• Skeptical climate scientists coming in from the cold

    Skeptical climate scientists coming in from the cold
    In the world of climate science, the skeptics are coming in from the cold.Researchers who see global warming as something less than a planet-ending calamity believe the incoming Trump administration may allow their views to be developed and heard. This didn't happen under the Obama administration, which denied that a debate even existed. Now, some scientists say, a more inclusive approach-and the billions of federal dollars that might support it-could be in the offing."Here's to hoping the Age o
  • Guardian histrionics: Luke Harding accuses Putin of threatening U.S. diplomats' kids in paranoid ramblings

    Guardian histrionics: Luke Harding accuses Putin of threatening U.S. diplomats' kids in paranoid ramblings
    Luke Harding claims the invitation from the President of Russia to the children of US diplomats to attend New Year and Christmas parties in the Kremlin is a threat to US diplomats, subtly reminding them that the FSB has "precise information" about their children.Reading Western media reaction to Putin's decision yesterday not to retaliate in kind to Obama's latest sanctions has been instructive, with the tone extending from the admiring, to the factual, and to the furious.One comment however sto
  • The philosophical musings of Bruce Lee

    The philosophical musings of Bruce Lee
    Although Bruce Lee is best known for his legendary legacy in martial arts and film, he was also one of the most under appreciated philosophers of the twentieth century, instrumental in introducing Eastern traditions to Western audiences.A philosophy major in college, he fused ancient ideas with his own singular ethos informed by the intersection of physical and psychological discipline, the most famous manifestation of which is his water metaphor for resilience.Early in his career, Lee was syste
  • FakeNews: Russia hacks Vermont infrastructure! - Old Ukrainian malware found instead

    FakeNews: Russia hacks Vermont infrastructure! - Old Ukrainian malware found instead
    All recent claims of "Russian hacking" are either outright false or are based on "evidence" that only shows run-of-the-mill attacks by some anonymous basement hacker.The year 2016 saw the person elected U.S. president whom Jeff Bezos' propaganda rag, the Washington Post, hated most. To celebrate the end of this very bad year its writers and editors decided to put more egg on their faces.It first published the piece promoted on the left and some three hours later the fundamentally "corrected" one
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  • Obama, congressional Democrats hell-bent on keeping Obamacare for 22M Americans

    Obama, congressional Democrats hell-bent on keeping Obamacare for 22M Americans
    Millions of Americans ‒ more than 22 million of them ‒ are wondering what will become of Obamacare in the new year. President-elect Donald Trump has been anything but clear about his plans, but President Barack Obama and Democrats may have an idea.The outgoing president will confer with Democratic lawmakers about how to proceed with his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also dubbed "Obamacare"), on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, the day after the 115th Congress is swor
  • White House expels chef from Russian Embassy

    White House expels chef from Russian Embassy
    Not only has the White House banned Russian diplomats from a Maryland "spy compound" which is actually a vacation retreat, the Obama administration has expelled a chef from the Russian Embassy in San Francisco, forcing diplomats and their families to cook for themselves.The consul general of the embassy, Sergey Petrov, confirmed to the Associated Press that the chef is among four diplomats who have been kicked out of the San Francisco embassy.The move means that this New Year's Eve, "we'll have
  • 'Beverage of choice' on battlefield puts US troops at risk

    'Beverage of choice' on battlefield puts US troops at risk
    US military health officials have warned energy drink-obsessed troops of the potential dangers of chugging excessive amounts of the highly-caffeinated beverages. US troops relied heavily on energy drinks during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and they became the "beverage of choice" for many, according to an army press release.Now, service members are being warned to avoid consuming more than 200 milligrams of caffeine every four hours, says Dr Patricia Deuster, director of the Consortium for
  • 15 dead turtles found on beaches of South Padre Island, Texas

    15 dead turtles found on beaches of South Padre Island, Texas
    More than 12 dead green sea turtles have washed up on Boca Chica Beach and Isla Blanca Beach in the past three to four days, according to Jeff George, curator of the nonprofit organization Sea Turtle Inc. on South Padre Island.As of Friday, 15 green sea turtles have been found dead."To see that many, with nine in a half-mile stretch of beach alone, is confusing, we don't know what the heck is going on" George said.At first appearance, George thought they looked to be dead from drowning, perished
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  • Shallow 4.1 magnitude temblor strikes eastern Turkey

