• Researchers build AI-driven sarcasm detector

    Researchers build AI-driven sarcasm detector
    Being able to detect lowest form of wit could help AI interact with people more naturally, say scientistsNever mind that it can pass the bar exam, ace medical tests and read bedtime stories with emotion, artificial intelligence will never match the marvel of the human mind without first mastering the art of sarcasm.But that art, it seems, may be next on the list of the technology’s dizzying capabilities. Researchers in the Netherlands have built an AI-driven sarcasm detector that can spot
  • What’s up with ChatGPT’s new sexy persona? | Arwa Mahdawi

    What’s up with ChatGPT’s new sexy persona? | Arwa Mahdawi
    OpenAI’s updated chatbot GPT-4o is weirdly flirtatious, coquettish and sounds like Scarlett Johansson in Her. Why?“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Arthur C Clarke famously said. And this could certainly be said of the impressive OpenAI update to ChatGPT, called GPT-4o, which was released on Monday. With the slight caveat that it felt a lot like the magician was a horny 12-year-old boy who had just watched the Spike Jonze movie Her.If you a