• Who Does What In English Public Libraries

    I was asked the other day by someone reasonably senior in a library service for a guide for which bodies do what in the public libraries sector. It strikes me that I’ve never actually seen one so I’ve started creating one. It’s simple and misses a few things – sorry Carnegie and ASCEL, there’s note enough space and I’m not going to touch the minefield of volunteer libraries and parish councils – but should give some ideas. Also, some of it is o
  • Black members debate how to tackle knife crime

    On the final morning of UNISON’s Black member’s conference, delegates opened with an emotional debate on the tragic toll of knife crime and how to combat the problem.
    Paulette Whyte for the national Black members’ committee reported that police had recorded over 39,000 knife offences for the year to the end of June 2018 – a rise of 12%.
    “This cannot carry on,” she said, before quoting Martin Hewitt, an assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan Police in Londo

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