• Stranger Suggests: Popular Music, Miranda July, Syttende Mai, Belle & Sebastian, SIFF at Home

    Stranger Suggests: Popular Music, Miranda July, Syttende Mai, Belle & Sebastian, SIFF at Home
    One really great thing to do every day of the week.by Audrey VannWEDNESDAY 5/15  
    Popular Music, Style King of the Week, Pseudo Saint
    (MUSIC) If the name Parenthetical Girls means anything to you then you're going to want to be at the Rabbit Box Theatre tonight to witness Popular Music, Zac Pennington's post-Parenthetical Girls project with Australian composer Prudence Rees-Lee. Their 2023 full-length Minor Works plays out like a dramatic, haunting film score. Pennington's evocative vo
  • Help Us Making Social Housing a Success in Seattle

    Help Us Making Social Housing a Success in Seattle
    I-137 can help get social housing like Sonnwendviertel in Vienna off the ground here in Seattle; let's not allow misleading critiques to stop our city from achieving a beautiful, low-carbon future.by Akiksha ChatterjiCan you imagine a Seattle with dense, green, affordable housing in every neighborhood? Housing interwoven with public transit, where essential services such as child care are located within walking, biking, or rolling distance? This future is possible, and social housing can help us
  • Help Us Make Social Housing a Success in Seattle

    Help Us Make Social Housing a Success in Seattle
    I-137 can help get social housing like Sonnwendviertel in Vienna off the ground here in Seattle; let's not allow misleading critiques to stop our city from achieving a beautiful, low-carbon future.by Akiksha ChatterjiCan you imagine a Seattle with dense, green, affordable housing in every neighborhood? Housing interwoven with public transit, where essential services such as child care are located within walking, biking, or rolling distance? This future is possible, and social housing can help us
  • What Biden’s New Title IX Rules Mean for Trans Athletes in Washington

    What Biden’s New Title IX Rules Mean for Trans Athletes in Washington
    Gee, Joseph, that Title IX update sure would help alleviate all this confusion!by Vivian McCallIn April, the Biden Administration finalized revisions to Title IX regulations, the federal policy protecting students from sex-based discrimination.
    The changes should take effect on August 1, and there’s a lot to like about them. The Biden Administration undid Trump-era policies dictating the way K-12 schools, colleges, and universities should respond to sexual crimes, and it also clarified tha
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  • Slog AM: Council Approves Police Union Contract, UW Student Workers Went on Strike, the Orcas Take Another Boat

    Slog AM: Council Approves Police Union Contract, UW Student Workers Went on Strike, the Orcas Take Another Boat
    The Stranger's morning news roundup.by Vivian McCallSTEEERIKE: Six thousand academic student employees (ASEs, aka teaching assistants) hit the picket line yesterday, the day after their union, United Auto Workers (UAW) 4121, announced the unanimous strike vote. That meant that until the University met their demands for better pay, ASEs wouldn’t attend class, hold quiz sections and labs, sit for office hours, or nothin’. Under the current contract, student employees make less than $2,
  • War, Gaza Strip, and the Communicability of Pain

    War, Gaza Strip, and the Communicability of Pain
    The adults who don't feel the pain of Palestinians today are the same as the adults who did not feel the pain of Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War.by Charles MudedeI want to open with an observation concerning America's reception of Israel's current war in the Gaza Strip (which, by the way, has a length that's a little longer than the distance between Seattle and Everett, and, for the most part, a width that almost matches the one between downtown and Lake Washington). After the observati

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