• ‘This Is War': Trump Drafting Lawsuit Against NY Times

    Excerpt from Washington ExaminerWritten by Gabby Morrongiello
    Donald Trump’s campaign was drafting a defamation lawsuit against the New York Times late Wednesday night, hours after the news organization published a story in which two women accused the Republican presidential nominee of sexual assault, sources confirmed to the Washington Examiner.
    RELATED: Aziz Ansari Didn’t Expect His NY Times Op-Ed About Trump to Resonate With So Many
    Within hours of threatening to take legal action
  • What happened to Dylan Mulvaney?

    What happened to Dylan Mulvaney?
    Mulvaney was the left's rising star. Then suddenly he vanished from the scene.Mulvaney's rise to stardom: from social media darling to Biden interviewTransgender star Dylan Mulvaney first rose to attention in March 2022 with his now infamous 'Days of Girlhood" series, which documented his transition. It was this series that brought him to the attention of many conservatives, including Glenn, due to the nauseating persona he adopted to represent his "feminine" personality. As the "Days of Girlhoo
  • Media Sympathizes With HAMAS After Israel Frees Hostages?!

    Media Sympathizes With HAMAS After Israel Frees Hostages?!
    Israel has freed 4 hostages after 245 days of captivity in Gaza. But despite this, many reports in the media are sympathizing with Hamas at least as much as with the hostages! This is something Glenn and Stu have never seen before. Instead of focusing on the hostages, the reports focus on the damage Israel is doing to Gaza (according to Hamas and other Gaza groups). And some have even complained that Israel didn’t WARN Hamas before the raid! Glenn asks how media outlets can continue to tak
  • Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target - iHeart

    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target - iHeart
    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target  iHeart
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  • Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target

    Alex Jones & Glenn Beck WARN: Trump is the Next Lawfare Target
    In a surprise move, Alex Jones has agreed to liquidate his ownership of Infowars. He joins as a guest on the Glenn Beck Program for the first time to explain why: Just a few days ago, according to Alex, the chief restructuring officer overseeing Infowars after his $1.5 billion Sandy Hook case “got so desperate” that he tried to go around the court and seize Infowars. But this is just the latest stage in a massive series of lawfare attacks against him, Glenn and Alex believe, which al
  • Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck hosting show at Utah's Delta Center in September - Salt Lake Tribune

    Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck hosting show at Utah's Delta Center in September - Salt Lake Tribune
    Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck hosting show at Utah's Delta Center in September  Salt Lake Tribune
  • "All the Players Are In Place": Max Lucado On End Times Prophecies

    "All the Players Are In Place": Max Lucado On End Times Prophecies
    "All the players are in place" for the final End Times prophecies to be fulfilled, pastor Max Lucado tells Glenn on The Glenn Beck Podcast. Israel is a state again, the world is turning against it, and technology is more advanced than it has ever been. So, we must start looking at the world stage through a spiritual lens, not just a political one: "Something is happening here that has never happened in any generation in history."Watch the full podcast HERE
  • Why The Elites MUST Discredit Any Claim of a "Global Cabal"

    Why The Elites MUST Discredit Any Claim of a "Global Cabal"
    Is the idea of a "global cabal" just a conspiracy theory? Or is there any truth to it? Award-winning journalist Alex Newman joins the Glenn Beck Podcast to separate fact from fiction and explain why it's "absurd" to dismiss any claim as anti-Semitic: "Some of the biggest victims of these people and these agendas are actually Jews!"Watch the full podcast HERE
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  • Glenn's Bookshelf: Biohazard'

    Glenn's Bookshelf: Biohazard'
    Anthrax. Smallpox. Incurable and horrifying Ebola-related fevers. For two decades, while a fearful world prepared for nuclear winter, an elite team of Russian bioweaponeers began to till a new killing field: a bleak tract sown with powerful seeds of mass destruction—by doctors who had committed themselves to creating a biological Armageddon. Biohazard is the never-before-told story of Russia’s darkest, deadliest, and most closely guarded Cold War secret.No one knows more about Russia
  • Do Genesis and Evolution REALLY Contradict? Christian Scientist Explains All 7 Days

    Do Genesis and Evolution REALLY Contradict? Christian Scientist Explains All 7 Days
    For over a century, the debate between Christian creationism and the theory of evolution has divided society. But is there really a definite division between the two? Can you believe in the Genesis creation account AND evolution at the same time? On a recent episode of The Glenn Beck Podcast, Glenn sat down with Christian astrophysicist Hugh Ross, who believes Genesis "perfectly follows the scientific method." Hugh takes Glenn through the 6 days of creation day by day and explains the evidence w
  • 10 lessons on prepping from around the world

