• The SEIU wants $15 per hour for everyone… except SEIU employees

    The SEIU wants $15 per hour for everyone… except SEIU employees
    Ho hum. Another day, another story of union hypocrisy, this time focusing on our old friends at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), also known as one of the Democrats’ biggest Super PACs. As we’ve all learned by now, the SEIU is very invested in the idea of making sure that workers around the country all receive a “living wage” no matter their occupation. Part and parcel of this effort is the Fight for 15, setting a goal of a $15 per hour minimum wage for al
  • Check Out the ‘Harry Potter Sex Box’

    Check Out the ‘Harry Potter Sex Box’
    Click here for reuse options!It’s never too late to dirty up a childhood favorite. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone first hit the U.S. 18 years ago. And while we can probably all point to a few Harry Potter fans who started as adults, that could be framed as a happy accident—because the books that started the $15 billion brand were written with one specific demographic in mind: children, ages 8-12.Today, the kids who grew up with the Harry Potter books
  • Hillary spokesman: Hey, she’ll hold press conferences after she’s president

    Hillary spokesman: Hey, she’ll hold press conferences after she’s president
    He did use the plural — “press conferences” — so we’re guaranteed at least two. On the other hand, “the frequency of them is something that would just play out as time went on,” says Brian Fallon. So figure maybe one presser in January 2017 and another a week before the election in 2020.
    We all understand why she’s ducking the spectacle of a press free-for-all while agreeing to sit for interviews with individual reporters, yes?
    It’s been 272
  • Porn Is Not 'For Losers': Pamela Anderson Is Wrong to Blame It for Anthony Weiner's Sexting Scandal

    Porn Is Not 'For Losers': Pamela Anderson Is Wrong to Blame It for Anthony Weiner's Sexting Scandal
    Click here for reuse options!Anderson, a former Playboy Playmate, re-hashes a tired argument that treats all X-rated entertainment the same. First I want to say that I understand where Pamela Anderson, who wrote an over-the-top indictment of pornography co-authored by rabbi Shmuley Boteach, for The Wall Street Journal this week, is coming froom. How do I, an outspoken sex-positive feminist erotica author, get her point of view? Because I too was once ardently anti-porn. Durin
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  • Kaepernick Shuts down Fox Host and Calls out San Francisco Cops for Racist Texts

    Kaepernick Shuts down Fox Host and Calls out San Francisco Cops for Racist Texts
    Click here for reuse options!Colin Kaepernick ignored Fox Sports host Jason Whitlock's ridiculous question.San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick brushed off Fox Sports host Jason Whitlock on Thursday when Whitlock questioned the “clarity” of his ongoing protest against police brutality, Deadspin reported.“You’ve said ‘police brutality.’ You’ve said ‘a lot of issues,'” said Whitlock, who has criticized Kaepernick for not standi
  • Review: The Cape Up podcast with Jonathan Capehart

    Review: The Cape Up podcast with Jonathan Capehart
    Like many of you, I’m sure I listen to more podcasts than are probably good for me, and not all of them are political in nature. (*Tosses a shout out to Mysterious Universe.) Just this past month I added a new entry to my weekly lineup when the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart launched his new series, Cape Up. Regular readers are probably aware that whenever I reference Jonathan’s writings at the WaPo here it’s almost always to disagree with him, and it’s a safe
  • A Modest Proposal: Trump Has It All Wrong, to Prevent Crime, We Need to Do Some 'Exteme Vetting' of Men

    A Modest Proposal: Trump Has It All Wrong, to Prevent Crime, We Need to Do Some 'Exteme Vetting' of Men
    Click here for reuse options!If we need a police state to stop crime, the target shouldn't be immigrants but those committing most crimes: men. Donald Trump’s alarming speech on Thursday night was built around the claim that immigrants are a uniquely terrifying source of murder and mayhem and therefore, in the name of self-defense, the U.S. should expunge undocumented immigrants and narrow the standards for legal immigration.The problem with his argument — which is barely a
  • International adoptees learn that they’re not citizens

    International adoptees learn that they’re not citizens
    Since we’re apparently going to be examining every other aspect of immigration policy over the course of this election, we may as well toss this log on the fire as well. The Washington Post examines a specific class of US residents who don’t get very much attention in this debate, and while it doesn’t apply to a huge swath of the population, it’s causing some problems all the same. We’re talking about people who were born in other nations but adopted by American par
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  • Emerson: Virginia back in play?

    Emerson: Virginia back in play?
    At one point in the past month, competing in Virginia looked like Mission Impossible for Team Trump. The WaPo/ABC poll in mid-August put Hillary Clinton up eight points, and Quinnipiac had Donald Trump down twelve, leading Team Hillary to focus their efforts elsewhere. Two new polls this week show the race in a virtual tie, however, and the latest from Emerson College has the race within a single point among likely voters, 44/43 Hillary.
    The most surprising finding? Adding Tim Kaine to the ticke
  • Chicago priest: Our city is in a state of emergency

    Chicago priest: Our city is in a state of emergency
    As we’ve covered here more times than I could count, the gang violence problem in Chicago has expanded too far to be ignored. The number of murders in the city is now on the cusp of the total killings for all of 2015 with four months left in this year. The total number of people shot is measured in the thousands rather than the hundreds, and the clearance rate for murders is pathetically low. If the number of people dead in any American city from a flood or fire was even a quarter of the n
  • Govt Spraying Banned Pesticide to Fight Non-Existent Zika Threat Just Killed Millions of Bees

