• Did the Toronto Raptors Winning the NBA Championship Just Predict World War III?

    By using the Gematrinator I have been making some crazy links with my hometown team the Toronto Raptors (who just won the NBA Championship) and 'current events' and it all started with the recent running of the Kentucky Derby and ended with the Raptors victory parade and shooting at Nathan
  • Amazon Cloud Will Host DHS Biometric Data On Hundreds Of Millions Of People

    Home grown Surveillance State: “The department seeks a new platform to identify people using fingerprints, irises and faces, and eventually DNA, palm prints, scars and tattoos.” ⁃ TN EditorThe Homeland Security Department is looking to upgrade the software it uses to analyze biometric data on hundreds of millions of people around the globe, and it plans to store that information in Amazon’s cloud.
    The agency’s Office of Biometric Identification Management will repla
  • Totalitarianism In China: Technocracy or Communism?

    This is a thoughtful article, but it attributes China’s totalitarianism to Communism instead of Technocracy, which is a common misconception. China prizes Technocracy’s “science of social engineering” more than anything else and is creating a Scientific Dictatorship. ⁃ TN EditorThe 30th anniversary on June 4 of the Chinese regime’s 1989 massacre of pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square served to highlight the extreme censorship in China under the l
  • Public v. Big Pharma: Trust In Vaccine Safety Is Eroding

    Blatant propaganda from vaccine manufacturers is wearing thin with the public, especially in more educated areas. In America, 28 percent now question safety and effectiveness of childhood vaccines. However, thanks to Big Pharma’s massive lobby influence in Washington, DC, vaccines are politically mandated whether you like them or not. ⁃ TN EditorTrust in vaccines – one of the world’s most effective and widely-used medical products – is highest in poorer countries bu
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