• Cruz Miscalculated at the Convention - RushLimbaugh.com

    Cruz Miscalculated at the Convention - RushLimbaugh.com
    Cruz Miscalculated at the Convention
    RUSH: We go to Elkton, Virginia. This is Darrell. Great to have you with us, sir. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Rush, thanks for taking my call. I wanted to get your take on Ted Cruz's coming out supporting the Republican nominee and said he would vote for Donald ...
    Ted Cruz - Timeline | FacebookFacebook
    NeverHillary - FacebookFacebookall 1,390 news articles »
  • The FBI Investigation into Hillary's Emails Was a Giant Cover-Up for Obama

    The FBI Investigation into Hillary's Emails Was a Giant Cover-Up for Obama
    RUSH: This document dump from Friday, Hillary's emails and what we've learned.  I mean, this is just stunning when we learn that Obama knew all along that she had her own private server and was communicating with her under a pseudonym, a fake name, while Obama has maintained that he didn't know she had a private server until he read about it in the news.  And because now we know Obama knew and was communicating with her under a fake name, we now know that the FBI investigation was a sm
  • Cruz Miscalculated at the Convention

    Cruz Miscalculated at the Convention
    RUSH: I think Ted Cruz is a great conservative, and I always have.  And I think he's trustworthy with conservatism.  This was not handled well.
  • Dems Prep for Caricature of Trump

    Dems Prep for Caricature of Trump
    RUSH: Their prejudices, their bigotry about Trump confounds their strategy and their thinking.  They have created a caricature out of Trump, and it's not who he really is.  And they are going to try to bait him into behaving the way they think he is with characteristics they think he portrays, which is wrong.  And it's gonna bite 'em, or it could.  
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  • Scott Adams Nails It on Trump's "Pacing and Leading" - The Rush ... - RushLimbaugh.com

    Scott Adams Nails It on Trump's "Pacing and Leading" - The Rush ... - RushLimbaugh.com
    Scott Adams Nails It on Trump's "Pacing and Leading" - The Rush ...
    RUSH: You all read the cartoon Dilbert? You've heard of the guy, right? He's got an interesting piece here. It's a very long piece about why he switched his ...
    Why I Switched My Endorsement from Clinton to... | Scott Adams' BlogScott Adams' Blog - Dilbertall 16 news articles »
  • Scott Adams Nails It on Trump - RushLimbaugh.com

    Scott Adams Nails It on Trump - RushLimbaugh.com
    Scott Adams Nails It on Trump
    RUSH: You all read the cartoon Dilbert? You've heard of the guy, right? He's got an interesting piece here. It's a very long piece about why he switched his endorsement from Clinton to Trump. And there are a number of reasons. I want to focus on reason ...
    Why I Switched My Endorsement from Clinton to... | Scott Adams' BlogScott Adams' Blog - Dilbertall 19 news articles »
  • Scott Adams Nails It on Trump's "Pacing and Leading"

    Scott Adams Nails It on Trump's "Pacing and Leading"
    RUSH: You all read the cartoon Dilbert?  You've heard of the guy, right?  He's got an interesting piece here.  It's a very long piece about why he switched his endorsement from Clinton to Trump.  And there are a number of reasons.  I want to focus on reason number five that he gives.  This is really, really insightful. 
  • Trump's Crowds: Does Size Matter?

    Trump's Crowds: Does Size Matter?
    RUSH: It's gone on long enough now, since last summer, every Trump rally is a near, if not full, sellout.  Every Trump rally is loud and raucous and is made up of people personally committed to Trump.  And there's been months and months and months of it. 
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  • The Smartest Woman in the World Needs Lester Holt to Save Her

    The Smartest Woman in the World Needs Lester Holt to Save Her
    RUSH: Smartest woman in the world, more qualified to be president than anybody who's ever been president, but all of a sudden she needs a moderator to point out Trump's lies because she doesn't have time to do that because if that's all she did she wouldn't have time to spell out her vision for America.  The smartest woman in the world.  I think they are lowering expectations for her.  And I think they are -- how do I say this politically?  How do I say this?  I rea
  • Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead! - The Rush Limbaugh Show - RushLimbaugh.com

    Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead! - The Rush Limbaugh Show - RushLimbaugh.com
    Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead! - The Rush Limbaugh Show
    RUSH: Uh-oh. There's gonna be real panic out there now because Nate Silver has just announced that Donald Trump would win if the election were held today.and more »
  • Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead! - RushLimbaugh.com

    Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead! - RushLimbaugh.com
    Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead!
    RUSH: Uh-oh. There's gonna be real panic out there now because Nate Silver has just announced that Donald Trump would win if the election were held today. Trump now has a 54.9% chance of winning the election. Nate Silver. You'd better close the ...and more »
  • Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead!

    Nate Silver: Trump Is Ahead!
    RUSH:  Uh-oh.  There's gonna be real panic out there now because Nate Silver has just announced that Donald Trump would win if the election were held today.  Trump now has a 54.9% chance of winning the election.  Nate Silver.  You'd better close the windows on high buildings where Democrats are in offices.  It's not gonna be pretty.
  • Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio - The Rush Limbaugh Show - RushLimbaugh.com

    Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio - The Rush Limbaugh Show - RushLimbaugh.com
    Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio - The Rush Limbaugh Show
    RUSH: Are you kidding me? The Hillary campaign's writing off Ohio? Let me tell you about Ohio. There's one stat you need to know about Ohio if you believe ...and more »
  • Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio - RushLimbaugh.com

    Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio - RushLimbaugh.com
    Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio
    RUSH: The polls have tightened, I know that, anybody knows that, anybody following this. In fact, there's a story out there describing all of this, and the headline is, "Presidential Race Now a Dead Heat." That's not what the headline ought to be. The ...and more »
  • Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio

    Zeleny: Clinton Gives Up in Ohio
    RUSH: Are you kidding me?  The Hillary campaign's writing off Ohio?  Let me tell you about Ohio.  There's one stat you need to know about Ohio if you believe stats, and that is Republicans do not win the White House if they don't win Ohio.  Another way of putting it that's less confusing without all the double negatives: In order for the Republican historically, statistically, to win the White House, he or she has to win Ohio.  And now Hillary's pulling up stakes an
  • What Is Hillary So Afraid Of?

    What Is Hillary So Afraid Of?
    RUSH: The Clinton campaign has sent marching orders to its Drive-By Media buddies to plaster, which they have done, since yesterday, story after story after story about Trump a liar.  I mean, that's the basic premise.  Donald Trump is a liar and Lester Holt needs to fact check him in the middle of the debate.  Lester Holt needs to challenge Donald Trump on every lie he utters, and that's practically every time he opens his mouth... I have never seen something so transparent.&
  • Morning Update: How It Works

    The FBI complied with a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee. In another late-Friday document dump, the agency released more Hillary email documents. We learned that President Obama used a pseudonym in some emails to Clinton -- that were flowing on her private server. 
  • 'What if she coughs?' Rush Limbaugh starts pre-debate debate over how Trump should respond - BizPac Review

    'What if she coughs?' Rush Limbaugh starts pre-debate debate over how Trump should respond - BizPac Review
    BizPac Review
    'What if she coughs?' Rush Limbaugh starts pre-debate debate over how Trump should respond
    BizPac Review
    One of the biggest questions heading into tonight's presidential debate is one that the moderator will never ask: what if Hillary has a coughing fit—and what should Trump do if she does? Rush Limbaugh posed this question on his show on Friday while ...

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