• ‘Young Sheldon’ Is Ending. So Is Its Idea of Science Versus Religion.

    ‘Young Sheldon’ Is Ending. So Is Its Idea of Science Versus Religion.
    For seven seasons, the show has offered a clichéd (and nostalgic) vision of how atheists and believers relate to each other.My mom was the one who told me to watch The Big Bang Theory. It was a show about nerds—and I was a nerd. She thought I’d enjoy it. A friend had already mentioned that the main character, Sheldon Cooper, was “exactly like” me. After I watched the show, at Mom’s encouragement, I joked that I had mixed feelings about the comparison.The Big
  • Tony Evans Steps Away from Ministry, Citing Old Sin

    Tony Evans Steps Away from Ministry, Citing Old Sin
    The first African American to have both a study Bible and a full Bible commentary bearing his name said he will submit to the “biblical standard of repentance and restoration.”Tony Evans, the longtime leader of a Dallas megachurch and best-selling author, has announced that he is stepping back from his ministry due to sin he committed years ago.“The foundation of our ministry has always been our commitment to the Word of God as the absolute supreme standard of truth to which we
  • The SBC’s Abuse Prevention Work Is Not Done

    The SBC’s Abuse Prevention Work Is Not Done
    Five years ago, our messengers pledged to take substantive action to end sexual abuse in our churches. We cannot let another year pass with that promise unfulfilled.Just over five years ago, a fire broke out in one of the world’s most famous houses of worship, the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. In the days following, officials confirmed that one reason the fire grew out of control was that the security team, after hearing the alarm, miscommunicated and responded at the wrong location. T
  • The Generous Genius of Jürgen Moltmann

    The Generous Genius of Jürgen Moltmann
    Memories and reflections of the famed theologian from his last overseas doctoral student and friend of 33 years.When he died at home in Tübingen, Germany, last Monday morning at age 98, the world could justly say that Jürgen Moltmann was the leading Christian theologian of the second half of the 20th century. He had championed liberation theology from South America, then imported it successfully to the West. He had inaugurated an eschatological “theology of hope” and freshl
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  • Some Churches Call Clergy Sexual Misconduct an ‘Affair.’ Survivors Are Fighting to Make It Against the Law.

    Some Churches Call Clergy Sexual Misconduct an ‘Affair.’ Survivors Are Fighting to Make It Against the Law.
    Advocates push for legislation criminalizing sex between ministers and those they spiritually guide.Krystal Woolston struggled with her mental health as a teenager, but she headed to college hoping for a brighter future. Then, a married pastor who seemed to care about her gave her a different path forward. He told her God wanted her to have sex with him to help her heal.Looking back 12 years later, Woolston realizes how vulnerable she was to his spiritual manipulation.“I was just falling,
  • Most Pastors Still Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

    Most Pastors Still Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
    Levels of support for LGBTQ relationships have plateaued among Protestant clergy.
    Almost a decade after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage across the country, most pastors remain opposed, and the supporting percentage isn’t growing any larger.One in 5 US Protestant pastors (21%) say they see nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married, according to a Lifeway Research study.Three in 4 (75%) are opposed, including 69 percent who strongly disagree with same-sex
  • Southern Baptists, Outsiders Hear Our Confessions Too

    Southern Baptists, Outsiders Hear Our Confessions Too
    Baptist confessions have long drawn attention beyond the church. The proposal on male pastors will too.Messengers from around the country will soon gather in Indianapolis to conduct the business of the Southern Baptist Convention. As in recent years, they will consider the exact relationship between the association and its member churches—a question of unique significance to Baptists who have historically valued local church independence.This week, they will be asked to take final action o
  • Southern Baptist Digital Hymnal Gets Saved

    Southern Baptist Digital Hymnal Gets Saved
    Worship leaders convince curriculum company of the value of lifewayworship.com.Lifeway no longer plans to shut down its online music ministry resource lifewayworship.com .
    In July 2023, the companyannounced its plan to retire the platform—a “digital hymnal” that provides users with chord charts, vocal arrangements, and orchestrations—thenpaused those plans a week later after a strong response from customers. After a year of reevaluation and interviews with worship leaders
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  • I’ve Preached the Gospel Countless Times. The Love of the Amish Preached it to Me.

