In August 2016, Baton Rouge, Louisiana experienced what is now known as the worst natural disaster to strike the United States since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. In one week, approximately six trillion gallons of rain fell onto the historic capital. As a result, over 120,000 business and homes were flooded.
     As we applaud every organization and all volunteers that continue to assist in the rebuild of Baton Rouge, we would like to recognize one individual and company in particular – Lynn C
  • GMB fans tell Piers Morgan off for messaging Emma Watson in Twitter spat live on GMB before slamming him for critising her ‘topless’ photoshoot

    GMB fans tell Piers Morgan off for messaging Emma Watson in Twitter spat live on GMB before slamming him for critising her ‘topless’ photoshoot
    GOOD Morning Britain viewers were left infuriated when Piers Morgan was caught tapping away on his phone live on the show before becoming further enraged when he revealed he was engaged in a Twitter spat with Emma Watson about Feminism and her revealing Vanity Fair photoshoot.
    Piers, 51, claimed the Harry Potter star and vocal Feminist was “having her cake and eating it” by previously criticising popstar Beyonce’s saucy images – yet three years later posing for some of he

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