    Shallow 4.1 magnitude temblor strikes eastern Turkey
    A 4.1 magnitude earthquake shook eastern Van province Saturday, the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Boğaziçi University has announced. .There are no reports of casualties or injuries following the earthquake.The epicenter of the quake was reported to be Lake Van, occurring at 03:21 p.m. local time (12:21 p.m. GMT), at an undersea depth of 5 kilometers.A 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit Van on Oct. 23, 2011, caused great destruction in the city. 604 people w
  • 2016's top pharmaceuticals are a sign that the standard American diet is making us sick

    2016's top pharmaceuticals are a sign that the standard American diet is making us sick
    Our food supply is being compromised and bastardized by corporations who profit handsomely by feeding the American public ever-more processed, modified, and chemical-laden foods. As if this were some kind of revolving door conspiracy, when food makes us sick, we spend more money on healthcare, and a look at the most prescribed medications of 2016 make it clear there is a direct link between poor food and poor health in America.The 2016 list of the 50 most prescribed medications in America, as re
  • Merkel: Attacks by refugees 'bitter & repulsive,' Islamic terrorism 'most serious test' for Germany

    Merkel: Attacks by refugees 'bitter & repulsive,' Islamic terrorism 'most serious test' for Germany
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted there is "no doubt" the recent spate of terrorist attacks that hit the country was the most challenging test it had to undergo this year. Refugee attackers "mocked" the readiness to help those in need, she added in her New Year's address."The most serious test is undoubtedly Islamic terrorism, which has been targeting Germans for many years. In 2016, it attacked us in the middle of our country," Merkel said, referring to Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL)-link
  • Russian deminers in Syria clear 2,650 acres, neutralize 16,000 explosives in one month

    Russian deminers in Syria clear 2,650 acres, neutralize 16,000 explosives in one month
    Russian field engineers have performed mine-clearing operations in an area around 2,650 acres, neutralizing ore than 16,000 explosives in less than a month, the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday.The ministry's International Mine Action Center unit departed to Syria for its mine removal campaign on December 2."Overall since December 5, 2016, Russian deminers cleared land with the total area of 1,072 hectares [2,648 acres], more than 400 kilometers of roads [248 miles] and around 2,200 building
  • Humpback whale carcass found on shore of Maui, Hawaii; fifth such incident locally since November

    Humpback whale carcass found on shore of Maui, Hawaii; fifth such incident locally since November
    The state has closed shoreline access at Ahihi Kinau Natural Area Reserve on Maui following the discovery of a humpback whale carcass on shore.It's the fifth whale carcass reported off the islands since November. At least of the carcasses have been confirmed as dead humpback whales.The carcasses can attract sharks, and oceangoers are urged to use caution.The state said since November, whale carcasses have been reported in Kailua Bay, West Oahu, West Molokai and off Kauai.The public is reminded t
  • Le Figaro: "Putin makes a mockery of Obama's sanctions"

    Le Figaro: "Putin makes a mockery of Obama's sanctions"
    What a slap for Obama! It is a maneuver that is both clever, noble and powerful. A Christmas miracle! No one had so humiliated Obama.Putin mocks Obama's sanctionsThe Russian president has refused to apply the usual reciprocity and to expel American diplomats in return. On the contrary, he invited their children to the Noël in the Kremlin.Vladimir Putin, a fan of "asymmetrical" answers, on Friday rejected his Foreign Minister's proposal to apply the usual reciprocity for the expulsion of dip
  • UN Security Council unanimously approves Russian-drafted resolution on Syria ceasefire

    UN Security Council unanimously approves Russian-drafted resolution on Syria ceasefire
    The UN Security Council has unanimously passed a resolution drafted by Russia that endorses a nationwide Syrian ceasefire, which was earlier brokered by Moscow and Ankara.The draft resolution prepared by Russia was officially presented to the UNSC on Friday, a day after Moscow sent the texts of two agreements signed by the Syrian government and seven armed opposition groups to the UN body.The documents that "establish a ceasefire as well as obliges the Syrian government and the opposition to sta
  • 'If you're so sure': Israeli opposition suggests referendum after calls to annex West Bank

    'If you're so sure': Israeli opposition suggests referendum after calls to annex West Bank
    Israeli MPs from the Zionist Union have suggested holding a referendum on the status of the West Bank to let the people decide if it should become a part of a single Jewish state or a future State of Palestine after a pro-settlement minister called for annexation.Isaac Herzog, the chairman of the Zionist Union, a center-left political alliance in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, on Friday proposed to decide the fate of the West Bank in a plebiscite following a controversial poll released ear
  • Rick Santorum 'unconvinced' Russia behind alleged election hacking