    10 lessons on prepping from around the world
    Prepping is a human condition practiced across the globe for thousands of years. Customs are influenced by geography, culture, politics, and threat. Here are ten applicable observations on preparedness from around the world. Argentina: Get hard.
    Fernando “Ferfal” Aguirre’s The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse is required reading for preppers, and it’s chock-full of real-life lessons from his experiences during Argentina's 2001 economic crisis.
  • Dr. Phil: Trump's ONLY WAY to Win in Deep-Blue Courts

    Dr. Phil: Trump's ONLY WAY to Win in Deep-Blue Courts
    Dr. Phil recently interviewed former president Donald Trump after a jury convicted him on some of the weakest charges many prominent attorneys have ever seen. But the case in New York City was just one of the ones Trump is facing - often in deep-blue regions of the country, including Washington, D.C. So, how can Trump's legal team win when the jury pool overwhelmingly despises Trump? Well, when Dr. Phil sat down on The Glenn Beck Podcast, he told Glenn what he believes the best strategy would be
  • 5 Christian denominations that have EMBRACED LGBTQ+

    5 Christian denominations that have EMBRACED LGBTQ+
    The United Methodist Church (UMC) just lost one million members overnight, and they're on their way to losing another 1.5 million in the coming weeks.Early this May, the UMC, which has been succumbing to the pressures of the progressive mob for years, made one of its biggest concessions to date. At the UMC's general conference meeting in Charlotte, they voted to allow LGBTQ-practicing clergy and reversed their ban on same-sex marriage. For the leaders of the United Methodist Church of Ivory Coas
  • D-Day 80 years later: Where have all the heroes gone?

    D-Day 80 years later: Where have all the heroes gone?
    Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.Thursday is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.
    At Mercury One, in our museum, we have one of the most awe-inspiring and precious items in the collection. It is a flag that was on a landing craft that brought men and tanks across the channel on D-Day. The ship was sunk by the Germans on Omaha beach, and one of the sailors went down to rescue the flag.Let us not forget what honor truly looks like and try to emulate that
  • America WON'T Last Much Longer if Men Don't Do THIS | Glenn Beck at Fearless Army Roll Call 2.0

    America WON'T Last Much Longer if Men Don't Do THIS | Glenn Beck at Fearless Army Roll Call 2.0
    Will America survive the 2024 election? As sides are being drawn, many men want to be the heroes that they believe will save this nation. But all true heroes, Glenn Beck says, have one thing in common: They didn't want to be heroes. They were afraid just like the rest of us. But they put aside that fear, surrendered to God, and did what was right. THAT is the kind of hero America needs: one of character, humility, and integrity. One who will stand for the TRUTH and teach it to his children, no m
  • 80 years after D-Day: An ode to the 'Bedford Boys'

    80 years after D-Day: An ode to the 'Bedford Boys'
    The National D-Day Memorial is tucked away in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the small town of Bedford, Virginia. It’s located there because, as a proportion of its population of 3,200 during World War II, no community in the U.S. sacrificed more men on June 6, 1944, than Bedford.
    The Bedford Boys remind me of the humanity of D-Day and the reality of what was lost for the sake of freedom.There were 34 men in Company A from Bedford. Among those, 23 died in the first wave of at
  • 102-Year-Old WWII Vet Who Survived the DEADLIEST Bomber Unit Tells All

    102-Year-Old WWII Vet Who Survived the DEADLIEST Bomber Unit Tells All
    It has been 80 years since D-Day turned the tides of World War II, and it's likely the last major anniversary that we will mark with living WWII veterans. John "Lucky" Luckadoo survived the Air Force’s "Bloody Hundredth" bomber unit, which suffered an incredibly high casualty rate. Now, at 102 years old, he sits down with Glenn to tell his story: Why did he join the Air Force? Why was the "Bloody Hundredth" so bloody? How accurate was the Apple TV+ series "Masters of the Air," which told t
  • Glenn responds to an internet troll with total class

    Glenn responds to an internet troll with total class
    Glenn just gave us all a lesson on how to deal with internet trolls with finesse, grace, and class. Earlier this week, Glenn posted a video on Instagram of his daughter producing her first musical album, complete in a studio with a full orchestra. Most of the comments were encouraging, but in an age where once can hide behind digital screens, unseemly and derogatory comments are to be expected. One in particular caught Glenn's eye.See on Instagram An Instagram user named Jessica commented: "It p
  • Trump's conviction: Press on for the sake of the republic

    Trump's conviction: Press on for the sake of the republic
    Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.In today's world, everyone seems to get a trophy, which makes the trophy absolutely worthless. Unless it’s fought for, unless it’s earned and struggled for, the trophy doesn’t belong to you. The same goes for freedom. I’ve never earned the freedom we enjoy in America. I fear I spent too much of my life squandering it. And for what? Ease? Money? Just to go along to get along? A trophy that everybody gets
  • Trump tells Glenn Beck he'd 'lock up' political opponents if reelected - MSN

    Trump tells Glenn Beck he'd 'lock up' political opponents if reelected  MSN
  • EVERYTHING ELSE Hunter Biden Should Be On Trial For

