• Israel – winds of change are blowing

    Israel elections are due on April 9th and the upcoming challenger to Netanyahu is former Chief of General Staff of Defence Forces, Benny Gantz. Gantz has no political experience but is appealing to the anyone-but-Netanyahu vote and deliberately keeping his policies vague.
    Born 9 June 1959, he is a Sun Mercury in Gemini with a lively Venus, Mars and Uranus in Leo. Tr Neptune is square his Sun over the election into May which doesn’t look overly hopeful. Thoug
  • Meng Wanzhou – a powerful lady

    Meng Wanzhou, deputy chairwoman and chief financial officer of the telecom giant Huawei, China’s largest private company, founded by her father, is being processed in Canada for extradition to the USA on charges including fraud linked to the alleged violation of sanctions on Iran. China is describing it as a ‘political incident’ and has expressed ‘resolute opposition’ to the proceedings.
    Born 13 February 1972 (wiki) she has a powerful
  • Johnny Depp & Amber Heard – back for round two

    Johnny Depp has filed a $50 million defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard over her domestic violence accusations which he claims were false and ‘were part of an elaborate hoax to generate positive publicity for Ms Heard and advance her career.’ The lawsuit goes on to say that the allegations made by Heard against Depp were refuted by ‘two separate responding police officers, a litany of neutral third-party witnesses, and 87

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