• Pets that inspired Charles Dickens lionised in London exhibition

    Pets that inspired Charles Dickens lionised in London exhibition
    Raven that terrorised writer’s children and later caught attention of Edgar Allan Poe among animals celebratedOf the many compelling characters penned by Charles Dickens, Bull’s-eye and Grip are perhaps as instantly recognisable as their human owners.The bull terrier in Oliver Twist whose viciousness mirrors that of his murderous master, Bill Sikes, and the chatty raven in Barnaby Rudge are among a plethora of animals to feature in his novels. Continue reading...
  • Missing labrador puppy rescued from Sydney embankment – video

    Missing labrador puppy rescued from Sydney embankment – video
    Wilma, an eight-month-old chocolate Labrador who had been missing for most of the day, was trapped on a small ledge, 40 metres down an embankment. One of Wilma’s owners had located her and called Fire and Rescue NSW for help. After securing specialist roping equipment, both pup and owner were hoisted to safety Continue reading...

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