• Labour Pledges Rights For EU Nationals And UK Workers, With Parliament Veto On Brexit

    Labour Pledges Rights For EU Nationals And UK Workers, With Parliament Veto On Brexit
    A Labour government would bring in new laws to protect the rights of workers and EU nationals under Brexit - and give Parliament a possible veto on any deal with Brussels.
    Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer will seek to heal the party’s wounds over the issue with a general election pledge to “reject a reckless Tory Brexit”.
    With Labour constituencies split between areas that voted Leave and Remain in last year’s EU referendum, Starmer will argue that he would get a bet
  • Marine Le Pen Temporarily Steps Down As Front National Leader To Widen Support

    Marine Le Pen Temporarily Steps Down As Front National Leader To Widen Support
    Far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen says she is temporarily stepping down as Front National leader in what is seen as an effort to avoid her party’s label scuppering her chances of victory.
    The announcement means Le Pen will still advance to the presidential run-off on May 7 with Emmanuel Macron, but not under the party’s banner.
    The FN was founded by her father, Jean Marie, in 1972, and Le Pen has attempted to de-toxify the party’s racist, anti-Semitic image in recen
  • Ukip Donor Arron Banks Accused Of 'Chickening Out' After Ditching Clacton Election Bid

    Ukip Donor Arron Banks Accused Of 'Chickening Out' After Ditching Clacton Election Bid
    Ukip donor Arron Banks will NOT stand to be an MP in the Essex seaside town of Clacton just days after signalling he would run.
    The multi-millionaire diamond mine-owning insurance tycoon who has bankrolled Ukip and played a key role in Brexit - funding the Leave.EU campaign - said he wasn’t going to “leap over” the most likely local candidate for the party.
    Banks was inspired to stand as part of his ongoing feud with Douglas Carswell, the ex-Tory-turned-Ukip MP for the constit
  • Tim Farron Refuses Again To Say If He Thinks Gay Sex Is A Sin

    Tim Farron Refuses Again To Say If He Thinks Gay Sex Is A Sin
    Tim Farron has again refused to answer whether he believes gay sex is a sin or not.
    The Lib Dem leader,who is a committed Christian, has been under pressure to clear up his view on LGBT rights.
    “I am not going to give you an answer to that question,” he told Sky News’ Darren McCaffrey on Monday afternoon when asked.
    “One’s personal faith is one’s personal faith. What counts is your actions and beliefs in politics.”
    Farron was pressed on the issue as he l
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  • Clock ticking

    Clock ticking
    What will snap election mean for a host of government bills yet to be approved by Parliament?
  • 'Getting radical'

    'Getting radical'
    UKIP searches for a new unique selling point after Theresa May steals a march on Brexit.
  • Lib Dems Target Pro-Brexit Labour MP Kate Hoey In Remain Voting Vauxhall

    Lib Dems Target Pro-Brexit Labour MP Kate Hoey In Remain Voting Vauxhall
    Tim Farron has said if Donald Trump can become president of the United States, then the Lib Dems can unseat pro-Brexit Labour MP Kate Hoey in Vauxhall as “anything can happen in politics” now.
    Hoey is defending a sizable 12,708 majority in the south London seat. However 79% of her constituents voted ‘Remain’ at the EU referendum.
    The Lib Dems are running an explicitly pro-EU general election campaign with the promise of a second referendum and have their eyes set on taki
  • 'Children Are Being Poisoned Now!' Fury As Tories Delay Publishing Air Quality Plan

    'Children Are Being Poisoned Now!' Fury As Tories Delay Publishing Air Quality Plan
    The Tories were today accused of allowing children and pregnant women to be poisoned by toxic fumes by refusing to publish a long-awaited plan to improve air quality.
    Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom this afternoon told MPs her proposals for tackling nitrogen dioxide levels would not released until after the election – despite the Government being ordered by the High Court to publish it by 4pm this afternoon.
    Leadsom claimed the plan has been written, but was being held back as it wou
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  • Tories To Replace Labour As Biggest Party In Wales - Shock ITV Wales/YouGov poll

    Tories To Replace Labour As Biggest Party In Wales - Shock ITV Wales/YouGov poll
    Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour are set to be toppled by the Tories as the biggest party in Wales, according to a shock new poll.
    The ITV Wales/YouGov survey puts the Conservatives on 40% to Labour’s 30%, a finding that would make Theresa May’s party the dominant force in the country for the first time in nearly 100 years.
    Plaid Cymru are unchanged on 13%, but UKIP’s vote has collapsed from 13% to 6% since January.
    Labour are down three points, but the Tories have soared by
  • Ukip Accused Of 'Full Throttled Islamophobia' Over Burka-Banning 'Integration Agenda'

    Ukip Accused Of 'Full Throttled Islamophobia' Over Burka-Banning 'Integration Agenda'
    Ukip has been accused of “full throttled Islamophobia” over its new “integration agenda” that includes a pledge to ban the Muslim face veil.
    The agenda also calls for girls at risk of female genital mutilation to undergo annual medical checks and grooming to be made a hate crime if the victim and perpetrator are different races - a reference to the Rotherham grooming scandal that energised the Far Right since it was exposed.
    At the event to launch the agenda, which descen
  • Britain First Celebrates St George's Day By Inventing Word That Already Exists

