• New Zealand 'weather bomb' brings snow during height of summer

    New Zealand 'weather bomb' brings snow during height of summer
    South Island hit with snow and flooding while parts of North experience record highs.A powerful "weather bomb" has hit New Zealand, cutting off rural towns, flooding major roads and dumping snow on to bare alpine ski fields at what should be the height of the southern hemisphere summer.The significant low edged over the South Island late on Thursday afternoon, causing landslips and snow, and went on to lash the country throughout the weekend.
  • Head of investigations at Russia's biggest cybersecurity firm arrested for treason

    Head of investigations at Russia's biggest cybersecurity firm arrested for treason
    In what may be the latest fallout from the cold cyberwar taking place between the US and Russia, the head of the investigation unit, and one of the most important cybercrime experts at Kaspersky Lab, Russia's biggest cybersecurity firm, was been arrested on charges of treason. Stoyanov was involved in every big anti-cybercrime operation in Russia in past years, including the one against the components of the Lurk cybercrime gang.Kaspersky Lab confirmed to AP reports in Russia's Kommersant newspa
  • Father and son facing rape charges plan to use Bible to defend their case in court

    Father and son facing rape charges plan to use Bible to defend their case in court
    An Ohio father and son facing multiple charges of rape, endangering children and kidnapping have told a court they'll use the bible to defend their case as it's "the only law book that truly matters."Timothy and Esten Ciboro, who are representing themselves, explained to the judge that they intend to "use God's holy word to ask questions, questions that we believe are absolutely vital to our case," according to the Toledo Blade."There's a great deal of strategy in Scripture and I use those strat
  • Yelena Isinbayeva: 'Why are informants always selling material, not contacting investigating authorities?'

    Yelena Isinbayeva: 'Why are informants always selling material, not contacting investigating authorities?'
    Russian two-time Olympic pole vault champion Yelena Isinbayeva took to social media to expressed her thoughts on ongoing doping scandal around Russian sport and the way informants choosing to act trying to solve the issues.Dear friends and colleagues! I would like to express my point of view on the recently appeared doping story video from another informant. I have a question: why don't the informants contact investigating authorities instead of filming material on a hidden camera and then selli
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  • Heavy snowfall in Oregon, Idaho, Alaska is collapsing buildings

    Heavy snowfall in Oregon, Idaho, Alaska is collapsing buildings
    The accumulated weight of snow has crushed a lumber mill in Oregon, the grocery store in a small Idaho town, a sports complex in Alaska and a conference center in Colorado, among others.For buildings in parts of the snow-covered U.S. West, it has become a winter where the weak do not survive.The accumulated weight of snow has crushed an old lumber mill in Oregon, the main grocery store in a small Idaho town, a sports complex in Alaska and a conference center in Colorado, among others.The snow ha
  • Trump to order "major investigation" into voter fraud

    Trump to order "major investigation" into voter fraud
    President Trump tweeted he is ordering a "major investigation" into his claims of voter fraud in the November 2016 elections. Trump has claimed potential voter fraud since losing the popular vote by more than 2.8 million votes to Hillary Clinton."I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD," President Trump tweeted on Wednesday.He tweeted that the investigation will look into those registered to vote in more than one state, "those who are illegal and... even, those registered to
  • Humanitarian org writes open letter to French government: European officials and media have legitimized terrorism

    Humanitarian org writes open letter to French government: European officials and media have legitimized terrorism
    "This year has truly been the year of disinformation," Pierre Le Corf, the founder of We Are Superheroes humanitarian organization, writes in his open letter to the French government, commenting on the European mainstream media's biased narrative on the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo.There were no rebels in Aleppo but terrorists who massacred civilians, Pierre Le Corf, the founder of We Are Superheroes humanitarian organization, who has worked for months in the Syrian city, noted in his
  • Going beyond disarray, the collapse of the Left

    Going beyond disarray, the collapse of the Left
    The Left is not just in disarray--it is in complete collapse because the working class has awakened to the Left's betrayal and abandonment of the working class in favor of building personal wealth and power. The source of the angry angst rippling through the Democratic Party's progressive camp is not President Trump--it's the complete collapse of the Left globally. To understand this collapse, we turn (once again) to Marx's profound understanding of the state and capitalism. We turn not to the c
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  • More Fake News! WaPo makes up story about Trump 'reinstating CIA black sites'

