• Large Hellenistic sanctuary complex unearthed in Cyprus

    The Department of Antiquities of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works has announced the completion of the 2019 excavation season at the location of Pachyammos, Geroskipou (Plot 223) under the direction of Archaeological Officer Dr Eustathios Raptou, for the purposes of a development project for the construction of a hotel unit.View of the ‘peristyle in antis’ temple [Credit: Dept. of Antiquities,Republic of...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full
  • Royalty theory to 'brutally-killed' Rosemarkie Man

    A Pictish man who was "brutally killed" 1,400 years ago could have been royalty, say researchers. Archaeologists found the man's skeleton buried in a recess of a cave at Rosemarkie in the Black Isle.The Pictish man's skeleton was discovered during a cave excavation in the Black Isle[Credit: RoseMarkie Caves Project]In 2017, scientists made a facial reconstruction of the man during a forensic examination of his remains, which found...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full li
  • Finds from Celtic grave found in Zurich analyzed

    The tree coffin burial of a Celtic woman, which was discovered in March 2017 during construction work on the Kern school building, was examined by the Archaeology City of Zurich in an interdisciplinary evaluation. The bones and the unusual burial objects were carefully documented, salvaged, preserved and evaluated. Thus the grave can be assigned to the Late Iron Age around 200 BC. Of the artefacts that have been found, a string of...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full li
  • Iron Age settlement found in Cambridgeshire

    Earlier this year, OA East completed a seven-month excavation on the outskirts of Warboys, Cambridgeshire. This 4-hectare site produced late Iron Age, Roman and Saxon remains and hosted a team of volunteers.The experts were helped by volunteers from the Warboys Archaeology Group[Credit: Oxford Archaeology East]The excavation followed an evaluation of the site which was undertaken by OA East in May 2018. From this, it was suspected...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full li
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  • Neolithic burials, Iron Age site found in Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia

    Archaeologists of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) have been excavating in Heek-Nienborg (Borken district in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) due to the expansion of an industrial estate. They not only uncovered an Iron Age settlement, but also unexpectedly discovered several graves from the Neolithic period.The archaeologists surprisingly found several graves from the Neolithic period, which were providedwith numerous...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full li
  • Three temples and a Greek theatre resurface in Sicily's Messina

    Three temples and a Greek theatre are the most important discoveries of the excavation campaigns underway, also this year, at the site of the city of Halaesa Archonidea, near Tusa in the Sicilian province of Messina.Credit: La RepubblicaArchaeologists from the Universities of Amiens, Sorbonne and the Ecole du Louvre, directed by Michela Costanzi are working on the site of the ancient theatre, while a second mission from the...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, ot

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