    Rick Santorum 'unconvinced' Russia behind alleged election hacking
    Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has said he is "unconvinced at this point" that Russia was behind the hacking of a number of US institutions in the run up to November's elections.Santorum described as "clearly political" the length of time Obama waited to announce the latest sanctions against Russia, with the real motive being to destabilize the incoming administration, adding that it was a decision that won't "go down as a bright spot for the Obama presidency.""Some of th
  • U.S-Israel foreign policy collision

    U.S-Israel foreign policy collision
    Donald Trump has a new best friend."President-elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear-cut support of Israel," gushed Bibi Netanyahu, after he berated John Kerry in a fashion that would once have resulted in a rupture of diplomatic relations.Netanyahu accused Kerry of "colluding" in and "orchestrating" an anti-Israel, stab-in-the-back resolution in the Security Council, then lying about it. He offered to provide evidence of Kerry's complicity and mendacity to President Trum
  • America's Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

    America's Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia
    The U.S. government's plan to conquer Russia is based upon a belief in, and the fundamental plan to establish, "Nuclear Primacy" against Russia — an American ability to win a nuclear war against, and so conquer, Russia.This concept became respectable in U.S. academic and governmental policymaking circles when virtually simultaneously in 2006 a short-form and a long-form version of an article endorsing the concept, which the article's two co-authors there named "nuclear primacy," were publi
  • 2017 – A Return to the Path, A Return to the Sacred

    2017 –  A Return to the Path, A Return to the Sacred
    Dylan Charles, Editor
    Waking Times
    With the dawn of a new year, as we move beyond the winter solstice and the days again begin to grow, reflection on life and events past offers an opportunity for course correction and for re-plotting our purpose on this priceless journey of life.
    We are all bound together on this beautiful planet; the good and the wicked, the peaceful and the violent, the rulers and the ruled, the rich and those who toil for their existence. We are one and the same, all of us
  • The militarization of America - Army, Navy, Air Force, EPA

    The militarization of America - Army, Navy, Air Force, EPA
    From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of - EPA? If sending Marines, Navy Seals, and Delta force to the world's trouble spots doesn't work, we could also send the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Both agencies have military equipment, weapons, SWAT teams, drones, and highly trained "Special Agents;" so do many others not traditionally considered law enforcement agencies.A new report from transparency watchdog group Open the Book
  • Israel's never-ending crimes: It's not just settlements

    Israel's never-ending crimes: It's not just settlements
    Last week, the world stood fixated at a largely symbolic gesture by the United Nations in which it found the continued Israeli occupation of the West Bank of Palestine to be illegal. Or did it?Although the UN Security Council, with rare uniformity, chastised Israel for flouting the law of occupation, the resolution, crafted with ambiguous lawyerly precision, left experienced thinkers on the subject debating just what it means.In its most ambitious read, some would argue it appears that the decre
  • Turkish plane takes Daesh terrorists from Aleppo to Yemen

    Turkish plane takes Daesh terrorists from Aleppo to Yemen
    Yemeni sources say a Turkish plane transporting scores of Daesh Takfiri terrorists has landed in the Aden International Airport in southern Yemen.Yemen's al-Masirah news website reported that the plane carried 150 terrorists who were evacuated from Syria's northwestern city of Aleppo after Syrian government forces fully retook control of the city.On December 22, the Syrian army said Aleppo had completely returned to government control after the last batch of civilians and militants were evacuate
  • New Year's present: Russia gives Syria airborne hospital

    New Year's present: Russia gives Syria airborne hospital
    As Russia's Emergencies Ministry wraps up its medical mission in Aleppo, it is leaving behind its leftover medical equipment and medicine stockpiles as a gift from Russia to Syria. Syria now has a hospital outfitted to be airlifted to wherever needed.The ministry dispatched the hospital and medical personnel to Syria in November as the fight for the eastern part of Aleppo turned in favor of the government forces. Over the month, it has treated over 1,500 patients, most of whom were women and chi
  • Iran warns off US fighters and spy drones during military drill

    Iran warns off US fighters and spy drones during military drill
    On December 28, Iran said that its air defenses had warned off several US fighter planes and drones during an ongoing military drill. In an interview with Sputnik Persian, prominent Iranian political analyst Sabbah Zanganeh described the US behavior as a provocation."In the past three days of military drills, air defense has given warnings to 12 aircraft of trans-regional countries to stay away from the country's airspace," General Abbas Farajpour told the semi-official Tasnim news agency.The ag
  • Evidence backs claim that Killary armed ISIS

