• Rose Dugdale obituary

    Rose Dugdale obituary
    English heiress who gave away her money and joined the Provisional IRA in the 1970sOn the night of 26 April 1974, 19 prized masterpieces were stolen at gunpoint from Russborough House, County Wicklow, the home of Sir Alfred Beit, a former Conservative MP and South African mining heir.The haul included paintings by Goya, Velázquez, Vermeer, Rubens, Hals, Gainsborough and Guardi. It was one of the largest art heists in history. The IRA gang had tricked their way into the stately home south
  • More young people being radicalised online, says UK counter-terror officer

    More young people being radicalised online, says UK counter-terror officer
    Senior detective warns children are accessing extreme material as a result of lockdowns, after a 20-year-old was jailed on MondayA senior counter-terrorism officer has warned that children and young people are increasingly being radicalised online after spending long periods on the internet during the pandemic.Det Supt Andy Meeks said a growing number of vulnerable people were accessing extreme material after spending hours unsupervised online. Continue reading...

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