• Science vs. Mother Nature – Infant Formula Made from Human Breastmilk Proteins

    Science vs. Mother Nature – Infant Formula Made from Human Breastmilk Proteins
    Nathaniel Mauka, Staff Writer
    Waking Times
    Human breast milk has more than 1,600 different proteins that change as an infant’s needs change, but this isn’t stopping scientists from a start-up company called BioNascent from trying to create them in a lab. What exactly is the motivation for trying to recreate something that is already perfect as it is?
    Scientists previously compared human breast milk with our closest DNA-relative, the rhesus macaque monkey and found that human breast
  • Syrian refugee who asked ISIS for €180,000 for bombings in Europe detained in Germany

    Syrian refugee who asked ISIS for €180,000 for bombings in Europe detained in Germany
    A Syrian asylum seeker has been detained in Germany on suspicion of asking ISIS for money to buy and booby trap cars to kill a large number of "non-Muslim" people in "Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands," German authorities say.The 38-year old man was detained early Saturday by German special forces in his flat in the city of Saarbrucken in the Federal State of Saarland. Official confirmation of the operation and further details emerged only on Monday. The Syrian refugee was arrested af
  • Facebook's sneaky way of censoring 'fake news' sites

    Facebook's sneaky way of censoring 'fake news' sites
    Since Donald Trump's victory in the US Presidential Election, mainstream media, aka 'real fake news', and mainstream social media, like Facebook and Twitter, have begun their devious campaign of censoring what they deem 'fake news' — or whoever doesn't tow the neoliberal agenda.A few weeks ago, The Duran's Peter Lavelle wrote a very revealing piece on the draconian phenomena of 'ghost banning' and ways Facebook and other media are censoring what ordinary people see on their news feeds.The
  • 60 dead, hundreds escape in Brazil prison riot

    60 dead, hundreds escape in Brazil prison riot
    At least 60 people have been killed at a prison in Manaus, a city in the Brazilian Amazon, in one of the bloodiest riots in recent years, according to officials.The riot at the Complex Penitentiary Anísio Jobim (COMPAJ) began on Sunday afternoon and lasted around 17 hours until approximately 8:40 am local time Monday morning, when authorities successfully negotiated the release of the remaining hostages and the surrender of the mutinous prisoners, according to Brazilian media.During the r
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  • Austria to use OSCE chairmanship to ease anti-Russia sanctions

    Austria to use OSCE chairmanship to ease anti-Russia sanctions
    The new chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has said he seeks to improve relations with Russia, as there can be no "positive developments" on the continent with the current punitive approach.Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said his country, Austria, will work to "gradually" ease sanctions imposed by the West against Russia in connection with Ukrainian crisis.Kurz assumed the OSCE leadership for 2017 from January 1.
  • Murder explosion in Chicago: Trump pleads with city officials to 'ask for Federal help' after most violent year since '96

    Murder explosion in Chicago: Trump pleads with city officials to 'ask for Federal help' after most violent year since '96
    With Chicago's homicide rates for 2016 at their highest since 1996, Donald Trump has called on city officials to "ask for Federal help" if authorities can't curb the city's increasing violence.The Chicago Tribune's homicide count reports 779 homicides in 2016, making it the worst year for homicides since 1996, which saw 796. The Chicago Police Department's tally of 762 doesn't count police-related shootings, self-defense killings or those which take place on area expressways.With over 700 murder
  • Scamming millions, asylum seekers apply for German aid benefits with up to 12 fake IDs

    Scamming millions, asylum seekers apply for German aid benefits with up to 12 fake IDs
    A special commission in the northern German city of Braunschweig will investigate over 300 cases of fraud committed by asylum applicants, who gamed the welfare system by using multiple IDs to claim benefits - and that may just be the tip of the iceberg. The estimated total loss of taxpayer money in the state of Lower Saxony alone has been put at three to five million euros ($3.2-5.3 million), Regional German broadcaster NDR reported.In the majority of cases, the scheme was employed by Sudanese r
  • Putin buoyant, Western 'mis-leaders' sinking