    I’ve Preached the Gospel Countless Times. The Love of the Amish Preached it to Me.
    An excerpt on grief, forgiveness, and the gospel from Beechdale Road: Where Mercy Is More Powerful Than Murder.On Sunday, June 21, 2020, 18-year-old Linda Stoltzfoos of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, was kidnapped and later murdered by Justo Smoker—my brother-in-law.As you might expect, my family journeyed through tremendous grief, anger, and pain. But as you might not expect, we also journeyed through the challenge of receiving unexplainable grace, kindness, and mercy at the hands of the Ami
  • Evangelicals Don’t Love Donald Trump Enough

    Evangelicals Don’t Love Donald Trump Enough
    Christians who wave away the former president’s sexual immorality may be the most anti-Trump constituency of all.This piece was adapted from Russell Moore’s newsletter. Subscribe here.For the first time in history, a former (and possibly future) president of the United States is now a convicted felon. A jury found that Donald Trump falsified business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star, with whom he had an affair, in order to keep the story from hurting his 2016 p
  • Indian Christians Relieved as Election Results Limit Hindu Nationalists

    Indian Christians Relieved as Election Results Limit Hindu Nationalists
    With Modi’s BJP denied an outright majority in parliament, church leaders credit prayer movements and hope the restoration of coalition politics will protect religious minorities.The world’s largest democracy underwent a significant political shift in its 2024 general election, as Indian voters upended the previously unshakable dominance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) remains the largest coalition an
  • Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called

    Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
    As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in women’s ministry in their local churches.
    When women’s ministry began dominating her schedule, taking too much time from her responsibilities at work and at home, Jacqueline Heider submitted a letter of resignation.Her pastor responded by offering her a paid position.That was 18 years ago. Since then, Heider has led women’s ministry at Warren Baptist Church. She serves on the lead tea
  • Doubting Thomas: Why the Evangelical Crush on Aquinas Needs to Mature

    Doubting Thomas: Why the Evangelical Crush on Aquinas Needs to Mature
    Thomism is experiencing a renaissance in theology, but there’s a reason it’s controversial.To engage with the medieval Italian priest Thomas Aquinas (1224–74) is to approach one of history’s greatest theological giants. Aquinas is second only to Augustine in his influence on Western Christianity—and his legacy of Thomism is a vast ocean. Academic discussions in theology and philosophy demand Aquinas and Thomism as conversation partners.Yet evangelicals, in particula
  • Ban the Mob, Not the Bible

    Ban the Mob, Not the Bible
    Christians are the victims of hate in some places and the targets of hate speech laws in others. How can believers advocate for nations to address both threats in a consistent, principled way?Hate speech is a thorny problem in many countries of the world. Nations such as Pakistan and Sri Lanka, for example, regularly demonstrate how it can be used to incite violence against Christian minorities. But even Western nations that highly value freedom of expression have experienced demonstrations on c
  • This Is the Way: How the Dao Helps Chinese People Understand Christ

    This Is the Way: How the Dao Helps Chinese People Understand Christ
    Ancient philosopher Zhuangzi’s teachings can be a means of evangelism.In the opening lines of the Gospel of John, God’s eternal presence is rendered as “the Word,” a translation of the Greek word logos. In many translations of the Chinese Bible, including the popular Chinese Union Version, you will find this concept rendered as “the Dao (Tao).”In English, Dao is commonly translated as “the Way.” In Chinese, the word (道) indicates a teaching
  • Inside the ‘Secret World’ of Global Evangelism to Muslims

    Inside the ‘Secret World’ of Global Evangelism to Muslims
    While reporting from conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East, Adriana Carranca met evangelical missionaries sent from surprising places.In a 2007 article, CT described British church historian Andrew Walls (1928–2021) as “the most important person you don’t know.” Among his greatest achievements was helping turn the attention of Western scholars to the remarkable growth of Christianity in the Global South. Walls’s work on what he then called “non-Western
  • How to Make Friends at Church

    How to Make Friends at Church
    It’s tough to plunge into a new congregation. Here’s how to get your head above water.Once, a man decided to attend religious services while visiting a new town. He went to the meeting location and made a bunch of new friends, just like that.The man in question was the apostle Paul, and we learn this story of his visit to Philippi, including that friendly Sabbath, from Acts 16. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t like Paul in multiple key respects, so perhaps the story should be a
  • Died: Jürgen Moltmann, Theologian of Hope

    Died: Jürgen Moltmann, Theologian of Hope
    A German soldier found by Christ in a prisoner of war camp, he became a renowned Christian scholar who taught that “God weeps with us so that we may someday laugh with him.”Jürgen Moltmann, a theologian who taught that Christian faith is founded in the hope of the resurrection of the crucified Christ and that the coming kingdom of God acts upon human history out of the eschatological future, died on June 3 in Tübingen, Germany. He was 98.Moltmann is widely regarded as one o
  • Southern Baptists Pledged to Launch an Online Database of Abusers. It’s Still Empty.