    More Fake News! WaPo makes up story about Trump 'reinstating CIA black sites'
    The Washington Post and The New York Times reported Wednesday that President Trump is set to sign an executive order lifting a ban on the CIA's use of black sites. "I have no idea where it came from. It is not a White House document," White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in a daily briefing.Black sites are intended as locations for the US government to carry out secretive projects or operations outside of US borders. WaPo published a draft of an executive order that, according to the Whi
  • German anti-Trump activism results in 'Ministry of Truth' to censor populist sentiments

    German anti-Trump activism results in 'Ministry of Truth' to censor populist sentiments
    The elites and intellectuals are apparently now counted among the German minorities in need of protection.Toward the end of last year, Germany experienced a previously unheard-of boycott campaign - funded by the German government, no less -- against several websites, such as the popular "Axis of Good" ("Achse des Guten"). The website, critical of the government, was suddenly accused of "right-wing populism".The German government's efforts at thought control seem to have begun with the victory of
  • Not sci-fi anymore: Paris introduces first autonomous buses

    Not sci-fi anymore: Paris introduces first autonomous buses
    The first self-driving buses have taken to the streets of Paris on a route between two train stations.There are now two such buses, each of which can take up to six people the 200 meters over a bridge between the Lyon and Austerlitz train stations.
  • Cuban delegation arrives in US seeking trade cooperation

    Cuban delegation arrives in US seeking trade cooperation
    A Cuban trade delegation arrived in the United States this week to visit four states and six ports, even as the Trump administration pondered what to do with a fragile detente initiated by its predecessor.U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to scrap the move to normalize relations between Washington and Havana, one of former President Barack Obama's signature foreign policy initiatives, if he doesn't get "a better deal".Port authorities along the U.S. Southern coast are strong proponents
  • Australian FM 'unexpectedly' voices concern over Israeli West Bank settlements

    Australian FM 'unexpectedly' voices concern over Israeli West Bank settlements
    A recent Israeli decision to build more settlements in the West Bank could undermine a two-state solution, a spokesperson for Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Wednesday, despite the fact that Australia was one of the few states to speak out against the UN resolution against Israeli settlement policy.On Tuesday, local media reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liebermanapproved the building of 2,500 housing units in the territory of th
  • Washington Post Retracts Fake News About Russians Hacking Vermont Utility

    Washington Post Retracts Fake News About Russians Hacking Vermont Utility
    On December 31, 2016, the Washington Post published a story about Russia hacking a utility in Vermont. The story ran with the eye-catching headline: “Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility,
  • 'Fight Club' Writer Takes Credit For Coining The Term "Snowflake"

    'Fight Club' Writer Takes Credit For Coining The Term "Snowflake"
    Chuck Palahniuk thinks Trump supporters were inspired by his line: "You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake."Fight Club writer Chuck Palahniuk says he coined the term "snowflake" long before Trump supporters began using it.Fox News contributors and Donald Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway have been using the term referring to Trump protesters, but the author says the phrase started with him."It does come from Fight Club," he told the Evening Standard. "There is a line, '
  • German participation in NATO "saber rattling" against Russia must stop, says head of AFD party

    German participation in NATO "saber rattling" against Russia must stop, says head of AFD party
    German right-wing parties in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern organized a protest against NATO exercises currently taking place in the region. In an interview with Sputnik Germany, the head of the right-wing AfD party Leif-Erik Holm criticized NATO's activities, saying that they send thr wrong signal to Russia.According to the politician, relations with Russia can't be built with tanks. Holm views NATO military exercises as "provocation against Russia" and "saber-rattling." He is conf
  • Vladimir Putin: Astana meeting on Syria 'hopefully good basis for Geneva talks'

    Vladimir Putin: Astana meeting on Syria 'hopefully good basis for Geneva talks'
    Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed hopes that the talks on Syria that wrapped up in Kazakh capital Astana on Tuesday will be "a good basis" for the upcoming Geneva peace talks due February 8."We very much hope that the negotiations in Astana will become a good basis for the continuation of the negotiation process in Geneva," Putin said ahead of talks with the Jordanian leader, King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein. The Russian president stressed that participants of the Astana talks have n
  • Google cracks down on 'fake news' by permanently banning 200 sites