    Putin buoyant, Western 'mis-leaders' sinking
    Future historians may well record 2016 a vintage year for Russian President Vladimir Putin. At any rate, at this point we can say it has been a good year for the Russian leader and his country's international standing. Even Western media, which did its best to discredit, even demonize, Putin have had to admit so, albeit begrudgingly. This week, the London Financial Times described the Russian leader as "Buoyant Putin". While last week, the Washington Post headlined: "Moscow has the world's atten
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  • Cologne, Germany: Police screen hundreds of N. Africans, Arabs

    Cologne, Germany: Police screen hundreds of N. Africans, Arabs
    Security forces in the German city of Cologne say they screened hundreds of North Africans this New Year's Eve in light of last year's notorious attacks on women there. "Hundreds of Nafris [North Africans] screened at main railway station," Cologne police tweeted. A photo posted with the tweet shows men standing behind barriers.German police had announced earlier that they planned to step up security across the country, which included installing new video surveillance cameras around Cologne's st
  • Kiev, Ukraine: Nationalists hold torchlit march on anniversary of Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera's birth

    Kiev, Ukraine: Nationalists hold torchlit march on anniversary of Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera's birth
    More than 1,000 Ukrainian nationalists have taken to the streets of Kiev carrying torches to commemorate the 108th anniversary of the birth of Stepan Bandera, a nationalist leader linked to Nazi Germany. Hundreds of people on the march are supporters of the Right Sector group and far-right Svoboda (Freedom) party, according to RIA Novosti. The march was set to end with a public demonstration on Kiev's central Independence Square (Maidan square). The crowds were seen waving Svoboda flags and bann
  • Ariana Grande, Twitter thread on sexism requires 'otherworldly patience'

    Ariana Grande, Twitter thread on sexism requires 'otherworldly patience'
    Pop superstar Ariana Grande has mediated a remarkably cool-headed discussion about sexual harassment and objectification on Twitter this week, proving that the social media platform can occasionally rise above the bubbling fecal puddle of its loudest user base.On Tuesday, Grande tweeted that she was getting takeout with boyfriend Mac Miller when a "young boy" followed Miller to the car to tell him how big a fan he was. Grande wrote that, sitting in the passenger seat, "I thought all of this was
  • Israeli police questions Netanyahu at his home over corruption allegations

    Israeli police questions Netanyahu at his home over corruption allegations
    Israeli police have questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over graft allegations, hours after the prime minister dismissed allegations of any wrongdoings.Netanyahu was questioned at his home by a team of investigators on Monday evening, the Haaretz newspaper reports. The questioning comes amid a probe authorized by Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, who after accessing preliminary evidence, decided there was enough scope for a full-scale inquiry.According to Haaretz, police had been try
  • Flat Earth License Plates Compilation January, 2017 - Mark Sargent ✅

  • Cologne police rejected accusations of 'racial profiling' after mass migrant screening on NYE

    Cologne police rejected accusations of 'racial profiling' after mass migrant screening on NYE
    Politicians and social media users are questioning the mass screening of migrants conducted by Cologne police on New Years' Eve, slamming the tactic as "racial profiling," but law enforcement officials have defended the screening, citing security concerns.The Cologne police chief, Jurgen Mathies, rejected accusations of racial profiling saying, "there were by no means only North Africans who were checked."Yet, Green Party (Die Gruenen) leader Simone Peter has questioned the legality of the mass
  • Philippine envoy: Duterte seeks 'strategic shift' from US to China

    Philippine envoy: Duterte seeks 'strategic shift' from US to China
    The Philippines is tilting away from its traditional ally the United States towards China in a bid to "normalise" relations following a longstanding territorial dispute, the country's incoming ambassador to Beijing said Monday.Manila has been one of Washington's most loyal allies in Asia, but Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to end the decades-long alliance after the US criticised his bloody war on drugs that has killed over 5,000 people since he took office in June.His fiery
  • You Better Get Ready: Obama May Just Set This Country Off Before he Leaves Office with New Land Grab

