• POLL: Do you think 2024 will be a free and fair election?

    POLL: Do you think 2024 will be a free and fair election?
    The 2024 election might be the most important in our lifetime, but will your vote count?The past two elections have called the credibility of our electoral system into question. It's clear that voting integrity across the country is failing. But what has been done about it? True, some states have made efforts to shore up their election policy. Still, as Glenn recently covered, Michigan, North Carolina, and other important swing states have passed legislation that makes voting even easier. This,
  • This is why Hunter Biden's conviction is NOT like Trump's

    This is why Hunter Biden's conviction is NOT like Trump's
    Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.Comparing Donald Trump's trial to Hunter Biden's trial isn't like comparing apples to oranges--it's like comparing apples to eggs. They are completely different. They don't even share the same source. The Donald Trump trial comes from a really rotten tree. The other one comes from the butt of a chicken.
    First of all, the Hunter Biden trial only happened after the FBI did everything they could to make his crimes go away. When th
  • There is a spiritual revival in the IDF. Here's how you can be a part of it.

    There is a spiritual revival in the IDF. Here's how you can be a part of it.
    How do you predict the outcome of a war? Is it by the size of the respective armies? The advancement of their military technology? Or perhaps the amount of foreign aid being poured into the government's coffers?
    Not many people would intuitively look to the spiritual health of a nation to predict a geopolitical outcome, but one Rabbi in Israel, Josh Friedman, sees the two as inextricably connected, and he is connecting them through the special commandment of Tefillin.Rabbi Friedman, a 4th genera
  • Did Obama REALLY Have to Lead a Senile Biden Off Stage?

    Did Obama REALLY Have to Lead a Senile Biden Off Stage?
    The White House now insists that it’s “disinformation” to say that President Biden wandered away from G7 leaders while watching parachutists. He wasn’t lost in his own senile world! He was just greeting another parachutist…and had to be dragged back to the rest of the group. Well, over the weekend, Biden allegedly had a similar moment when former president Barack Obama had to allegedly lead him off stage at a massive fundraiser for his campaign. So, what’s th
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  • Glenn Schools CNN: Why America is a REPUBLIC, Not a Democracy

    Glenn Schools CNN: Why America is a REPUBLIC, Not a Democracy
    CNN recently asked Trump supporters about America’s “democracy” and were terrified to discover that they believed we’re not a democracy, but a republic. Well, sorry CNN, but that’s true, no matter what the “experts” claim. Glenn breaks it all down for them and explains why our Founders chose to combine the principles of a republic and a democracy to create the system we have now…or do we? Glenn explains how our system of unelected, faceless bureau
  • Control Freaks: The 'Scientific' Roots of Progressive Tyranny | The Beck Story | Ep 1

    Control Freaks: The 'Scientific' Roots of Progressive Tyranny | The Beck Story | Ep 1
    How did unelected “experts” with their unwavering devotion to “science” rise to such power in American life? More than a century ago, an engineer named Frederick W. Taylor inspired progressive activists with a new concept he called “scientific management.” Future Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis took Taylor’s concept and married it with political power. Brandeis teamed up with President Woodrow Wilson and a powerful senator named Robert La Follette t
  • Why Biden Won't Stop "Racist" Government DEI Programs, But Trump Would

    Why Biden Won't Stop "Racist" Government DEI Programs, But Trump Would
    Former president Donald Trump has proposed an idea to abolish the income tax and replace it with more tariffs on foreign goods. Is this a good strategy if Trump wins the presidency? Sen. JD Vance gives Glenn his take: "We want to tax production less. We want to tax making stuff in China more...it's a really smart idea to reward [Americans] for making things." Plus, Sen. Vance details his proposal to dismantle ALL federal DEI programs: "The way that our federal government has interpreted [diversi
  • Get THE DOCUMENTS for the '3-Pronged-Attack' Glenn TV special

    Get THE DOCUMENTS for the '3-Pronged-Attack' Glenn TV special
    We live in an unprecedented and extraordinary time. Our faith, liberty, private property, free speech, our families... everything is under attack, but we've been given an incredible opportunity to stop it. In this week's Glenn TV Special, Glenn delves into what he calls "the greatest global government power grab in history," a worldwide scheme so large that it makes all others that came before look insignificant by comparison. Glenn dives into how the globalists plan to take control away from in
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  • These five flags prove the importance of celebrating Flag Day