    Evidence backs claim that Killary armed ISIS
    Documents made public by the Washington watchdog group Judicial Watch and separately by Wikileaks Julian Assange back up Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's assertion on Tuesday that U.S.-led coalition forces have given support to terror groups, including ISIS in Syria.In an interview with Democracy Now's Juan González on July 25, Assange said the thousands of documents released by Wikileaks through its "Hillary Clinton Email Archive" contain some 1,700 emails that connect Clinton to al-Qa
  • CDC considers lowering threshold for elevated childhood blood lead levels by 30%

    CDC considers lowering threshold for elevated childhood blood lead levels by 30%
    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering lowering its threshold for elevated childhood blood lead levels by 30 percent, a shift that could help health practitioners identify more children afflicted by the heavy metal.Since 2012, the CDC, which sets public health standards for exposure to lead, has used a blood lead threshold of 5 micrograms per deciliter for children under age 6. While no level of lead exposure is safe for children, those who test at or above that level
  • 2016's top-selling pharmaceuticals are sign that the standard American diet is killing us

    2016's top-selling pharmaceuticals are sign that the standard American diet is killing us
    Our food supply is being compromised and bastardized by corporations who profit handsomely by feeding the American public ever-more processed, modified, and chemical-laden foods. As if this were some kind of revolving door conspiracy, when food makes us sick, we spend more money on healthcare, and a look at the most prescribed medications of 2016 make it clear there is a direct link between poor food and poor health in America.The 2016 list of the 50 most prescribed medications in America, as re
  • 2016: The year Washington lost its mind

    2016: The year Washington lost its mind
    Seismic is the only word to describe 2016, especially when describing the US-Russia relationship.Paraphrasing Gramsci, it was a year in which we witnessed the dying of the old world and the birth of the new. By no means, however, has the birth been painless. And nor is it complete.Western hegemony-geopolitical, military, cultural, and economic-has never been so fiercely contested as it was in 2016. Surveying a year in which anti-Russian hysteria became the new normal in Washington, London, and P
  • Pennsylvania State Police in manhunt for armed cop killer

    Pennsylvania State Police in manhunt for armed cop killer
    Pennsylvania State Police are searching for the killer Landon Weaver, a state trooper gunned down in Hesston. The fugitive has been identified as Jason Robison, a white male, aged 32, who is considered armed and dangerous.Police have released a photo of Robison, but say his hair may be dyed purple.
  • Teenage violence spreads like a contagious infection among friends

    Teenage violence spreads like a contagious infection among friends
    Adolescents who engaged in violent activities were more likely to have friends-and friends of friends-who had been violent, a new study shows."Violent acts tend to cluster through social networks, and they spread like a contagious disease spreads from one person to another," the study's senior author Brad Bushman said in a phone interview.A psychology and communications professor at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Bushman analyzed interviews from the 1990s with nearly 6,000 American stude
  • Floods leave 50 dead and thousands homeless in Boma, Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Floods leave 50 dead and thousands homeless in Boma, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    A storm and torrential rain in the port city of Boma in the Democratic Republic of Congo earlier this week caused severe flooding after the Kalamu river to burst its banks on Tuesday, 27 December 2016.The government of Kongo Central province says that at least 50 people have died in the floods. Over 1,000 homes have been destroyed and many others damaged, leaving as many as 10,000 homeless.Governor Jacques Mbadu Nsitu visited Boma on 27 December. He said that levels of the river rose dramaticall
  • Philly zoo euthanizes 25yo lioness for being too old & inactive

    Philly zoo euthanizes 25yo lioness for being too old & inactive
    As if our favorite movie and music stars weren't enough, 2016 has managed to cram another death into its busy schedule - that of America's oldest African lion, 25-year-old Zenda, who was euthanized in the Philadelphia Zoo."Philadelphia Zoo announced today that Zenda, a 25-year-old female African lion, was euthanized on Thursday, December 29th due to an acute decline in her mobility and behavior," the Philadelphia Zoo said in a statement.
  • Coast Guard suspending search and rescue operations for plane that vanished over Lake Erie