    You Better Get Ready: Obama May Just Set This Country Off Before he Leaves Office with New Land Grab
    Thank you for watching our latest youtube video, we directly import all of our youtube videos to our website, and if you are looking for the reported source, please see the link below. Source
  • Obama brags about 'remarkable progress' of past 8 years: The data paints a slightly different picture

    Obama brags about 'remarkable progress' of past 8 years: The data paints a slightly different picture
    As we close out 2016 and draw nearer to the end of Obama's 8 years in the White House, our commander-in-chief decided to celebrate by once again telling us all just how awesome he thinks he is via a lovely little tweet storm.Of course, as he often does, POTUS decided to highlight the number of private sector jobs that were added under his presidency as proof of his "remarkable progress."
  • BIG PHARMA: Doctors, pharmacists indicted in $100M fraud case

    BIG PHARMA: Doctors, pharmacists indicted in $100M fraud case
    Thank you for watching our latest youtube video, we directly import all of our youtube videos to our website, and if you are looking for the reported source, please see the link below. Source
  • The EPA Just Ordered Alaskans ‘Freeze To Death’ To “Protect The Environment”

    The EPA Just Ordered Alaskans ‘Freeze To Death’ To “Protect The Environment”
    Thank you for watching our latest youtube video, we directly import all of our youtube videos to our website, and if you are looking for the reported source, please see the link below. Source
  • NEOWISE discovers one, possibly two, new comets

    NEOWISE discovers one, possibly two, new comets
    NASA's NEOWISE mission has recently discovered some celestial objects traveling through our neighborhood, including one on the blurry line between asteroid and comet. Another--definitely a comet--might be seen with binoculars through next week.An object called 2016 WF9 was detected by the NEOWISE project on Nov. 27, 2016. It's in an orbit that takes it on a scenic tour of our solar system. At its farthest distance from the sun, it approaches Jupiter's orbit. Over the course of 4.9 Earth-years, i
  • British lies and Aleppo: A secret no more

    British lies and Aleppo: A secret no more
    The sitting British officials remain ignorant of the fact what kind of disservice the Obama administration has made them by demanding London to repeat the twisted lies the former has been spreading. Both David Cameron and Theresa May have always been obedient disciples of the White House, therefore they chose to spread tedious lies and disinformation in a bid to justify the failure of their social and economic policies, while hiding from the public the fact that Britain is responsible for a numb
  • What in the World? Incredibly Strange ‘Booms’ Heard All Throughout PA, Yellow Smoke Spotted

    What in the World? Incredibly Strange ‘Booms’ Heard All Throughout PA, Yellow Smoke Spotted
    Thank you for watching our latest youtube video, we directly import all of our youtube videos to our website, and if you are looking for the reported source, please see the link below. Source
  • Over 900 cars set on fire or damaged in France on New Year's Eve

    Over 900 cars set on fire or damaged in France on New Year's Eve
    More than 900 cars were set on fire or damaged as a result of arson in France on New Year's Eve, local media reported Monday, citing the country's Interior Ministry.On Sunday, the French Interior Ministry said that 650 vehicles were set on fire on the New Year's Eve compared to 602 cars last year. The number of torched vehicles has decreased by 20 percent over the past five years, the ministry noted.The following day, the Parisien newspaper reported, citing the ministry's spokesman, Pierre-Henry
  • Euthanasia is not the last stop for mental illness

    Euthanasia is not the last stop for mental illness
    If you felt like you were being aggressively and relentlessly chased by a menacing stranger, then as you approach the edge, jumping off of a cliff might seem like your only option. But what if the person chasing you was trying to tell you something you needed to know?What if you completely misunderstood the circumstances leading to your fear and act of self-sacrifice. What if there was another version of the story that, had you known it, could have shifted you immediately into a space of relief,
  • The Nephilim Legacy- The Anunnaki

  • Angela Merkel to skip Davos again amid blowback against 'Global Elite'

