• Brexit ruling: senior Tories urge May to scrap article 50 appeal

    Brexit ruling: senior Tories urge May to scrap article 50 appeal
    Letwin, Grieve and Garnier call for appeal against Brexit ruling to be dropped to avoid legal risks and save time and moneySenior Tories have urged Theresa May to scrap the government’s appeal against a high court ruling which states that parliament must vote on leaving the EU.
    Oliver Letwin, the former head of the government’s Brexit preparations, has called on the prime minister to abandon its supreme court appeal over the decision on article 50, the mechanism that triggers exit ne
  • Scrap article 50 court appeal, senior Tories urge May

    Scrap article 50 court appeal, senior Tories urge May
    Letwin, Grieve and Garnier call for appeal against Brexit ruling to be dropped to avoid legal risks and save time and moneySenior Tories have urged Theresa May to scrap the government appeal against a high court ruling which states that parliament must vote on leaving the EU.
    Oliver Letwin, the former head of the government’s Brexit preparations, has called for the prime minister to abandon the supreme court appeal over the decision on article 50, the mechanism that triggers exit negotiati
  • 'Extreme surveillance' becomes UK law with barely a whimper - The Guardian

    'Extreme surveillance' becomes UK law with barely a whimper - The Guardian
    The Guardian
    'Extreme surveillance' becomes UK law with barely a whimper
    The Guardian
    A bill giving the UK intelligence agencies and police the most sweeping surveillance powers in the western world has passed into law with barely a whimper, meeting only token resistance over the past 12 months from inside parliament and barely any from ...
    UK parliament rubberstamps mass surveillance lawTechCrunch
    'Snoopers' Charter' Set To Become Law In UKDark Reading
    The UK's far-reaching surveillance b
  • When wills go bad: ‘It was the cruellest thing you could imagine’

    When wills go bad: ‘It was the cruellest thing you could imagine’
    The mother who left all her money to animals rather than her daughter. The man forced to read out a catalogue of his father’s failings. Wills can leave emotional scarsTwo years ago, my partner and I finally wrote proper wills. The basic instructions for guardianship of our young children, written years before, were no longer fit-for-purpose. We were prompted by Will Aid, a charitable scheme that runs every November. It was hard to resist its logic: it is irresponsible not to sort out your
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  • UK must cherish respect for law, Open Records Act - Lexington Herald Leader

    UK must cherish respect for law, Open Records Act - Lexington Herald Leader
    Lexington Herald Leader
    UK must cherish respect for law, Open Records Act
    Lexington Herald Leader
    UK's assertion that it, alone, can decide when a record should be released flies in the face of the open-records law passed by the General Assembly in 1976. It's easy to get lost in UK President Eli Capilouto's assertions that the university is only ...

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