    Google cracks down on 'fake news' by permanently banning 200 sites
    The crackdown has begun.In a blog post by Scott Spencer, director of product management for sustainable ads, posted on Wednesday, Google said it has banned 200 publishers from accessing its Adsense advertising service for posting fake news stories. Google said it had cracked down on sites which contained 1) Ads for illegal products; 2) Misleading ads; 3) Bad ads on mobile; 4) Ads trying to game the system and, 5) Promoting and profiting from bad sites. But the emphasis was on the so-called "fake
  • Lawyers for man killed by police say surveillance video shows him crawling away as he was fatally shot

    Lawyers for man killed by police say surveillance video shows him crawling away as he was fatally shot
    A Miami man killed by police alongside Interstate 95 posed no threat and "can be seen crawling away" on surveillance video as he was fatally shot, his family's lawyers said Tuesday evening.Lawyers for the widow of Junior Prosper, who was shot to death in September 2015, said they will file a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court on Wednesday — and unveil a video they say shows he was killed unjustly.It was more than a year ago that Prosper, a Yellow Cab taxi driver, crashed his car into
  • Scottish National Party plans 'substantive amendments' to shape terms of Brexit

    Scottish National Party plans 'substantive amendments' to shape terms of Brexit
    The Scottish National Party has welcomed a High Court ruling that will force the Brexit-triggering Article 50 to pass through parliament, as its foreign affairs spokesman Alex Salmond told RT they plan to challenge the government on every aspect of the deal."It's a massive defeat for the government," the former SNP leader said, speaking from the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.Accusing the ruling Tory party of trying to act "like thieves in the night" by attempting to circumvent parliament in tr
  • New York Times quietly publishes 'stunning correction' after attacking electoral college

    New York Times quietly publishes 'stunning correction' after attacking electoral college
    The New York Times quietly issued a major correction to an editorial attacking the electoral college in December, admitting it has in fact defended the electoral college at a time when it was politically expedient for Democrats.The paper ran the editorial calling for an end to the electoral college in December, when Democrats were harping on the fact that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton beat President Donald Trump in the popular vote, and calling for reforms to make the system more "fair." Ob
  • 3D bioprinter can now print human skin

    3D bioprinter can now print human skin
    Spanish scientists have unveiled a 3D bioprinter that can create functional human skin.The scientists, from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research) and the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, report that doctors can transplant the 3D-printed skin onto patients or that cosmetic, chemical, or pharmaceutical manufacturers can use it to test their products.According to the research published in the journal
  • Netflix tax could be coming to a city near you soon

    Netflix tax could be coming to a city near you soon
    Let's hope you were able to get in all your binge watching before the new year, as online streaming entertainment may very well be the next thing that we enjoy slapped with a tax.Many cities across the country have found that taxes from utilities have taken a hit with the rise in the number of people who have decided to "cut the cord" from cable companies. During the second quarter of 2016 alone, over 812,000 people cancelled their paid television subscriptions and switched to various streaming
  • Chicago releases videos of police shooting unarmed black teen

    Chicago releases videos of police shooting unarmed black teen
    Three surveillance video clips have been released of the police pursuit of unarmed Kajuan Raye, who was fatally shot by an officer during a November chase. The footage does not indicate Raye pointed an object at the officer, as police have claimed.The footage shows that a Chicago Police Department SUV pulled up to a street corner where Raye, a black man, was reportedly waiting for a bus in the Englewood neighborhood of the city. Raye then sprinted down the street to flee police, with an officer,
  • US President signs executive order to begin work on Mexico Border Wall

    US President signs executive order to begin work on Mexico Border Wall
    President Donald Trump has signed orders to step up immigration enforcement and secure the US border, beginning with building a border wall with Mexico he promised during the campaign ...
  • Lavrov: Moscow has no illusions about resetting ties with Washington under Trump

