• Decatur at Pamela, Dalston, restaurant/bar review

    Decatur at Pamela, Dalston, restaurant/bar review
    Decatur’s Chargrilled Oysters with Pamela’s Rhu-Barb Wire cocktail.
    Among the varied set of outlets, pubs and restaurants on the Dalston end of Kingsland Road lies Pamela, a bar where upon entry an unassuming exterior gives way to an interior with a strange theme. All around are pictures of, and artifacts from, famous Pamelas – mostly Anderson, but with a hint of Ayres, Des Barres, Grier, and some who haven’t quite made my mental Rolodex of Pamelas. This could be annoying
  • Hackney Playbus loses its wheels - EastLondonLines

    Hackney Playbus loses its wheels
    Poverty and deprivation in Hackney has been an on-going issue throughout the years, with the borough once rated as the second-most deprived in the country (it's now in 11th place). According to the National Child and Maternal Health and Intelligence ...

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