    EVERYTHING ELSE Hunter Biden Should Be On Trial For
    Hunter Biden is in court for allegedly lying on a federal form to purchase a gun in 2018. But going after JUST Hunter Biden's federal-level crimes is part of the government and media's misdirection. They would love us to zoom in and just look at the cases they control. But what happens if you zoom out? Glenn heads to the chalkboard to reveal all the other accused crimes that we have direct evidence for and SHOULD be prosecuted, many at the state level. What about the "possible human trafficking"
  • FOUR takeaways from Fauci's hearing

    FOUR takeaways from Fauci's hearing
    Did Dr. Anthony Fauci answer for the mismanagement of the Covid pandemic?On Monday, Fauci sat before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability to answer lingering questions about how the pandemic was handled. Many of us, Glenn included, have serious concerns, such as: Why did he lie about gain-of-function research? Why did he try to cover up all the chatter among scientists that the virus DID come from a lab? Did he know the U.S. government cut a deal with Moderna on vaccines before th
  • ALL 7 Conditions For a Color Revolution Are MET in America

    ALL 7 Conditions For a Color Revolution Are MET in America
    There are 7 conditions that must be met for a color revolution to successfully topple a government and it all must revolve around a national election. Well, this election season in America, ALL 7 are met. Glenn Beck heads to the chalkboard to lay them all out. Plus, he explains how all the usual suspects who have helped topple foreign governments over the past few decades are now making moves in America. So, is a color revolution imminent...?
  • The Government's "Psychological Weapon" to CONTROL How You Think

    The Government's "Psychological Weapon" to CONTROL How You Think
    The Biden administration has been emphasizing the need to combat "disinformation" in the media. But it's not just them. The United Nations is also cracking down on un-approved narratives. Glenn reviews a concept laid out in UNESCO's "Disinformation Primer" called "prebunking." This "offensive strategy" tries to predict when "disinformation" will be spread and work to "protect" people against it. Or as Glenn puts it, this is "people manipulating every aspect of your mind. It's beyond 4D chess. Th
  • Is Biden Using YOUR TAX DOLLARS to Elect Democrats?

    Is Biden Using YOUR TAX DOLLARS to Elect Democrats?
    3 years ago, President Biden issued an executive order to "promote and defend the right to vote." But while that sounds fine on its own, its true effects are still shrouded in secrecy as we approach the 2024 election. Glenn explains what we do know: The order instructs EVERY federal agency use YOUR tax dollars to expand things like voting by mail using "approved" third-party organizations to get it done. So, who are these "approved" organizations? Well, Glenn reviews one of them, which sure does
  • Prepare for the 2024 'Color Revolution'

    Prepare for the 2024 'Color Revolution'
    Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.
    Three months before the 2020 election, I hosted a "Glenn TV" special in which I posed the question, “Are we in a color revolution?” There were political operatives holding secret war games on what to do if Donald Trump won the election. It included everything from mass civil unrest to secession.Both the mainstream media and social media — network pundits and influencers alike — were moving in tandem to
  • How your activism has made a difference since last PRIDE MONTH

    How your activism has made a difference since last PRIDE MONTH
    It's June, and we all know what that means: pride month.Rainbow banners snap in the wind and men in dresses and heels perform for children in drag queen story hours. Prepare for the tide of uncomfortable, cringe-worthy commercials and tweets from the mega-corporations pandering to the mob. If you need a refresher, Glenn covered the worst pride month commercials last year and ranked them.
    Since then, some people—including many in Glenn's audience—have decided to take a stand. American
  • Best of the Program | 6/4/24 - The Glenn Beck Program - iHeartRadio

    Best of the Program | 6/4/24 - The Glenn Beck Program - iHeartRadio
    Best of the Program | 6/4/24 - The Glenn Beck Program  iHeartRadio
  • 5 SHOCKING responses to Trump's verdict

    5 SHOCKING responses to Trump's verdict
    How we respond to Trump's conviction will determine the future of America.Glenn's response was clear: he will NOT surrender to bullies and tyrants. Now is the time to stand back up, brush off the dirt, and push forward. We are at the point where we have to choose: do we lie face down in the dirt, or do we get back up?That was Glenn's response, but the rest of the country had myriad reactions, revealing a lot about who we are as a nation. Here are 5 responses to Trump's conviction that show where
  • Everything Congress SHOULD HAVE Asked Fauci About COVID-19

    Everything Congress SHOULD HAVE Asked Fauci About COVID-19
    With Dr. Fauci testifying before a House subcommittee on the origins of COVID-19, many thought he would finally be asked the tough questions: Why did he lie about gain-of-function research? Why did he try to cover up all the chatter among scientists that the virus DID come from a lab — and that American taxpayers funded these "Frankenstein" experiments? Did he know that the U.S. government cut a deal with Moderna on vaccines right before the pandemic? Glenn laid out the entire COVID-19 cov

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