    Lavrov: Moscow has no illusions about resetting ties with Washington under Trump
    Russia does not have any "illusions" or "naive expectations" regarding a reset in the relationship with Washington under the new US administration, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.The minister provided his views on bilateral ties while talking to Russian lawmakers on Wednesday. "We have no illusions that there will be a new 'reset' with the United States, we have no naive expectations," Lavrov said.New US President Donald Trump recently said that he would consider certain deals with Russia,
  • A vast majority of Americans back Trump's blasting of Washington establishment

    A vast majority of Americans back Trump's blasting of Washington establishment
    Nearly three quarters of all Americans agree with President Donald Trump's charge that a group of elitists in Washington has grown wealthy at the expense of the United States, a Rasmussen national poll reported."Seventy-two percent of likely US voters agree with this statement," Rasmussen said in a release on Tuesday. The survey found that only 17 percent of the US public disagreed with Trump's claim while 11 percent were not sure.Trump in his inaugural address delivered on Friday charged the Wa
  • Small shallow earthquake detected in Argyll and Bute, Scotland

    Small shallow earthquake detected in Argyll and Bute, Scotland
    A small earthquake has been detected in Argyll and Bute.The British Geological Survey recorded the 2.4-magnitude tremor at 14:35 on Tuesday, with an epicentre in Lephinmore.The organisation said the depth of the earthquake was 11km, and affected areas including Tayvallich, Lochgilphead, Colintraive and Kilmory.Between 200 and 300 earthquakes are recorded in the UK each year, most of which are under two in magnitude.The four earthquakes, which rocked central Italy on Wednesday, were above magnitu
  • How Does Personality Affect Your Level of Happiness?

    How Does Personality Affect Your Level of Happiness?
    According to a new study, the relationship between happiness and personality is more complex than we thought.Extraverts are happier, and so are the emotionally stable, personality researchers tell us. It also pays to be more open to new experiences, more agreeable, and more conscientious. What does that mean for the rest of us—the introverts, the neurotics, the disorganized?You may recognize these personality dimensions as part of the Big Five, the traits that researchers are often referri
  • Trump infrastructure plan - Good for the people or good for Trump's rich friends?

    Trump infrastructure plan - Good for the people or good for Trump's rich friends?
    DONALD TRUMP: We are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.CROWD: (applause)DONALD TRUMP: For too long a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth.SHARMINI PERIES: On to discuss with me Trump's infrastructure plan is Michael Hudson. Michael has a new book out, "J is for Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in the Age of Decep
  • Syrian peace talks in Astana prove one thing: Russia is now the biggest power broker in the Syrian conflict

    Syrian peace talks in Astana prove one thing: Russia is now the biggest power broker in the Syrian conflict
    The Syrian peace talks arranged by Russia, Turkey and Iran that opened today in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, show that President Bashar al-Assad is winning the six-year-old war, but his final victory may be a long way off. Several participants in the conference have good reasons to fight on and Isis has recently made important advances.Representatives of some of the rebel armed groups sat on one side of a round table, while the Syrian government delegation sat on the other, but the rebels
  • Security camera captures meteor fireball lighting up the sky in Huntersville, North Carolina

    Security camera captures meteor fireball lighting up the sky in Huntersville, North Carolina
    Not sure what my security cam captured last night, but maybe there is a cute alien living in my neighbors backyard now! Huntersville, NC.
  • In just five days, Trump has delivered on his flagship policies

    In just five days, Trump has delivered on his flagship policies
    When Donald Trump promised to deliver on his promises and do so quickly, many thought that he was just another politician promising something he couldn't deliver.Five days into his term, he has proved them wrong, using executive orders to deliver on key promises. Here are some of the most important ones.
  • Syria's White Helmets exposed as Al Qaeda's 'Civil Defence'

    Syria's White Helmets exposed as Al Qaeda's 'Civil Defence'
    The following video is a compilation of testimonies taken from Syrian civilians, finally liberated from almost five years of Nusra Front-led terrorist occupation of all districts of East Aleppo. The unadulterated, unedited, uncensored voices of the Syrian people, released from Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda jail in East Aleppo, finally given a platform instead of corporate media's terrorist propaganda amplification and "regime change" narrative monopoly.I was in East Aleppo during its final liberation
  • British Royal Navy wasted £1.4 million "escorting" Russian fleet to Syria, despite being broke

