• Trump has Major Trip to Saudi Arabia Planned, will Discuss Massive Weapons Deal for Saudis

    Trump has Major Trip to Saudi Arabia Planned, will Discuss Massive Weapons Deal for Saudis
    By Mike Cernovich
    Bowing to pressure from the H.R. McMaster, Dina Powell, Gary Cohn coalition, President Donald Trump’s first overseas trip is scheduled to be in Saudi Arabia, multiple sources confirmed after Steve Holland of Reuters first reported rumors of the trip. This decision has split Trump’s base, which views the Saudis as the largest state sponsor of Islamic terrorism.
    During the visit Trump will discuss a proposed arms package for the Saudis, which would include a mass
  • House May Pass One Week Funding Bill To Avoid Shut Down As Negotiations Stall

    House May Pass One Week Funding Bill To Avoid Shut Down As Negotiations Stall
    By Zero Hedge
    It appears that contrary to expectations that Trump caving on the border wall would assure a US government shutdown is averted, Reuters reports the U.S. House of Representative could move soon to consider a stop-gap “can kicking” bill to fund the government for a week to avoid a shutdown at midnight on Friday and buy time to strike a deal for a long-term funding plan.
    Reuters cited a House Republican source who said that a one-week bill would give lawmakers “a lit
  • Central Bankers Tricks Are Now Being Used Against Them To Bring The Economy Down

    Central Bankers Tricks Are Now Being Used Against Them To Bring The Economy Down
    X22 Report  — Episode 1263
    http://x22report.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/episode_1263.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:37 — 48.4MB)
    In this episode:
    Consumer confidence stumbles and stock market soars.
    J Crew letting 150 employees go.
    Housing prices surge in the 20 bubble cities and new home sales surge according to the government.
    Trump pushing for a corporate tax like Obama.
    Trump budget for the wall won’t be a problem with the debt ceiling
  • Response to the Latest attempt to discredit the Resistance Movement

    Response to the Latest attempt to discredit the Resistance Movement
    “There is a lot of entertainment on the Internet, and as the Cabal writhes in its death throes, the desperation is apparent.”
    Shared by Prepare for Change
    During Cobra’s latest Situation Update on 04/22/17, Cobra made a post informing all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that because the Cabal has not been able to start World War 3, they have tuned to “electronic warfare” against key workers and warriors of the light . He also issued a strong ultimatum –a w
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  • Bill Clinton Health Crisis – Family Gathering In Little Rock 

    Bill Clinton Health Crisis – Family Gathering In Little Rock 
    By Conservative Army
    Sources say Bill Clinton is in rough shape. .
    Sources close to the Clinton family say that Slick Willy, 40th President of the United States and perpetual cheater, will be lucky to make it through the end of the week. The Clinton family, including extended relatives and members of the Rodham clan, have been filing into Little Rock all week where Bill is reportedly bedridden at the residence attached to his presidential library.
    The fact that they’re booking rooms and st
  • David Wilcock: HUGE burst of new intel from Pete Peterson about the Antarctic Atlantis

    David Wilcock: HUGE burst of new intel from Pete Peterson about the Antarctic Atlantis
    By David Wilcock
    Last night I got a HUGE burst of new intel from Pete Peterson about the Antarctic Atlantis. Much more specific detail that has clarified a bunch of topics, including UFO crashes from three different time periods that have all been found.
    Pete was part of a team that has been working on an incredibly detailed analysis of these crashes for at least the last 30 years. The level of specifics is almost too much, since you are dealing with entire teams of scientists who did nothing bu
  • Sergey Glazyev: “As soon as we and China dump the dollar, it will be the end of US military might.”

    Sergey Glazyev: “As soon as we and China dump the dollar, it will be the end of US military might.”
    Thanks to Bankster Slayer at Rogue Money for sharing this link with me yesterday. — Editor
    Kremlin advisor reveals ‘cure for US aggression’
    Putin’s advisor also believes that Donald Trump is just “doing what the ruling elite expects him to do”
    YALTA, April 21. /TASS/. The only way to stop US aggression is to get rid of dollar addiction, a Kremlin advisor said on Friday.
    “The more aggressive the Americans are, the sooner they will see the final colla
  • Rocky Super-Earth Found in Habitable Zone of a Cool Star — “Most Exciting Exoplanet We’ve Seen in the Last 10 Years”

    Rocky Super-Earth Found in Habitable Zone of a Cool Star — “Most Exciting Exoplanet We’ve Seen in the Last 10 Years”
    By The Daily Galaxy“This is the most exciting exoplanet which I have seen in the last ten years” comments Jason Dittmann of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (CfA), the first author of the article in Nature. “It would be difficult to find a better objective for carrying out one of the most important searches in science: for evidence of life beyond the Earth”.
    One of the most successful techniques presently in use for detecting expolantes is the search for tr
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  • What You Should Know About The First Man-Made UFO

    What You Should Know About The First Man-Made UFO
    By Latest UFO Sightings
    Nikola Tesla is considered as a man way ahead of time than average people with his inventions, ideas, and creativity. He is recognized as one of the most innovative, at the same time, one of the most mysterious men who ever lived.
    Present technology is believed to be considerably worse if not for the invention and research done by Tesla in his time. Because of his advanced thinking, some conspiracy theorists stated that there’s more to Tesla and he may have had cont
  • New Discovery: “Our Sun and Planets Surrounded by a Gigantic Round Magnetic Field That Fills the Solar System”

    New Discovery: “Our Sun and Planets Surrounded by a Gigantic Round Magnetic Field That Fills the Solar System”
    New data from NASA’s Cassini mission, combined with measurements from the two Voyager spacecraft and NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, suggests that our sun and planets are surrounded by a giant, rounded system of magnetic field from the sun—calling into question the alternate view of the solar magnetic fields trailing behind the sun in the shape of a long comet tail.In the image above, from top left and going counter clockwise, the stars shown are LLOrionis, BZ
  • Vitamin D may be your best defense against respiratory infections, new science finds

    Vitamin D may be your best defense against respiratory infections, new science finds
    By Earl Garcia
    Vitamin D intake may help keep common colds and flu at bay, British researchers found. Various studies have previously established that vitamin D may help reduce the risk of respiratory infections, and the recent analysis further emphasizes the vitamin’s role in boosting the immune system. To test this, researchers at the Queen Mary University of London pooled data from 25 separate trials with a total cohort population of 11,321 participants.
    The research team foun
  • Dolores Cannon’s The Custodians: Beyond Abduction

    Dolores Cannon’s The Custodians: Beyond Abduction
    In The Custodians, Dolores Cannon delves deep in the areas of UFOs and Extraterrestrial contact through groundbreaking sessions with her subjects using her unique Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Dolores was able to retrieve a vast body of information by regressing dozens of clients who had, knowingly or unknowingly, had personal experiences with both UFO s and ETs.
    These beings delivered much of the content of this book and the transcripts of conversations with them are presented in t
  • The A to Z of Alphabet Origins and the Most Ancient Written Languages

    The A to Z of Alphabet Origins and the Most Ancient Written Languages
    By Wu Mingren
    Writing is traditionally regarded as one of the requirements for a society to be considered as a civilization. Various writing systems have been invented by the great civilizations of the world, one of which is known as alphabetic writing. This type of writing is characterised by a standard set of letters, each of which represent a basic significant sound (known as a phoneme) of the spoken language. Examples of alphabetic writing systems include the Latin alphabet, the Arabic alpha

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