    Coast Guard suspending search and rescue operations for plane that vanished over Lake Erie
    The search for a plane that vanished over Lake Erie has been shelved by the US Coast Guard. The plane was carrying six passengers, including a beverage distribution company executive, his wife and their two sons.An aircraft headed to Ohio State University Airport on Thursday vanished over Lake Erie shortly after takeoff from Cleveland, Ohio. The Coast Guard suspended their search-and-rescue efforts Friday to allow local authorities to begin recovering the plane and victims.John T. Fleming, CEO o
  • The standard American diet is killing us: The top 10 prescribed pharmaceuticals of 2016

    The standard American diet is killing us: The top 10 prescribed pharmaceuticals of 2016
    Our food supply is being compromised and bastardized by corporations who profit handsomely by feeding the American public ever-more processed, modified, and chemical-laden foods. As if this were some kind of revolving door conspiracy, when food makes us sick, we spend more money on healthcare, and a look at the most prescribed medications of 2016 make it clear there is a direct link between poor food and poor health in America.The 2016 list of the 50 most prescribed medications in America, as re
  • The Secret Government - 1987: The Reagan-Bush Years

    The Secret Government - 1987: The Reagan-Bush Years
    When the US went off the tracks for realBill Moyers got it more right than he realized back in 1987.That was nearly 30 years ago if you're counting.A master of deceit and treachery, the son and grandson of traitors, George H. W. Bush, Sr. leveraged his CIA and drug business contacts into a complete subversion of the Constitution.The last 30 years - Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama - have been all about keeping this criminal enterprise on track while simultaneously training the weapons of war on American
  • Michelle Obama's big failure: House Freedom Caucus wants Trump to rethink school lunches

    Michelle Obama's big failure: House Freedom Caucus wants Trump to rethink school lunches
    The conservative House Freedom Caucus wants Donald Trump to "rethink" restrictions imposed on food served in public schools within the first 100 days from taking office.The caucus posted a list of hundreds of regulations and rules the president-elect should consider eliminating or modifying after he's sworn in as the president of the United States Jan. 20, including the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act championed by first lady Michelle Obama.The caucus lists the act among its "recommended list o
  • Latest Russian sanctions underscores the vindictiveness and pettiness of Obama administration

    Latest Russian sanctions underscores the vindictiveness and pettiness of Obama administration
    The new American sanctions against Russia are a comedy show and a slap in the face, as there is no real evidence to Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 election, say experts.The outgoing Obama administration has announced new anti-Russia sanctions that include the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats from the US. The move comes "in response to the Russian government's aggressive harassment of US officials and cyber operations aimed at the US election," Obama said in a statement on Thursday.Mo
  • In the shadows of Silicon Valley more than one-third of schoolchildren are homeless

    In the shadows of Silicon Valley more than one-third of schoolchildren are homeless
    Tech economy is drawing new inhabitants and businesses but is contributing to dislocation, leaving families, teachers and even principals with housing woes.Every night for the past year or so, Adriana and Omar Chavez have slept in an RV parked in East Palo Alto, a downtrodden community in Silicon Valley.On a recent morning before sunrise, they emerged on to the empty street. Omar showed his phone to his wife: 7.07am. "Shall I wake up the girls?" he said, his breath visible in the freezing air.He
  • Persistent dense fog blankets Persian Gulf countries

    Persistent dense fog blankets Persian Gulf countries
    An unusually long-lasting bank of sea fog has been wandering over the waters of the Gulf. This has invaded all Gulf countries in the past few days, causing travel delays.Cold air has been drawn down in a series of chilling outbreaks from just west of the Urals. This brought winter to the Levant, thundery flooding to Iraq and snow to Iran.Cold air over warm water causes evaporation until the point where the air will take no more. At this point, fog forms and if the wind is light, it hangs around
  • Thick fog blanketing much of the planet as flash-freezes bring record-cold temperatures

    Thick fog blanketing much of the planet as flash-freezes bring record-cold temperatures
    The December 2016 ALTA report otherwise known as the Webbot Report predicted flash freeze events, out of season weather patterns and bizarre fog events across the Northern hemisphere, among other things. This is a list of "Hits" the webbots got correct in weather prediction.
  • Master Judoka Putin "The Gracious" & the "Lame Duck" Obama he outclasses in every way

    Master Judoka Putin "The Gracious" & the "Lame Duck" Obama he outclasses in every way
    The typical pettiness and vengefulness of the Obama administration was at full display with yesterday's expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and the closing of two Russian estates in New York and Maryland. Obama also sanctioned the Russian external intelligence service FSB and the military intelligence service GRU as well as some of its leaders for doing their job.
    The move was ostensibly over alleged but completely unproven Russian "hacking" to influence the U.S. election. But the real reason is l
  • Top news bloopers of 2016