    Britain First Celebrates St George's Day By Inventing Word That Already Exists
    Self-declared party of patriots, Britain First, celebrated St George’s Day by doing what it does best - cocking things up.
    Leader Paul Golding proudly declared on twitter that he had “coined a new term” to mark the 23rd April. Today I coin a new term: ANGLOPHOBIA. Bigotry and hatred towards the English. Rampant amongst the Left and political class.— Paul Golding (@GoldingBF) April 23, 2017
    ANGLOPHOBIA - has a nice ring to it.
    Unfortunately it’s had a nice
  • Ukip Policy Event Ends With Questions Over Beekeepers' Rights And Paul Nuttall Fleeing Journalists

    Ukip Policy Event Ends With Questions Over Beekeepers' Rights And Paul Nuttall Fleeing Journalists
    Ukip’s first event of the election campaign has seen the party deny they want to ban beekeepers from wearing protective gear and Paul Nuttall run away from journalists.
    The party told reporters it would stand on a platform that included banning the Muslim face veil at a policy announcement in London on Monday - one of a range of policies that Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas condemned as “full-throttled Islamophobia”.
    When one journalist asked if this would extend to bannin
  • Donald Trump's AP Interview And The 15 Most WTF Moments

    Donald Trump's AP Interview And The 15 Most WTF Moments
    Last night the Associated Press released an interview with President Donald Trump to mark his upcoming milestone of 100 days in office.
    Yet in a wide-ranging discussion covering a multitude of topics the most striking thing about the transcript is simply how incoherent it is.Like almost all Trump transcripts, this Trump-AP transcript is bonkers. https://t.co/Tiy53yA75n— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) April 23, 2017
    Despite being a one-on-one interview, AP felt the need to mark Trump’s sp
  • Marine Le Pen 2017 Policies: What Her French Presidential Manifesto Promises

    Marine Le Pen 2017 Policies: What Her French Presidential Manifesto Promises
    Far-right leader Marine Le Pen will face centrist independent Emmanuel Macron in the May 7 run-off of the 2017 French presidential election.
    After securing 21.4 percent of the vote in Sunday’s first round, Le Pen will now proceed to the final round in two weeks time.
    But the Front National (NF) leader has courted controversy throughout the campaign with a protectionist, anti-global vision for France.
    Who is Marine Le Pen?
    Le Pen is a member of a political dynasty stemming back to her fath
  • Philip Davies Claims Men Are A Minority Because Fewer Of Them Suffer Domestic Violence

    Philip Davies Claims Men Are A Minority Because Fewer Of Them Suffer Domestic Violence
    Tory MP Philip Davies has been slammed for arguing men are a vulnerable minority when it comes to domestic violence during a heated exchange with Women’s Equality Party leader Sophie Walker.
    The MP for Shipley faced a barrage of criticism in February for giving a 91-minute speech arguing against a parliamentary bill forcing the government to sign up to the international Istanbul Convention on preventing domestic violence.
    Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme alongside Soph
  • General Election 2017: Energy bill cap 'will hit consumers'

    General Election 2017: Energy bill cap 'will hit consumers'
    Tory plans for a cap on household energy bills will "stop competition", warns one provider.
  • Michael Fallon Denies Trying To 'Smear' Jeremy Corbyn Over Use Of Nuclear Weapons

    Michael Fallon Denies Trying To 'Smear' Jeremy Corbyn Over Use Of Nuclear Weapons
    Defence secretary Michael Fallon has said Theresa May would be willing to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike and denied he was trying to “smear” Jeremy Corbyn as unfit for office.
    Corbyn is facing renewed questions over his fitness to be prime minister after a day of confusion over Labour’s defence policy.
    The Labour leader came under fire from the Conservatives after he appeared to call into question Labour’s commitment to maintaining Britain’s Trident nuclear de
  • The Waugh Zone April 24, 2017

    The Waugh Zone April 24, 2017
    The five things you need to know on Monday, April 24…1) PARIS SPRING
    The French Presidential election is showing that 2017 could turn out to be just as ‘disruptive’ as 2016, but with its own peculiar twists. Yes, the two main parties in France have no candidate in the final round of the contest. But the run-off is a clear choice between someone on the hard right and a globalist centrist moderniser.And (as in the US, though many forget it), the polls were bang on. Emmanuel Mac
  • Tactical Voting Spreadsheet Website Shows 'How To Stop The Tories' In 2017 General Election

    Tactical Voting Spreadsheet Website Shows 'How To Stop The Tories' In 2017 General Election
    The remarkably detailed spreadsheet outlining how to vote tactically in the upcoming General Election to keep the Tories from power has been turned into a website.
    Becky Snowden, 28, created the online document which shows how voters can attempt to defeat an odds-on Conservative victory in June.
    After it was shared far and wide on social media last week she put out a call for help to transform the spreadsheet into a website.Anyone wanting to help turn the spreadsheet into sit
  • GE17: No electronic voter registration for Northern Ireland

    GE17: No electronic voter registration for Northern Ireland
    Legislation to bring in the registration was passed in December but systems not in place for 8 June.
  • General election 2017: 'No apology' for Labour's union ties

    General election 2017: 'No apology' for Labour's union ties
    Jeremy Corbyn will address Scottish trade unionists - as will the SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

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