• US Transportation Secretary Foxx talks autonomous cars in Silicon Valley

    US Transportation Secretary Foxx talks autonomous cars in Silicon Valley
    The Department of Transportation accelerates on the road to autonomy with a proposal to require vehicle to vehicle to vehicle communications in future cars.
  • Swedish group has neon, gay sonar message for Russian subs

    Swedish group has neon, gay sonar message for Russian subs
    "The Singing Sailor" is deployed in the waters off Stockholm, sending a very friendly message to any foreign subs that might pass its way.
  • CES confab breaks attendance record, 2016 registrations will be limited

    CES confab breaks attendance record, 2016 registrations will be limited
    To keep the crowds under control, next year's consumer electronics extravaganza will be capped, and "enhanced credentialing procedures" will make it harder to attend.
  • Meet Milo, a robot helping kids with autism

    Meet Milo, a robot helping kids with autism
    RoboKind's humanoid robot Milo is used to teach social skills to children with autism. Bridget Carey also looks at a few ways today's working robots are more people-friendly.
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  • Do I need a new AV receiver to go with my 4K TV?

    Do I need a new AV receiver to go with my 4K TV?
    If you're planning on getting a 4K TV and 4K Blu-ray player or other 4K HDMI source, and you want to use your receiver to switch video, you might need to upgrade. There are also a few workarounds.
  • Pixar co-founder says smartphone, GoPro filmmaking are the future

    It’s already happening on a small scale, but mobile videography just got a huge nod from Pixar co-founder John Lasseter. Speaking on a panel for ‘The New Audience: Moviegoing in a Connected World’ to an audience at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Lasseter said smartphone videography and GoPros are the future of film making. Some films, like … Continue reading
  • Netflix rumored to get Top Gear hosts for new show ‘House of Cars’

    Top Gear fans have been miserable since the hugely popular BBC show was cancelled earlier this year. A dispute over food resulting in host Jeremy Clarkson punching one of the show's producers got him fired, while co-presenters James May and Richard Hammond left in solidarity, offering hope that the trio would be back in some form or another. BBC has … Continue reading
  • 8 awesome paid iPhone apps on sale for free today

    8 awesome paid iPhone apps on sale for free today
    Our posts on paid iPhone and iPad apps that go on sale for free comprise our most popular recurring series by far. People love taking advantage of limited-time sales on great paid iOS apps, and we’re happy to do our part in eliminating the dozens of low-quality apps that go on sale and focusing only on the best of the bunch. Today, we’ve got eight great options for you and they’re all free for a limited time. There are also still a few free apps in yesterday’s post as well, so be sur
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  • Dear Apple Watch Developers: Please be like Marco

    Apple Watch is going to change a lot of things. It’ll change how other companies consider wearables, and its popularity will certainly make being on the Apple Watch via apps a necessity. Apple Watch is also accelerating how we think about those apps best considered as ‘micro-mobile’; those that are made specifically for wearables. With so many Developers having worked … Continue reading
  • Minecraft “Predator” mod lets you go ghostly

    One Minecraft mod summons thousands of fans with a "Predator-like" set of abilities in 148144 commands. This fellow by the name of Sliced Lime has presented a command block machine for Minecraft which allows the wearer's outfit to change color depending on the block nearest the wearer. The result is a camouflage suit the likes of which we've only otherwise … Continue reading
  • Ultra HD Blu-ray discs announced, for when you can’t stream 4K

    Remember when movies and TV shows used to come in physical formats? No? Well, before everything was available to stream, we had these discs called Blu-rays, and before that they were DVDs. Sure, they're a step backwards compared to the convenience of streaming we have now, but as 4K becomes the standard of high-definition, your internet bandwidth may not have … Continue reading
  • Jem and the Holograms trailer is just the worst

    The first full-length trailer for the live-action movie Jem and the Holograms is released to mixed reviews. If you were looking for something Truly Outrageous, you might be in luck. For all the wrong reasons. What you're going to get isn't the cartoon version of Jem. You're not going to get something campy and fantastical. Instead you're just going to … Continue reading
  • Nokia retail outlets to become ‘Microsoft Authorized Resellers’

    After Microsoft purchased Nokia's phone division last year, it seems we see the Finnish company's name in fewer and fewer places. And it makes sense too; if a company doesn't make phones anymore, their name shouldn't be printed on them. But now there's one less place shoppers around the world will be seeing the Nokia name, because the company's mobile … Continue reading
  • Consumer Reports says Galaxy S5 better than Galaxy S6 (yes, really)