    Angela Merkel to skip Davos again amid blowback against 'Global Elite'
    Last week we were surprised to learn that demand for hotel rooms at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where the world's billionaires, CEOs, politicians, celebrities and oligarchs mingle every year (while regaled by their public relations teams known as the "media", for whom getting an invite to the DJ event du jour is more important than rocking the boat by asking unpleasant questions) was so great, not only are hotel rooms running out, but local employees may be put up in shippi
  • Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won

    Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won
    On December 14, Tom Suárez spoke at The House of Lords, London, at the invitation of Baroness Jenny Tonge. Drawing from his recently published book State of Terror, he addressed the centennial of the Balfour Declaration and his views on the way toward ending today's Israel-Palestine "conflict". The following are Suárez's remarks. The book was reviewed here by David Gerald Fincham.Good evening, thank you so much for taking time out of what I know are your busy schedules to be here n
  • UN Syria envoy adviser says Moscow will not accept foreign long-term occupation of Syria

    UN Syria envoy adviser says Moscow will not accept foreign long-term occupation of Syria
    Moscow will not tolerate long-term occupation of any part of Syria, despite accepting Ankara's military operation in the north of the country, Vitaly Naumkin, an adviser to the UN special envoy for Syria, said Monday.Since August 2016, Turkish forces have been conducting a military operation to clear northern Syria of Daesh, with the Syrian Kurds and Damascus accusing Ankara of violating Syria's territorial integrity."Of course, Moscow has made some concessions to Ankara by reacting very gently
  • Nick Cannon: Planned Parenthood founded to "exterminate the Negro race"

    Nick Cannon: Planned Parenthood founded to "exterminate the Negro race"
    Emcee, entertainer, rapper, and actor Nick Cannon, was recently interviewed by VLADTV where he discussed several controversial issues, including but not limited to institutional racism, the political establishment, and greed. While you may or may not agree with Cannon's stance on certain issues, his ability to dissect and transcend the two-party paradigm deserves commendation."I don't have the right to speak on what a woman should do with her body. And I don't think the government should have th
  • The mask is off: Human Rights Watch says Israeli officials back shoot-to-kill policy of Palestinian suspects

    The mask is off: Human Rights Watch says Israeli officials back shoot-to-kill policy of Palestinian suspects
    'No attacker, male or female, should make it out of any attack alive,' says defence ministerLeading Israeli officials have been encouraging soldiers and police officers to kill Palestinians suspected of attacks regardless of whether lethal force is necessary, according to a new report by a leading human rights organisation.Human Rights Watch has compiled numerous statements by senior members of Benjamin Netanyahu's administration and the country's police force, which appear to endorse using leth
  • Turkey at the crossroads following Istanbul shooting

    Turkey at the crossroads following Istanbul shooting
    There are no quick or easy solutions to Turkey's terrorism crisis. However if the crisis is to be overcome Turkey urgently needs to reconcile with Syria and Iraq, in order to secure peace and establish good neighborly relations with these countries, ending the threat of Jihadi terrorism spreading to its territory. Turks also urgently needs to focus on the fight against ISIS, work for better relations with Russia, and in the long term seek reconciliation with the Armenians and the Kurds.The murde
  • Banner year for Apartheid State: Israeli demolitions and seizures throughout West Bank broke all records in 2016

    Banner year for Apartheid State: Israeli demolitions and seizures throughout West Bank broke all records in 2016
    Israel has demolished or seized a record number of Palestinian buildings throughout the West Bank in 2016, according to the United Nations, displacing over 1,500 people.In its year-end report, the UN humanitarian coordination agency OCHA states that Israel demolished 1,089 structures, double the number in 2015.The demolitions and seizures displaced 1,593 persons and affected the livelihoods of another 7,000.These are the highest figures for displacement and demolitions in the occupied West Bank
  • Robin Hood's Sherwood Forest hideout under threat from frackers

