• US and China need ‘climate armistice’ to meet net zero, says former head of CSIRO

    US and China need ‘climate armistice’ to meet net zero, says former head of CSIRO
    ‘Climate change is a global problem. It needs that global level of collaboration,’ says Larry MarshallGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastThe world needs a “climate armistice” between the US and China if net zero emissions are to be reached while Australia should hone its efforts on a few key areas where it has an unusual competitive edge, Larry Marshall, the former CSIRO chief executive, said.Speaking ahead of Tuesday’s budget i
  • Octopus turns 8: Celebrates with doughnut deal

    Octopus turns 8: Celebrates with doughnut deal
    Octopus Energy, the UK’s largest electricity supplier, is celebrating its eighth anniversary by offering complimentary doughnuts from Greggs to customers enrolled in its ‘Octoplus’ rewards programme until 12th May.The offer complements various benefits available through ‘Octoplus‘, including discounted meals, free festival tickets, discounted cinema tickets and National Trust passes.
    Nearly 1.5 million Octopus customers have already joined ‘Octoplus’, ea
  • Push for clear grandfathering rules in government’s electricity market review

    Push for clear grandfathering rules in government’s electricity market review
    Energy UK has expressed its support for the government’s consultation on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA), emphasising the importance of clarity for existing investments and the need for robust carbon pricing to drive decarbonisation efforts.
    Members of Energy UK believe that full grandfathering is crucial for existing assets, such as Contracts for Difference (CfDs), Capacity Market (CM) agreements and Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs), where investment decisi
  • Ofgem proposes compensation increase for energy suppliers’ failures

    Ofgem proposes compensation increase for energy suppliers’ failures
    Ofgem has proposed an increase in compensation payments for consumers affected by service failures from energy suppliers, raising the amount from £30 to £40 if suppliers fail to meet the Guaranteed Standards of Performance (GSoP).
    These standards, established in 2015, cover various areas such as appointment keeping, meter fault resolution and switching processes, with the proposed increase aiming to keep compensation in line with inflation and ensure fair recompense for consumers.Bet
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