    Govt Spraying Banned Pesticide to Fight Non-Existent Zika Threat Just Killed Millions of Bees
    Click here for reuse options!The effects from the aerial spraying were disastrous. Mosquito eradication efforts in South Carolina have gone horribly wrong, resulting in almost total devastation to the indigenous bee populations. The pesticide used to target the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti species of mosquito, which can carry and transmit the Zika virus, killed off millions of bees.On Sunday morning, Dorchester County engaged in aerial spraying of an insecticide called naled, an insec
  • The San Francisco 49ers may have a security problem at their games

    The San Francisco 49ers may have a security problem at their games
    Things in the City by the Bay continue to get more and more interesting as the 2016 NFL regular season kickoff approaches. Will Colin Kaepernick be on the field for their games? That’s up in the air at this point, but if he’s on the bench there are some other folks who may not be in the stadium. Those would be the police who routinely work the security detail. (Fox News)
    Authorities in Northern California have threatened to stop working San Francisco 49ers games in response to Colin
  • Judge: Fraternity lawsuit against Rolling Stone will continue

    Judge: Fraternity lawsuit against Rolling Stone will continue
    Rolling Stone magazine asked a judge to toss out a $25 million lawsuit brought by the fraternity named in the infamous article “A Rape on Campus” which the magazine published in 2014. The Associated Press reports the judge in the case refused to toss out the lawsuit:
    The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at the University of Virginia filed a defamation lawsuit against the magazine last year over the now discredited article “A Rape on Campus.” The story describe
  • Daughter of Texas conservative talk show host Joe Pags missing; Update: Found

    Daughter of Texas conservative talk show host Joe Pags missing; Update: Found
    Houston-based conservative talk show host Joe Pags’ 16-year-old daughter is missing. He released details of what’s going on this afternoon.
    ***Personal Request For Help!*** My just-turned-16 year old daughter Gabby is missing. I had been asked to not make this public until now. We need her home. You’ve heard her singing on my show and you’ve seen our FB videos together. The information is detailed and they should be easy to spot. please contact the number on the picture o
  • Video: Lady becomes lady ninja

    Video: Lady becomes lady ninja
    To cleanse the palate. Gymnast, pole-vaulter, stuntwoman, and now — lady ninja. Or rather, the first lady ninja ever to complete stage one of the finals on NBC’s “American Ninja Warrior.” Which, I hope we can all agree, really should be an event at the next Olympics.
    There is strategy here, even on the obstacles that appear to be simpler than others. Here’s Graff on the “sonic curve” at 1:12 of the clip:
    Graff: So this one, because of the angle of the st
  • LA Times: The reason Trump does better in our poll is because we’re capturing “undercover Trump voters”

    LA Times: The reason Trump does better in our poll is because we’re capturing “undercover Trump voters”
    “Undercover Trump voters” is Kellyanne Conway’s term, not the LAT’s, but they’re talking about the same phenomenon. Namely, the idea that droves of people who didn’t vote in 2012 (#NeverRomney?) and who may not have voted for years before that are going to turn out this year and put Trump over the top. If there’s a large group out there like that, they won’t factor into the results of some surveys because pollsters focus on registered and likely vo
  • Speaker Ryan to reprimand Dems who participated in gun control sit-in

    Speaker Ryan to reprimand Dems who participated in gun control sit-in
    Remember the sit-in on the House floor that Democrats held on the House floor back in June? Politico reports that Speaker Ryan is considering taking some action to reprimand Democrats who were involved:
    The exact language is still in flux, and multiple sources said discussions are ongoing. But Speaker Paul Ryan’s office and other leadership staff have been researching ways they can punish Democrats for their controversial occupation of the House floor to protest the chamber’s lack of
  • Trump Goes to Black Church in Detroit; Wishes He Could Say This

    Trump Goes to Black Church in Detroit; Wishes He Could Say This
    Click here for reuse options!Answers Trump’s staff prepared for him to deliver in an interview with one of the Motor City’s most powerful pastors were leaked. Here's an annotated version.This piece has been updated since its initial posting.On Saturday, Donald Trump visited one of Detroit’s major African-American churches as part of his purported outreach to black voters. Many commentators say this plan is really about increasing his appeal to white voters in swing districts wh
  • Loony: Minnesota ObamaCare rates to skyrocket by 36% to 67%

    Loony: Minnesota ObamaCare rates to skyrocket by 36% to 67%
    Count Minnesotans among the consumers who will get a big rate shock in November when open enrollment begins for ObamaCare. Insurers have applied for massive increases in the state MNsure exchange, with premiums escalating between 36% to 67%, and possibly more. And they’ll get it, because the alternative for insurers is to pack up and leave:
    Minnesota health insurers are seeking big premium increases next year for people who buy coverage on their own, with proposed jumps for thousands of pe
  • Oh my: Trump, Hillary tied in four-way race in new IBD poll

    Oh my: Trump, Hillary tied in four-way race in new IBD poll
    A fluke or not? Well, IBD is a solid pollster with a good track record. And there are multiple national polls out there right now showing the four-way race very tight. (Although there’s also a cluster that shows Hillary ahead comfortably, as noted yesterday.) The last three surveys have Trump ahead by one (Rasmussen), Clinton ahead by two (Fox News), and now IBD with a 39/39 dead heat. You know all about Trump’s ceiling at this point: He’s topped 40 percent just once in the las

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