    Robin Hood's Sherwood Forest hideout under threat from frackers
    The UK has long grappled with the issue of fracking but now that none other than Sherwood Forest has been listed as a target for seismic surveying by Anglo-Swiss chemical giant Ineos, the fight could take on mythic proportions.Having only relocated their headquarters to the UK in December 2016, the company, which currently supplies 1 in 10 British homes with gas, has made clear their intentions to pursue fracking in the UK as part of an overall investment of $2bn in the coming years, according t
  • Universal translator just got real! Earbuds translating any language into any language

    Universal translator just got real! Earbuds translating any language into any language
    The lovely people at Minds. Com are coming at us with a trustworthy, thoughtful piece on the damage that can be caused by using certain household products and also what household products can be useful in our lives ...
  • The Trilithon: Most enormous megalithic block from antiquity revealed at Baalbek

    The Trilithon: Most enormous megalithic block from antiquity revealed at Baalbek
    German Archaeological Institute has found an ancient stone quarry of Baalbek. It has found out the size and weight of an enormous stone block. This block was carved by hand. Baalbek was discovered in 7000 to 12,000 BC ...
  • Sott Exclusive: Hillary Clinton's "Trumped Up Trickle Down"

    Sott Exclusive: Hillary Clinton's "Trumped Up Trickle Down"
    In her second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton made reference to the 'economic theory' of "trickle down", claiming that The Donald planned to implement "the most extreme version" of trickle down economics "all over again." She decided to name it "Trumped Up Trickle Down."There's just one problem: There is no such thing as "trickle down economics."
  • Putin: Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines puts humanity in 'grave danger'

    Putin: Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines puts humanity in 'grave danger'
    Vladimir Putin claims that westerners are being controlled by genetically modified food and medicines.A report compiled by the Russian Security Council (SCRF) is currently causing a stir at the Kremlin ...
  • 7 Fact Prove That We Are Not Living In The 'Land Of The Free.'

    7 Fact Prove That We Are Not Living In The 'Land Of The Free.'
    We live in an age where many people are oblivious of the happenings around them. They shut their eyes to realities around them. Many citizens still think that their government sincerely cares about them ...
  • Former Egyptian State Council's Secretary-General commits suicide while in custody for corruption charges

    Former Egyptian State Council's Secretary-General commits suicide while in custody for corruption charges
    Former Secretary-General of Egypt's State Council Wael Shalaby committed suicide, while in custody amid corruption charges, local media reported Monday.Egypt's authorities detained Shalaby on Sunday just after he had resigned from his post on Saturday.Shalaby killed himself on Sunday soon after the detention within the framework of investigation on corruption activities, the Ahram Online news website reported, citing a source at Egypt's State Security Prosecution.According to the media outlet, G
  • Newly released FBI document shows active probe of support network for 9/11 hijackers continued in 2012

    Newly released FBI document shows active probe of support network for 9/11 hijackers continued in 2012
    As late as October 2012, federal prosecutors and FBI agents in New York City were actively exploring filing charges against a suspect for providing material support to the 9/11 hijackers and other crimes.The suspect's identity and many details of the New York investigation are blanked out of a FBI summary report that discusses "Updates and Initiatives (as of 5 October 2012)" about 9/11. The document was released to Florida Bulldog amid ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation that se
  • US-led coalition admits to killing 188 civilians in Iraq and Syria

    US-led coalition admits to killing 188 civilians in Iraq and Syria
    Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) admitted that the US-led coalition likely killed 188 civilians in Iraq and Syria since the start of the operation against Daesh terrorist group, CJTF-OIR said in a statement on Monday. The CJTF-OIR stressed that among the 16 reports it received in November 2016 about possible civilian casualties from the coalition strikes in Iraq and Syria, 13 were assessed as non-credible, five were labeled credible and five more were still being a
  • Doomsday warning or #fakenews? Earth will be destroyed by a rogue solar system in 2017

    Doomsday warning or #fakenews? Earth will be destroyed by a rogue solar system in 2017
    Research scientist David Meade claims the system contains several planets, but it's difficult to see.The new year has only just begun, but according to this conspiracy theory you might want to make the most of it while you can.We previously reported on claims a new world, known as Planet X or Nibiru, might be on a collision course with Earth.Well according to one man, there's a whole solar system which is going to crash into ours in 2017 and we've already had the warning signs.
  • Doomsday warning: Earth will be destroyed by a rogue solar system in 2017