    These five flags prove the importance of celebrating Flag Day
    On this day 247 years ago, the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution of 1777 making the "Stars and Stripes" the official flag of the United States of America.Symbols are a vital part of the identity of a nation. They speak of the values and origins of the country, where they are going, and where they have been. They serve as a benchmark by which to measure the condition of the present society—are we closer to being the people our forefathers imagined all those years ago? T
  • Did Biden Have a Senior Moment In Front of G7 World Leaders?

    Did Biden Have a Senior Moment In Front of G7 World Leaders?
    President Biden's appearance at the G7 summit is turning heads. One video that went viral on social media shows a dazed-looking Biden moving incredibly slowly while watching parachuters, and the Prime Minister of Italy even had to help him. Glenn reviews this senior moment, as well as some of the other ones Biden has had just in the past week! Plus, Glenn reviews Biden's latest announcements about sending even more taxpayer dollars to Ukraine.TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain
  • Can You AFFORD Another Four Years of Biden?

    Can You AFFORD Another Four Years of Biden?
    Inflation continues to rise, housing prices are insane, and our government continues to spend, spend, spend! Meanwhile, the American people are hurting. And what is the Biden administration and mainstream media saying? Everything’s fine! And everything that isn’t fine is somehow Trump’s fault…even after 4 years. Glenn wants you to ask yourself one question before the 2024 election: Can you AFFORD another 4 years of this?
    TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may cont
  • 3-Pronged ATTACK: Globalists’ Plan to END SOVEREIGNTY Revealed | Ep 358

    3-Pronged ATTACK: Globalists’ Plan to END SOVEREIGNTY Revealed | Ep 358
    The largest globalist power grab IN HISTORY is currently underway, thanks to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the European Union. It’s all going down as political chaos rocks Europe: Right-wing factions are beating their globalist counterparts in elections in France, Germany, and Belgium. The elites have pushed too far on food and energy regulation, unfettered immigration, and spending, and the people are rising up. But we can’t let these "wins" distract us, bec
  • Glenn Beck's (pre-fame) enemy list - The Week

    Glenn Beck's (pre-fame) enemy list - The Week
    Glenn Beck's (pre-fame) enemy list  The Week
  • Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens?!

    Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens?!
    BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales has uncovered some massive issues with Michigan’s voting system ahead of the 2024 election. For starters, Michigan’s George Soros-funded Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, tried to allow the state to count ballots received after election day. She has also championed a measure that would allow same-day registration without a photo ID. What could possibly go wrong when there’s ZERO verification, Sara and Glenn say! To make matters worse, the state has
  • East Harlem resident warns Trump is winning over deep-blue stronghold

    East Harlem resident warns Trump is winning over deep-blue stronghold
    Editor's note: The following is an email Glenn received from one of his fans.Dear Glenn, I am a big fan of yours and something happened last week I thought you might find interesting. I recently moved to East Harlem. I have been a New Yorker for more than 20 years, but I had never ventured into this neighborhood before moving here. It is a forgotten land with no close subways and not many businesses. Most people never see this neighborhood. It's dirty: our trash doesn't get picked up regularly,
  • Why is my name on this deep state-backed Ukraine 'disinformation watch list'?

    Why is my name on this deep state-backed Ukraine 'disinformation watch list'?
    Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.On Thursday, Texty.org, a so-called independent media outlet with an editor-in-chief who has ties to the U.S. State Department, placed dozens of American politicians, activists, and media outlets — including Blaze Media and myself — on a list of those who have allegedly shared Russian disinformation and anti-Ukrainian statements. The outlet published an article titled, "Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists.
  • What Europe’s REJECTION of Globalism Means for The World

    What Europe’s REJECTION of Globalism Means for The World
    Left-wing political parties suffered major losses in the recent European Parliament elections, but the media is painting it as a terrifying win for “far-right extremists” who are practically Hitler. Journalist Alex Newman joins Glenn to explain why that’s a “deception.” Newman, who spent over a decade working in Europe, argues that these elections were more proof that people around the world are tired of globalists trying to control their lives. Plus, he explains wh
  • Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE - wbex.iheart.com

    Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE - wbex.iheart.com
    Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE  wbex.iheart.com
  • Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE - iHeart

    Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE - iHeart
    Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE  iHeart
  • Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE

    Why Hunter Biden's Conviction Could BACKFIRE
    Many conservatives celebrated when Hunter Biden was convicted and Glenn think he got a fair trial. But now, there's a chance his trial could be appealed to the Supreme Court and become a gun rights question. So, will gun control activists find a way to spin this? Is there a constitutional argument against this even being a crime? Should conservatives and Second Amendment supporters root for Hunter going to jail for THIS crime? Or will it just distract from all the other evidence we have: "Out of
  • Top FIVE public figures calling out woke mob

    Top FIVE public figures calling out woke mob
    As Glenn says, there is balance in all things. The further the pendulum swings one way, the stronger the counter-force grows.For the past decade, the pendulum has been swinging left so fast that it has been hard to keep up with. What's considered progressive and woke one day is suddenly old-fashioned and intolerant the next. Fortunately, many people (such as yourself) have seen the writing on the wall and have taken a stand against the woke mob that drags us closer and closer to tyranny, despite
  • The REAL Reason Why Glenn is On a US-Funded Ukrainian 'Enemies' List

    The REAL Reason Why Glenn is On a US-Funded Ukrainian 'Enemies' List
    Glenn Beck and The Blaze were both placed on a list calling out Americans who DON'T want to endlessly fund Ukraine without oversight. The list, compiled by a Ukrainian NGO called "Texty" or the "Data Journalism Agency," features hundreds of individuals and companies, including U.S. politicians. But why would Glenn — who is no fan of Vladimir Putin — be on the list? Well, Glenn has a good idea why he might be: He recently exposed the U.S. government's long history with fueling color r
  • Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies - mycharisma.com

    Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies - mycharisma.com
    Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies  mycharisma.com
  • Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies - Charisma Magazine

    Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies - Charisma Magazine
    Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies  Charisma Magazine
  • Why Glenn is SHOCKED Hunter Biden Was Found Guilty

    Why Glenn is SHOCKED Hunter Biden Was Found Guilty
    A jury has found Hunter Biden guilty on all 3 federal felony gun charges and Glenn is shocked. Is this proof, as the media is immediately claiming, that our court system was right about Donald Trump too? Or is there still reason to be concerned? And will Hunter serve a prison sentence – up to 25 years – or will his father, President Biden, bail him out again? Joe has promised not to…but Glenn wonders if that will change after the election is over. Glenn and Stu also discuss wh
  • Best of the Program | 6/11/24 - The Glenn Beck Program - iHeartRadio

    Best of the Program | 6/11/24 - The Glenn Beck Program - iHeartRadio
    Best of the Program | 6/11/24 - The Glenn Beck Program  iHeartRadio
  • What happened to Dylan Mulvaney?

    What happened to Dylan Mulvaney?
    Mulvaney was the left's rising star. Then suddenly he vanished from the scene.Mulvaney's rise to stardom: from social media darling to Biden interviewTransgender star Dylan Mulvaney first rose to attention in March 2022 with his now infamous 'Days of Girlhood" series, which documented his transition. It was this series that brought him to the attention of many conservatives, including Glenn, due to the nauseating persona he adopted to represent his "feminine" personality. As the "Days of Girlhoo
  • Media Sympathizes With HAMAS After Israel Frees Hostages?!

    Media Sympathizes With HAMAS After Israel Frees Hostages?!
    Israel has freed 4 hostages after 245 days of captivity in Gaza. But despite this, many reports in the media are sympathizing with Hamas at least as much as with the hostages! This is something Glenn and Stu have never seen before. Instead of focusing on the hostages, the reports focus on the damage Israel is doing to Gaza (according to Hamas and other Gaza groups). And some have even complained that Israel didn’t WARN Hamas before the raid! Glenn asks how media outlets can continue to tak
  • Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target - wbex.iheart.com

    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target - wbex.iheart.com
    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target  wbex.iheart.com
  • Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target - iHeart

    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target - iHeart
    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target  iHeart

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