    British Royal Navy wasted £1.4 million "escorting" Russian fleet to Syria, despite being broke
    A Royal Navy operation to monitor a Russian fleet of warships as it sailed through the English Channel last year cost taxpayers £1.4 million ($1.76 million).The 'Admiral Kuznetsov,' a Soviet-era aircraft carrier that can carry more than 50 planes, passed by the coast of southeast England along with seven other vessels last October.A Royal Navy destroyer and frigate were scrambled in response and escorted the fleet as it sailed en route to Syria, despite the service facing a budget shortfal
  • Goldman Sachs says Trump tax reform could 'transform' global oil market

    Goldman Sachs says Trump tax reform could 'transform' global oil market
    The Republican Party's proposed shift to border-adjusted corporate tax (BTA) could have a significant impact on the global oil market, pushing US crude prices higher and triggering large-scale domestic production, said analysts at Goldman Sachs.The border tax intends to boost US manufacturing by taxing imports while exempting US business export revenues from corporate taxation."If implemented, the impacts on the oil market would be significant," Goldman said.The switch to BTA would lift US crude
  • International press outraged as journalists arrested while covering inauguration protests face up to 10 years in prison

    International press outraged as journalists arrested while covering inauguration protests face up to 10 years in prison
    Several major international press freedom organizations have called for charges to be dropped against six journalists arrested while covering unrest in Washington DC on Donald Trump's inauguration day last week. They all now face up to 10 years in prison.RT America's Alexander Rubinstein was among the journalists arrested along with protesters on January 20th. He has been charged with inciting a riot, the highest level offense under the District of Columbia's public disturbances law. The reporte
  • French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen refused entry to Dunkirk refugee camp

    French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen refused entry to Dunkirk refugee camp
    French presidential hopeful and leader of the right-wing National Front Marine Le Pen has been denied entry to a refugee camp outside Dunkirk."Today, they refused to let us enter the Grande-Synthe migrant camp. This is democracy a la francaise!" Le Pen tweeted shortly after trying to visit the camp.Local authorities were also quick to take to Twitter, with Grande-Synthe Mayor Damien Careme posting: "I denied access to Marine Le Pen, who dared to show up! Humanity is the value she ignores!"Le Pen
  • British scientists experiment with recreational narcotic ketamine as treatment for alcohol addiction

    British scientists experiment with recreational narcotic ketamine as treatment for alcohol addiction
    A radical new therapy which uses the drug ketamine to wipe out booze-related memories could revolutionize how alcohol addiction is treated, scientists say.Researchers at University College London (UCL) are experimenting with a potential ketamine treatment to see if a single, one-off dose can treat the condition.They say there is growing evidence that ketamine, which is used as a recreational narcotic, can have a positive impact on those dealing with alcoholism."There is evidence that it could be
  • Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why some people think they're great when their work is terrible

    Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why some people think they're great when their work is terrible
    Pat is a programmer at a large software company. At best, he's a middling performer; his code is a mess (initializing variables that are never used, using variable names no one else understands, etc.), he takes longer than he should, and he doesn't even remember his own code months later.But Pat's poor coding skills aren't his most annoying attribute. What frustrates his manager the most is that Pat is absolutely convinced that he's a great programmer. Last month was Pat's performance review, an
  • Trump effect: DJIA hits the 20,000 point milestone for the first time

    Trump effect: DJIA hits the 20,000 point milestone for the first time
    The US premier stock index the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit the 20,000 point milestone for the first time on hopes US President Donald Trump's administration will boost infrastructure spending.The index came close to reaching the historical high on January 6, as investors were inspired by pro-growth policies and tax cuts from Trump."A seminal moment. It is just a number but it is a big number, it is certainly a flashy number," said Tim Ghriskey, chief investment officer of Solaris Group in B
  • DC waitress overwhelmed by message, tip left by Trump supporters

    DC waitress overwhelmed by message, tip left by Trump supporters
    A waitress at a Washington D.C. restaurant received a very generous tip and a warm message on her receipt from three men who were in town for President Donald Trump's inauguration.Rosalynd Harris, who works at Busboys and Poets in the northwest part of the nation's capital, told The Washington Post she was beaming with confidence Monday after taking part in the Women's March over the weekend.A group of men from west Texas entered the restaurant and started to chat with Harris. One of the men, wh
  • Future of Standing Rock Protests uncertain as Trump approves Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines

    Future of Standing Rock Protests uncertain as Trump approves Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines
    After President Donald Trump issued Executive Orders greenlighting both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, protests erupted from coast to coast — including in the nation's capital — as the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Morton County Sheriff's Department, and clean energy advocates were left scrambling to make sense of the abrupt power play.Rumors have circulated for months law enforcement would opportune the first chance to forcefully evict water protectors from the camps &mda
  • No, President Trump didn't get rid of "a free trade deal"

    No, President Trump didn't get rid of "a free trade deal"
    Government is a destroyer, but it doesn't just destroy physical and tangible things. It also destroys intangible things like language and the meaning of words. For example, did you know that originally "liberals" were individuals that believed in liberty and were against government intervention? Today, the word "liberal" means the exact opposite.Today, we read in the government-licensed press that President Trump has signed an executive order removing the U.S. from a "free trade agreement" known
  • Former Chinese official sentenced to life for graft

    Former Chinese official sentenced to life for graft
    A Chinese court Monday sentenced a former top official to life in prison for corruption involving millions of dollars, the latest high-profile conviction in President Xi Jinping's crackdown on graft.Su Rong, 66, was a vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a discussion body that is part of the Communist Party-controlled government structure.He was found guilty of bribery, abuse of power and possessing "huge amounts" of assets whose origins he could not e
  • Obama's dubious legacy: Bequeathing a more dangerous world

    Obama's dubious legacy: Bequeathing a more dangerous world
    President Obama may have entered the White House with a desire to rein in America's global war-making but he succumbed to neocon pressure and left behind an even more dangerous world, reports Robert Parry.Any fair judgment about Barack Obama's presidency must start with the recognition that he inherited a dismal situation from George W. Bush: the U.S. economy was in free-fall and U.S. troops were bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. Clearly, these intertwined economic and foreign policy crises c
  • UK PM May responds to Supreme Court decision, may start Brexit negotiations 2 weeks early

    UK PM May responds to Supreme Court decision, may start Brexit negotiations 2 weeks early
    Prime Minister Theresa May will respond to Tuesday's Supreme Court ruling by bringing forward her Brexit timetable by two weeks, it has emerged.According to the Telegraph, May now wants to trigger Article 50, which begins formal negotiations with Brussels, in mid-March. She was previously expected to table her European Union Withdrawal Bill on March 31.Following the 8-3 Supreme Court ruling against the government, David Davis, the Brexit secretary, addressed the House of Commons and warned "ther
  • Damage control: Israeli interrogators explain torture techniques to media, 'not like Gitmo'

    Damage control: Israeli interrogators explain torture techniques to media, 'not like Gitmo'
    Israeli interrogators with experience in using 'special means' of interrogation, which involve inflicting physical pain on detainees, have described details of their methods to an Israeli newspaper.Reports of Israeli intelligence services using violent methods of interrogation have been around for years, even after the country ratified the UN Convention against Torture in 1991. In a landmark case in 1999, the High Court of Justice outlawed torture, but left a loophole called "necessity of defens
  • South Dakota declares Pornography a health crisis

    South Dakota declares Pornography a health crisis
    Senators in South Dakota have passed a resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis, joining Virginia and Utah among that states stepping up efforts to highlight the dangers of x-rated adult material.According to resolution SCR4, passed in South Dakota, porn leads to risky sexual activity, low-self esteem and sometimes eating disorders.Advances in technology are exposing young children to pornography "at an alarming rate," and pornography is "linked to a lessening desire in young pers
  • PACE slams Israeli regime for "systematic unlawful killings", targeting civilians, instrumental aggression

    PACE slams Israeli regime for "systematic unlawful killings", targeting civilians, instrumental aggression
    Israel has come under fire for carrying out "systematic unlawful killings" of Palestinian civilians in a buffer zone near Gaza, and causing over 17,000 to flee the area due to the dire plight, in the resolution adopted by a European inter-governmental group.The Parliamentary Assembly for the Council of Europe (PACE) voted in favor of the proposal based on the group's internal report providing harrowing details on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.The report was initially presented to the 324 pa

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