    Top news bloopers of 2016
    As 2016 draws to a close, there has been much reflection about how bumpy of a year it was: Wars continued, tragedies occurred across the country (and the world), the police state grew, and the US experienced one of the most heated and controversial election seasons in history.So, perhaps a more light-hearted look at 2016 is in order, to balance things out.Here are two compilations of some of the most hilarious news bloopers of the year, courtesy of News Be Funny Videos.
  • Woman rides jumping cow after being denied horse as a girl in New Zealand

    Woman rides jumping cow after being denied horse as a girl in New Zealand
    An 18-year-old in New Zealand has trained her cow to jump after being denied her own riding horse as a girl.Hannah Simpson shared video of her 7-year-old Brown Swiss cow Lilac leaping over a large tree root on her family's farm."Here's a video, not the best but it'll do," she wrote.Simpson's bond with Lilac began when she was 11 years old and her brother suggested she ride the six-month-old calf after her parents would not give her a horse, she told the New Zealand Herald.
  • The spirit of giving: Lonely homeless man 'froze to death' as families watch New Year pantomime

    The spirit of giving: Lonely homeless man 'froze to death' as families watch New Year pantomime
    Police were called to Solomons Road in Chatham, Kent, in sub-zero temperatures at 3.20am yesterday when the man, known locally as Greg, was discovered.He had been sleeping rough with a group of three friends near the Central Theatre where TV Dancing on Ice star and Olympic gold medallist Robin Cousins was starring in Jack and the Beanstalk.The tragedy comes less than a week after another homeless man, Michael McCluskey, was found dead a few minutes' walk away in Chatham High Street on Christmas
  • Precious snowflake syndrome: The most ridiculous college protests of 2016

    Precious snowflake syndrome: The most ridiculous college protests of 2016
    As we close the book on 2016, it's time to look back on the year on American college campuses. It was another year filled with protests, many fueled by Republican Donald Trump's victory. Here are the top ten most ridiculous college protests of 2016:Cornell Students Hold A Post-election "Cry in"Cornellians held a "cry in" over hot chocolate to "mourn" Trump's victory on campus. The Cornell Daily Sun reports that students, "sat in a circle to share stories and console each other, organizers encour
  • Trump inauguration cuts way down on pomp, circumstance - wants administration to get right to work

    Trump inauguration cuts way down on pomp, circumstance - wants administration to get right to work
    President-elect Donald J. Trump's inauguration will have less official celebration throughout the day and evening so he can focus on getting right to work on behalf of the American people, officials involved in the planning process tell Breitbart News. The inauguration itself will be less focused on the donor class and ritzy Washington insiders as in years past and more focused on the regular working class people across the country for whom Trump has become the champion."The inauguration and ina
  • Something rotten in the US: This Russia story stinks

    Something rotten in the US: This Russia story stinks
    In an extraordinary development Thursday, the Obama administration announced a series of sanctions against Russia. Thirty-five Russian nationals will be expelled from the country. President Obama issued a terse statement seeming to blame Russia for the hack of the Democratic National Committee emails.The capital's paper of record crashes legacy media on an iceberg"These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian government," he wrote.R
  • Happy New Year! Here are some of the ridiculous new state laws that will take effect January 1st

    Happy New Year! Here are some of the ridiculous new state laws that will take effect January 1st
    Back in September we wrote about what we thought for sure would be the wackiest new state law passed in 2016. The law came from the state of California (of course) and demanded a 40% reduction in methane gas from cow flatulence by 2030.Here's what we had to say about the bill:In yet another attack on California businesses, yesterday Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill (SB 1383) that requires the state to cut methane emissions from dairy cows and other animals by 40% by 2030.The bill is y
  • Top secret Snowden document reveals what the NSA knew about previous Russian hacking

    Top secret Snowden document reveals what the NSA knew about previous Russian hacking
    To date, the only public evidence that the Russian government was responsible for hacks of the DNC and key Democratic figures has been circumstantial and far short of conclusive, courtesy of private research firms with a financial stake in such claims. Multiple federal agencies now claim certainty about the Kremlin connection, but they have yet to make public the basis for their beliefs.Now, a never-before-published top-secret document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden suggests the NSA ha

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