    Our Android readers are probably facing a bit of a dilemma. Should you buy the Galaxy S6, S6 edge, HTC One M9, or LG G4? All very nice flagships, and all have their merits. For some, like HTC One owners, upgrading to the One M9 might not be worth it — HTC just didn’t change enough. Samsung fans are giddy, … Continue reading
  • Engineers 3D printed a working mini jet engine

    It might not be enough to power a real jet, but this mini engine could certainly be the first step to a new method of manufacturing full-size ones. A team of engineers at GE have not only successfully 3D printed a small jet engine that works, but one that can handle 33,000 rotations per minute. But this wasn't made with … Continue reading
  • TCL Roku TVs expanded with 3800 and 3850 Series

    TCL and Roku have announced a couple new lines of smart televisions loaded with Roku’s set-top box software: the 3800 Series comprised of three televisions, and the 3850 Series comprised of four televisions. With these, users are able to enjoy Roku’s software without needing one of the Roku boxes or the streaming stick. These join an already expansive line up … Continue reading
  • Galaxy S6 Active: first leaked image

    Those who are fans of waterproof smartphones were probably sorely disappointed with the release of Samsung's new flagships, the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. While last year's Galaxy S5 was safe from water hazards, the S6 models shed that feature. This is probably why Samsung will be introducing a new model for its Active line, soon to be dubbed the … Continue reading
  • Sony scolded for 20th Anniversary PS4’s unfair contest

    Remember back in December when Sony announced the 20th Anniversary Edition of the PlayStation 4, with only 12,300 units to be sold worldwide? Well, the company has received a scolding of sorts over how the limited edition console was sold in the UK. Here in the U.S., the system was thrown up on a website at a random time, and … Continue reading
  • Must Have PS4 RPG Games in 2015

    We're barely half way through the year, but the current gen PlayStation 4 is already teaming with games it probably makes your head hurt to count them all. And it isn't just the big titles either, with dozens of indie's carving their way into gamers' hearts. But if you're still on the look out for something to while your time … Continue reading
  • Garmin eTrex 20x, 30x handheld GPS bring high-res displays

    Garmin has announced an update to its eTrex handheld GPS devices, the eTrex 20X and 30X. A lot of the features of the original handhelds, as well as their design (more or less), are retained in the upgraded versions, but they bring with them some notable improvements, perhaps the most important of which are high-resolution displays. Both units are designed … Continue reading
  • YotaPhone 2 launches in white with cheaper price, Lollipop

    The YotaPhone 2, the ultimate smartphone status-quo breaker with its rear E-ink display, is receiving a new color variation this week, along with cheaper European pricing and several improvements, namely an update to Android 5.0 Lollipop. Also good news for those in the U.S. who have yet to get their hands on the dual-screen device, manufacturer Yota has said they … Continue reading
  • iPhone 6S tipped to feature Force Touch

    Now that Apple's newest device, the Apple Watch, has been released, and September is a mere three and a half months away, it's time for rumors and predictions about the next iPhone to shift into high gear. The latest bit of speculation comes from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities, and focuses on what we can only assume will be … Continue reading
  • Order a Domino’s pizza just by tweeting emoji

    Remember when ordering a pizza used to be such a hassle? You had to pick up the phone, call the chain you wanted delivery from, tell another human what you wanted, and then sit and wait for it? That process has evolved over the years, thanks to technology. Eventually we were able to order online from a pizza chain's website, … Continue reading
  • Updated Creator CI20: a beefier RPi B+ but MIPS

    When it comes to hackers and makers, no platform and no development board probably rings louder than ARM and the Raspberry Pi. But they not the only options, not by a long shot. Last year, Imagination Technologies, who makes the PowerVR GPUs among other things, reminded us of that other but less talked about geek darling, the MIPS architecture. It … Continue reading
  • Facebook gets deeper into News biz with Instant Articles

    Gone were the days when Facebook was just about telling the world what you're feeling or showing off your latest vacation photos. Today, almost anything and everything is being shared on the social network, including sometimes important news and articles. But reading these longer pieces of information isn't as quick or seamless as reading a status update. Facebook, however, has … Continue reading
  • New microbattery can independently power microchips

    As electronic devices keep scaling down, batteries need to find a way to maintain performance under smaller size constraints. Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have created an incredibly thin, high-performance, 3D microbattery, which could be the answer to powering individual microchips apart from any separate power source. The research team printed the tiny power source using a … Continue reading
  • Sonos 5.4 will finally give PLAY:1 some love