    Doomsday warning: Earth will be destroyed by a rogue solar system in 2017
    Research scientist David Meade claims the system contains several planets, but it's difficult to see.The new year has only just begun, but according to this conspiracy theory you might want to make the most of it while you can.We previously reported on claims a new world, known as Planet X or Nibiru, might be on a collision course with Earth.Well according to one man, there's a whole solar system which is going to crash into ours in 2017 and we've already had the warning signs.
  • Russia, Turkey and Iran agreement: Syria will not be broken up

    Russia, Turkey and Iran agreement: Syria will not be broken up
    The agreements between Russia, Turkey and Iran on the Syrian settlement will not result in the division of Syria, said Turkish political analyst and diplomat Aydin Sezer.In late-December, Reuters reported citing sources that Syria would be divided into informal zones of regional power influence and Bashar Assad would remain president for at least a few years under a deal between Moscow, Ankara and Tehran."Such a deal, which would allow regional autonomy within a federal structure controlled by A
  • Mysterious GIANT Coffins Discovered in Egypt Near Pyramid of Giza May Prove Existence of The Biblical Nephilim

    Mysterious GIANT Coffins Discovered in Egypt Near Pyramid of Giza May Prove Existence of The Biblical Nephilim
    Mysterious giant coffins discovered in Egypt, may prove the existence of the Biblical Nephilim, and further confirm the great Biblical flood.
  • 'Lazy Monkeys': Codex Committee condemns 90% of world to poor health

    'Lazy Monkeys': Codex Committee condemns 90% of world to poor health
    At the beginning of this week December 5-9, 2016, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) became the very thing that Codex Secretariat Tom Heilandt warned against in his opening speech there - "lazy monkeys." For those unfamiliar with that term, it is loosely translated as "being lazy for no reason and not functioning properly." On the debate over the daily Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for Vitamin D and Vitamin E, the bulk of the Committee weakly argued
  • Trump and Revenge of the 'Realists'

    Trump and Revenge of the 'Realists'
    During a holiday getaway to India, I picked up the local newspaper, The Times of India, and encountered an article entitled "From Russia with Love" by Indian political observer Swagato Ganguly with the subtitle: "A rapprochement between Putin and Trump could transform the world in 2017."The author set this prediction within the broader context of a possible return to the "Westphalian principle of sovereignty, which bars intervention in another state's domestic affairs." The article goes on to as
  • Severe weather: Sydney heatwave marks hottest year on record

    Severe weather: Sydney heatwave marks hottest year on record
    A scorching end to 2016 will ensure Sydney registers its hottest year in more than a century-and-a-half of records.The mercury is expected to climb to 37 degrees in the city on Thursday and 42 in Penrith, and fall just a couple of degrees shy of that on Friday, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.All of coastal NSW will endure a heatwave on Thursday, with almost all of it either ranked as severe or extreme. (See bureau chart below). Authorities have also activated the state's heatwave action
  • Science, politics, morality and climate change - Professor John Christy

    Science, politics, morality and climate change - Professor John Christy
    Geoff Derrick writes: The John Christie talk is one of the best I have seen for a long time, keeping things simple but very very effective in the message. It should be compulsory viewing while still in holiday mode to take 1 hour off and watch the main event. It is just simply excellent, logical observation at work here.
    Professor John Christy, Alabama state climatologist speaks on science, politics and morality as they relate to climate change "action".
    Recorded December, 2015.
  • Land of the free? 7 signs that you're not living in it

    Land of the free? 7 signs that you're not living in it
    Alternative media followers know that there are numerous citizens sleeping away with their eyes wide open, falsely believing they're living in the 'land of the free.' They still think that their government 'cares' for them....Taking the case of America as an example, many American citizens have no idea about the nature of their Washington, D.C Judas-despotic leaders and how they are covertly screwing them all over. How they are nothing more than henchmen for the ruling elite's corporate/banker o

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