    Southern Baptists Pledged to Launch an Online Database of Abusers. It’s Still Empty.
    Lack of funding and liability concerns have stalled abuse reform efforts.
    A volunteer Southern Baptist task force charged with implementing abuse reforms in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination will end its work next week without a single name published on a database of abusers.The task force’s report marks the second time a proposed database for abusive pastors has been derailed by denominational apathy, legal worries, and a desire to protect donations to the Southern Baptis
  • What Silicon Valley’s New Ethical Thinking Gets Right—and Wrong

    What Silicon Valley’s New Ethical Thinking Gets Right—and Wrong
    Effective altruism and longtermism are all the rage these days. How should Christians engage?Former cryptocurrency trade executive Ryan Salame was sentenced last week for federal financial crimes he committed while working for FTX. The company’s billionaire founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, was sentenced months ago for engaging in “one of the largest financial frauds in history.” This case is making headlines and sparking long-term conversations in the burgeoning field of tech ethics
  • Nominate a Book for the Christianity Today Book Awards

    Nominate a Book for the Christianity Today Book Awards
    Instructions for publishers.Dear publishers and authors,Each year, Christianity Today honors a set of outstanding books encompassing a variety of subjects and genres. The CT Book Awards will be announced in December at christianitytoday.com. They also will be featured prominently in the January/February 2025 issue of CT and promoted in several CT newsletters. (In addition, publishers will have the opportunity to participate in a marketing promotion organized by CT’s marketing team, complet
  • For Sale: Christian Ministry Headquarters

    For Sale: Christian Ministry Headquarters
    Evangelical organizations including Wycliffe, CT, and Lifeway are giving up their buildings and developing new models for remote work.Wycliffe Bible Translators’ building is 167,000 square feet of class-A office space, with windows looking out over palm trees, golf course grass, and a shimmering blue lake that appears to be a near-perfect circle. The headquarters is about 10 miles from the Orlando airport in the Lake Nona area, sitting on 272 lush acres that include wetlands filled with Fl
  • Let the Anxious Children Sing to Me

    Let the Anxious Children Sing to Me
    New worship music offers today’s young believers a wider range of emotions and greater spiritual depth.
    Kids need more from worship music than dance motions, silly lyrics, and singsong melodies. Musicians like Keith and Kristyn Getty and Shane & Shane are building a body of songs with theological depth and musical simplicity to help disciple young believers.“Jesus Calms the Storm (Hymn for Anxious Little Hearts),” arecent single released by the Gettys in collaboration with
  • Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C

    Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C
    The Christian doctor and researcher sees a “moral imperative” in destroying a curable fatal illness. Other countries are on track to erase it, but not the United States.Francis Collins, the former longtime head of the National Institutes of Health and founder of BioLogos, has seen deaths in his work as a physician and researcher. But some of those have been personal: He watched his brother-in-law die a slow and painful death from complications of hepatitis C, an often fatal disease t
  • India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results

    India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
    Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.As India’s monumental elections finally come to an end this week, all eyes are on the extent of the mandate that will be handed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party. Especially among the subcontinent’s estimated 28 million Christians, for whom the result will test whether religious freedom a
  • The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction

    The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
    Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.The homepage of The New York Times announced the conviction of Donald Trump on 34 felony charges Thursday afternoon in the kind of large-scale, black letter headline we typically associate with yellowed century-old newspapers declaring war has come. “TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS,” it blared above a photo of the former president looking weary in some crowded public
  • Guilty Verdict Shakes Trump Supporters’ Faith—in the Justice System

    Guilty Verdict Shakes Trump Supporters’ Faith—in the Justice System
    Many white evangelicals don’t trust the felony conviction and still back the former president.Donald Trump’s historic felony conviction in New York on Thursday hasn’t deterred his evangelical supporters. Instead, along with fellow Trump loyalists, they have directed their ire at the justice system that issued a guilty verdict against him.“People think this is kind of the end of America,” Chad Connelly, CEO of Faith Wins, a conservative Christian organization, told C
  • Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope

    Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
    Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.Nearly one in five (18.3%) Pakistani girls are married before age 18, according to data from 2017 to 2018, with over half becoming pregnant as children. Many of these girls are of Christian or Hindu faiths that collectively make up 3.5 percent of the population, which is majority Muslim.While the government has officially banned child marriage, discriminatory laws and lack of enfor
  • Kwame Bediako Still Defines the Debate on African Culture and Christianity

    Kwame Bediako Still Defines the Debate on African Culture and Christianity
    Seven leaders weigh in on the late Ghanaian scholar’s provocative legacy 20 years after his best-known book.What Luther and Calvin are for evangelical Christians globally, Kwame Bediako is for many African evangelicals. From his dramatic conversion in 1970 to his death in 2008, Bediako was the primary architect of and inspiration for theological work that grappled with the realities of African culture.On this 20th anniversary of the publication (by Orbis Books) of some of Bediako’s m
  • Died: Lin Chih-Ping, Taiwan’s ‘Fool for Life’ Who Shared ‘Cosmic Light’ Through Eclectic Ministry

    Died: Lin Chih-Ping, Taiwan’s ‘Fool for Life’ Who Shared ‘Cosmic Light’ Through Eclectic Ministry
    The entrepreneur and social services leader had a unique vision for sharing the gospel and reaching people holistically.Peter Chih-Ping Lin (林治平), who launched a Christian magazine for those outside the church that grew into a sprawling, eclectic ministry, died of pancreatic cancer on April 27 at the age of 86 in Taipei. With little financial support, in 1973, Lin founded what became Christian Cosmic Light Holistic Care Organization, which sought to reach non-Christians thro

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