    It's been nearly two years since Sonos unveiled its PLAY:1 streaming speakers, though there have definitely been some special editions of it since then. Today, Sonos is showing that it hasn't forgotten about it nor has it abandoned the faithful fans who purchased one. The latest 5.4 update makes the speakers still relevant by improving its output quality. Of course, … Continue reading
  • Halo 5 Collector’s Edition leaked: huge and expensive

    It's still a good five months away before we start to #HuntTheTruth, but it seems that Halo fans will have something more to get excited about before that day comes. It's already expected that Halo 5: Guardians will have a limited Collection Edition set, but, thanks to Gamestop Italy, the public is now privy to what treasures that box hides … Continue reading
  • BitTorrent’s P2P chat Bleep keeps your messages secure across platforms

    In the age where nothing is ever truly erased from the internet, BitTorrent's decentralized chat platform, Bleep, is a welcome service. BitTorrent's Bleep aims to create messages out of the hands of any third parties by using the same peer-to-peer technology popular for pirating movies and music. Bleep's chat platform doesn't store personal data or chat logs anywhere except on … Continue reading
  • Broadcom WICED platform fully certified for Apple HomeKit

    Looks like things are heating up at home. Apple's smart home, that is. Joining a relatively few number of companies, Broadcom has just announced that its WICED platform, which stands for Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices, has been certified to comply with Apple's stringent requirements for HomeKit compatibility. Now anyone who wants to get into the Internet of Things … Continue reading
  • Sprint and Verizon settle FCC’s cramming charges for $158 million

    Verizon and Sprint have settled with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over a series of unauthorized customer charges. The government probe alleged that Sprint and Verizon charged customers subscription fees for third-party services such as horoscope, or daily humor services. Although the lawsuits have only just now been settled, the companies were asked to halt their dubious "premium short … Continue reading
  • How to (sort of) run Windows on your iPad

    How to (sort of) run Windows on your iPad
    Windows PC owners who also happen to own an iPad may have wondered whether they’d be able to use the tablet as a second display for their main computing machine. Starting today, there’s an iOS app for that, one that Mac users might already be familiar with, and one that’s now available for 40% off its regular price to celebrate the new milestone. DON’T MISS: After losing 50 lbs in 3 months, this is the iPhone app that will help keep me on track Dubbed Duet Display, the application has
  • Livescribe+ for Android goes live to bridge analog and digital

    The pen is mightier than the sword, or so they say. And that holds true for some even in this digital age of cloud storage and note-taking apps. And thanks to Livescribe and its line of smartpens, you don't really have to make a hard decision between the two. And now, you don't have to turn into a green-eyed monster … Continue reading
  • MIT reseachers remove unwanted reflections from photos

    Taking photographs through a window can be a mess. Anything behind the camera could be reflected, infiltrating the photograph. It can be difficult to see the intended image due to the photographer's own reflection obscuring the image. In the fictional, TV world of CSI, you could just say, "enhance!" But, until now, it hasn't been so easy to erase photographed … Continue reading
  • NVIDIA GRID calls dibs on 1080p60 game streaming

    If some of the major companies in the gaming industry are to be believed, rentingstreaming games over the Internet is the future. Or at least the distant future. But while that type of business promises no downloads and no installs, it partly sacrifices quality on the altar of convenience. At least until today. NVIDIA is understandably proud to claim that … Continue reading
  • Canon warns EOS 5D DSLR main mirror could detach

    Canon has issued a service advisory warning EOS 5D users that a problem with adhesive could result in the main mirror detaching. The camera's available servicing period comes to an end this upcoming September, making it important that users get the problem fixed soon if it has occurred. The issue itself stems from the adhesive potentially deteriorating over time, causing … Continue reading
  • TripMode for OS X guards your mobile data usage

    With the speeds you get on 4G LTE networks, it’s easy to forget to keep your data use in check while tethering. One thing turns into another, then you realize you’ve burned through half your data in a single day. There are mobile data alerts and limits that can be set on smartphones (though, of course, one might be using … Continue reading
  • iMbrief smart briefcase lets you channel your inner spy

    iMbrief is a briefcase that stands above ordinary briefcases due to the inclusion of all sorts of technology: there’s security features, digital storage options, GPS for tracking its location, a battery to charge devices, and more. This is all wrapped up in a relatively plain-looking briefcase that doesn’t visually stick out in the board room or on the plane. Overall, … Continue reading

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