• URGENT! National Security and International Terrorism Alert

    URGENT! National Security and International Terrorism Alert
    The Event Chronicle Editor Note: Cobra has requested that we make this one Viral:
    “The other extremely important thing is to awaken as many people as possible to the reality of directed energy weapons. The easiest way to do that is to make the following article viral through your blogs and your social networks.”
    — Cobra, Situation Update, April 22, 2017
    Received from reader with request to provide this information to our readers. You may want to get involved and use this as a g
  • Gang Stalking: Directed Energy Weapon Mind Control Technology

    Gang Stalking: Directed Energy Weapon Mind Control Technology
    By Paul A. Philips
    Not satisfied with controlling the masses through guns, taxes, mass media brainwashing and by dumbing down… the government is using its agencies such as the CIA or DARPA as cover sources for secret energy weapon mind control technology.
    Related EXPOSED: The Defense Department — DARPA Vader and the Evil Intel Empire Inside… EVERY Computer on Earth
    Those likely to be victimized by the technology have a number of traits. Are you?
    *Someone having high integrity
  • Dolores Cannon’s Keepers of the Garden

    Dolores Cannon’s Keepers of the Garden
    In Keepers of the Garden, Dolores Cannon presents an extensive body of information regarding the extraterrestrial origins of humanity which she accumulated from sessions with several subjects.
    Primarily focusing on information she received through a man named Phil, Dolores describes her exchanges and interaction with a group of entities that communicated through Phil who call themselves “The Council.”Keepers of the Garden by Dolores Cannon
    Keepers of the Garden by Dolores Cannon
    A yo
  • How to Plant False Memories in People’s Minds

    How to Plant False Memories in People’s Minds
    False memory is a common thing in our society, but that does not mean that all “false” memories are not accurate to a large degree. The following article has some controversial information about memory, so use your intuition and critical thinking skills to discern it. – Pao Chang
    Scientist Julia Shaw explains false police confessions (and reports of alien abductions).
    By Kate Lunau
    We tend to think of memories as perfect little time capsules—important records of past even
  • Advertisement

  • Solar-Powered Solar Still Purifies Water 160 Times Cheaper

    Solar-Powered Solar Still Purifies Water 160 Times Cheaper
    By Amanda Flavio
    Water is one of our basic necessities, but as we have consistently reported, the situation on water accessibility around the world is very dire.
    According to United Nations statistics, more than 2.9 billion people in 48 countries will face water shortages in the next 10 years. Water experts say it could destabilize and jeopardize the existence of some nations.
    Particularly with clean drinking water, the statistics are appalling.  Over 1 billion people worldwide get their dr

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