the air of being self-assured if you feel anything but? Actors share their secrets to appearing confident. Continue reading...
  • Freud’s Last Session review – what-if meeting of minds with Anthony Hopkins as the master analyst

    Freud’s Last Session review – what-if meeting of minds with Anthony Hopkins as the master analyst
    Hopkins’ Sigmund Freud locks horns with Matthew Goode’s CS Lewis in an imaginary encounter that is watchable but not terribly profoundHere is a determinedly old-fashioned drama, verbose and elaborate but also forthright and watchable in its way. It is a Stoppardian what-if meeting, imagining a bruising encounter between two celebrated historical figures who could, theoretically, have run into each other; it is adapted by director Matt Brown from a stage-play by American dramatist Mar
  • Protocol Available for Creating "Wired Miniature Brains"

    Source: Science Daily - Top HealthResearchers worldwide can now create highly realistic brain cortical organoids—essentially, miniature artificial brains with functioning neural networks—thanks to a proprietary protocol released this month by researchers at the University of California San Diego. The new technique, published in Nature Protocols, paves the way for scientists to perform more advanced research regarding autism, schizophrenia, and other neurological disorders.
  • Lifestyle Changes Improve Alzheimer's Symptoms for Some, Study Finds

    Source: Google News - HealthA new study, published Friday in the European Heart Journal, suggests that lifestyle changes may lead to improvement in people with mild cognitive impairment or early dementia. Though the study was small, some participants showed remarkable changes within the 5-month research period. "This is a study to give us hope," said Maria Shriver, former journalist and founder of the Women's Alzheimer's Movement at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
  • Methodist Church Apologizes for "All Forms of Homophobia"

    Source: BBC News - UK NewsThe Methodist Church in Ireland has apologized "unreservedly for failures in pastoral support and care" to the LGBT community and their families. The church also said it strongly condemned all forms of homophobia, both within the church and the wider community. However, the church has decided that marriage remain a relationship "between one man and one woman" and has decided not to follow the Methodist Church in Great Britain in allowing...
  • Trauma can leave us emotionally numb – each step towards reconnection is a win | Diane Young

    Trauma can leave us emotionally numb – each step towards reconnection is a win | Diane Young
    The brain protects itself from pain by shutting down emotional responses – this can help us cope in the short term, but is problematic when it persistsThe modern mind is a column where experts discuss mental health issues they are seeing in their workTo the outside world, it seemed as if he had it all.At just 34, Kane* had already become a successful business owner. As a builder by trade, his revenue had soared over a decade, earning him millions. He had also invested in property, owning t
  • ‘We’ve talked for hundreds of hours’: the joy of volunteering as a telephone friend

    ‘We’ve talked for hundreds of hours’: the joy of volunteering as a telephone friend
    We’re 50 years apart and have never met, but my connection with Pauline is deeper than I could have imaginedAll best friends were strangers once. Why, then, does reaching out to someone you don’t know, making platonic connections in the modern world, feel like such a bold, even brave thing to do?Let me tell you about my friend, Pauline. Like all good friends, we make a point of catching up at least once a week, talking for hours about everything and nothing at all. But Pauline and I,
  • Come on, feel the noise: how I unplugged my headphones and reconnected with the world

    Come on, feel the noise: how I unplugged my headphones and reconnected with the world
    Worried she was missing out, Ella Glover took off her headphones for a month and rediscovered the soundscape of humanity, made space to listen to friends – and tuned in to her own thoughtsUntil about a month ago, the thought of leaving my flat without my headphones connected to my smartphone filled me with anxiety. Any length of time, whether a two-minute walk to the shop or a two-hour commute, with nothing but my own thoughts and the racket of the city to listen to, was enough to send me
  • Healthy Lifestyle May Slow Symptoms in Patients with Early Dementia

    Source: United Press International - Health NewsNew research suggests that healthy lifestyle habits can help preserve brain function in people with mild cognitive impairment or early dementia. Over 70% of people who ate healthy, exercised regularly, and managed stress had their dementia symptoms either remain stable or improve without the use of drugs, researchers reported Friday in the journal Alzheimer's Research and Therapy. In contrast, nearly 70% showed a decline without these lifestyle...
  • Mental Health on College Campuses: Challenges and Solutions

    Source: U.S. News and World ReportAdjusting to college can be difficult, as students navigate newfound independence and harder courses. It can feel especially daunting for students who face mental health challenges, which were heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Campuses are now facing what experts call a mental health crisis. For example, 70% of students said they have struggled with mental health since starting college, according to a March 2024 survey of 3,649 college...
  • U.N. Chief Says World Is on "Highway to Climate Hell" As Record Heat Hits

    Source: Google News - HealthThe planet just marked a new milestone, enduring 12 straight months of unprecedented heat, according to data from Copernicus, the European Union's climate monitoring service. Every single month from June 2023 to May 2024 was the world's hottest such month on record. Meanwhile, U.N. Secretary General António Guterres called on world leaders Wednesday to ban advertising fossil fuel products and find "an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell."
  • Spain Applies to Join South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel

    Source: Google News - HealthSpain became on Thursday the first European country to ask a United Nations court for permission to join South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. South Africa filed its case with the International Court of Justice last year. It alleged that Israel was breaching the genocide convention in its military assault that has laid waste to large parts of Gaza. Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua, Libya, and the Palestinians have also applied to...
  • Could Artificial Intelligence Put an End to Animal Testing?

    Source: BBCNews - BusinessFrom animal lovers to laboratory technicians, no one enjoys subjecting animals to scientific testing. It is instead done to help ensure that drugs and other substances are safe for eventual human use. Researchers have long sought non-animal alternatives. Artificial intelligence systems are now accelerating this work, and in some cases, AI is already proving to be more accurate than animal testing.
  • AetherX Inc. Introduces the RAYD8 Scalar Rejuvenation App

    AetherX Inc. Introduces the RAYD8 Scalar Rejuvenation App
    A new free mobile app product delivers rejuvenating benefits to its users by utilizing Scalar technology – energy that exists all around us to help improve our health overall. [PR.com]
  • Metta Men's Summit: Resilience, Growth, and Empowerment

    Metta Men's Summit: Resilience, Growth, and Empowerment
    Join Metta Association for the Metta Men's Summit: Resilience, Growth, and Empowerment, a open, safe, and honest venue for Black men to explore and address the mental health and emotional issues that black communities faces. [PR.com]
  • AI researchers build ‘future self’ chatbot to inspire wise life choices

    AI researchers build ‘future self’ chatbot to inspire wise life choices
    Exclusive: Scientists at MIT hope talking to 60-year-old self will shift thinking on health, money and workIf your carefully crafted life plan has been scuppered by sofa time, bingeing on fast food, drinking too much and failing to contribute to the company pension, it may be time for a chat with your future self.Without ready access to a time machine, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have built an AI-powered chatbot that simulates a user’s older self and dish
  • Pebbling: the viral romance trend that humans have stolen from penguins

    Pebbling: the viral romance trend that humans have stolen from penguins
    While the birds pick up stones and offer them as a gift to the object of their desire, people are displaying similar behaviour onlineName: Pebbling.Age: Gentoo penguins have been doing it pre-social media. Continue reading...

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