• This massive 130-hour training collection can turn you into a skilled ethical hacker

    This massive 130-hour training collection can turn you into a skilled ethical hacker
    TLDR: The All-In-One 2021 Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle includes 18 courses packed with techniques for spotting hackers and protecting vulnerable systems. Electronic Arts is one of the world’s biggest game publishers, but that doesn’t mean the publisher of Battlefield, FIFA, and The Sims is safe from hackers, who announced they stole source codes and vast stores of user information recently. Meanwhile, the U.S. government says they’ve successfully recovered most of the ra
  • CuriosityStream is a treasure trove of fascinating documentaries and series, now at 20% off

    CuriosityStream is a treasure trove of fascinating documentaries and series, now at 20% off
    TLDR: CuriosityStream is a streaming service with thousands of HD documentaries, series, and original programming to help viewers explore interests sure to entertain, enlighten and inspire. Is it really any wonder why NASA decided to christen its rambunctious rover now dune-buggying over the rocky terrain of Mars as Curiosity? After all, man’s need to understand that which hasn’t been understood before is why NASA and countless other organizations and expeditions were launched in th
  • We collected 84 million tweets about the pandemic, here’s what we learned

    We collected 84 million tweets about the pandemic, here’s what we learned
    The first tweet that the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care published about its new coronavirus testing regime came on January 25 2020. Less than a week later, the department tweeted its first announcement of two positive tests for COVID-19 in the UK, foreshadowing a chain of events that would have a profound effect on people’s lives. As the coronavirus spread, these initial tweets were joined by millions of others, as people reacted to panic buying, rumoured lockdowns and he
  • Amazon comes for Netflix’s throne with $8.45 billion MGM purchase

    Amazon comes for Netflix’s throne with $8.45 billion MGM purchase
    The ruthless war between the world’s leading video-on-demand companies reached a climax when the Amazon acquired the legendary Hollywood studio MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) in a deal worth US$8.45 billion. The sale of MGM on May 26 followed more than six months of negotiations. The American studio known for its roaring lion had been weakened by major financial difficulties before the pandemic. The prolonged closure of movie theatres was the final nail in its coffin. Although the MGM studio h
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