• Do you feel more Irish than Australian?

    Do you feel more Irish than Australian?
    EditorialThe big news for me this week was the spreading of the idea that councils can decide what books libraries should have on their shelves to that normal paragon of library-ness, Australia. In descriptions that sound almost identical to similar debates in the USA, one said it was a matter of following their religion. Meanwhile, in Ireland, such challenges are being met with a strengthening in the power of libraries in being able to oppose those who wish to direct what others are allowed to
  • Raising pay is crucial step in ending social care crisis

    Raising pay is crucial step in ending social care crisis
    Commenting on a Policy Exchange report that argues against plans to raise care worker pay, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said today (Sunday):
    “Social care is an essential public service. But the government has treated care as an optional extra, starved the sector of funding and done nothing to end poverty pay for care workers.
    “That’s why care companies are really struggling to recruit and keep staff. Social care is in a desperate state and minis

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