• Five greyhounds killed since Mike Baird's racing ban reversal

    Five greyhounds killed since Mike Baird's racing ban reversal
    In the News: 17 October 2016.
  • Global Supermarket Brand Drops Frog Legs After Chilling PETA Exposé

    Global Supermarket Brand Drops Frog Legs After Chilling PETA Exposé
    Global supermarket giant Carrefour has committed to cutting ties with its supplier in Indonesia and ending its sale of frog legs from the country. The move follows PETA’s shocking video exposé revealing that frogs are butchered alive so that their legs can be sold in supermarkets around the world, including Carrefour.
    More than 90,000 people took action for frogs and joined PETA entities around the world in writing to Carrefour Group. Thank you to everyone who participated!Exposing
  • Live Export of Sheep by Sea Will End in 2028

    Live Export of Sheep by Sea Will End in 2028
    Thanks to decades of work from intrepid investigators and dedicated campaigners, the government has finally set a date to end the live export of sheep by sea.
    Time and time again, investigations into Australia’s live-export industry have found animals enduring dehydration, starvation, and illness or being tossed about on rough seas, trampled by their shipmates, and suffocated by their own faeces.
    While we’re relieved that the end is finally in sight, there’s no possible excuse
  • The Dead Mums at Mother’s Day Brunches Also Loved their Babies

    The Dead Mums at Mother’s Day Brunches Also Loved their Babies
    In recent years, Mother’s Day brunches – long, leisurely mornings featuring tables laden with bacon, sausages, eggs, and pastries – have become a popular way for Australian families to celebrate the mums and mother figures in their lives. But when you really stop to think about it, they’re more than a little hypocritical. After all, many of the foods piled on plates on May 12 are products of the exploitation of mothers, who were forcibly and repeatedly impregnated before
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  • Reef or Beef? Animal Agriculture Is Killing Corals

    Reef or Beef? Animal Agriculture Is Killing Corals
    According to a government report, the Great Barrier Reef just faced what may have been its worst summer on record, with extreme coral bleaching and other issues caused by the climate catastrophe – of which animal agriculture is a leading driver.
    New PETA billboards have been erected in reef tour gateway cities Cairns and Townsville to take aim at Australia’s environmentally devastating appetite for animal flesh. The ad features a haunting image of cow skulls intermingled with the ble
  • Earth Day Challenge: Skip Showers or Go Vegan

    Earth Day Challenge: Skip Showers or Go Vegan
    To mark Earth Day (22 April), PETA has issued Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek an ultimatum: either skip showers for six months or go vegan for six months.
    As Australia experiences the impact of climate change, with droughts and other manifestations of extreme weather, our quirky challenge is meant to highlight the extent of water use in animal agriculture. A single day of eating vegan saves 4,160 litres of water – the equivalent of four months of taking showers &ndas
  • Australian Live Export: Animals Thrash on Floor, Bleeding Out

    Australian Live Export: Animals Thrash on Floor, Bleeding Out
    A shocking new PETA exposé shows that workers in Indonesia are still butchering live animals who are imported from Australia, even though the Australian government insisted that the gruesome practice had been stopped.
    In October 2023, a PETA Asia investigator recorded video footage showing that two cows with Australian ear tags were thrashing around on an abattoir floor after workers slashed their throats. Both animals were still kicking and one was heard gurgling as they were dragged by
  • Families Ripped Apart: Anti–Marine Park Message Arrives on Seaworld Drive

    Families Ripped Apart: Anti–Marine Park Message Arrives on Seaworld Drive
    During the Easter school holidays, families visiting the Gold Coast will be met with a haunting ode to the female marine mammals in abusement parks who are forcibly impregnated and then separated from their beloved offspring. Bus stop billboards – including one on Seaworld Drive – feature reality TV star Charlotte Crosby and her baby daughter, Alba, both dressed to resemble dolphins, being torn apart from each other while floating in dark water.Sea World on the Gold Coast is notoriou
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  • Sydney Royal Easter Show Urged to ‘Grow Vegan’ and Leave 200 Years of Animal Abuse in the Past

    Sydney Royal Easter Show Urged to ‘Grow Vegan’ and Leave 200 Years of Animal Abuse in the Past
    The Sydney Royal Easter Show is being encouraged to make the event vegan – the Sydney Royal Easter Grow – showcasing Australia’s diverse plant-based farming industry, instead of hosting cruel, outdated sheep-shearing shows and rodeo events and condoning the sizzling of flesh and guzzling of animals’ breast milk. PETA has even designed a cheerful new logo for the event featuring mascot Bazza Banana, an instant Aussie icon. The rebranded event could exclusively celebrate Au
  • ‘Don’t Batter Us!’ – PETA Offers to Pay for Big Trout Sculpture Makeover

    ‘Don’t Batter Us!’ – PETA Offers to Pay for Big Trout Sculpture Makeover
    Adaminaby’s Big Trout sculpture will soon have a makeover, and PETA has sent the mayor of Snowy Monaro an intriguing offer: we’ll cover the repainting costs provided that the council add the fish rights message “Don’t Batter Us!” to the landmark’s belly.Our letter includes a mock-up of the proposed message and explains to the mayor that fish are misunderstood and much maligned, but in all the ways that matter – including the ability to feel pain –
  • Some Dogs and Cats Could Soon Be Allowed in the Cabin on Domestic Flights

    Some Dogs and Cats Could Soon Be Allowed in the Cabin on Domestic Flights
    The stress of finding a temporary guardian for animal companions could soon be coming to an end for Australians who fly domestically. Virgin Australia has applied with the relevant regulator to become the country’s first airline to operate flights which allow cats and small dogs in the cabin.
    Australians take a whopping number of domestic flights – more than 57 million passengers flew within the country in 2023. Many of us consider animals part of the family, so it’s no surpris
  • Gucci Parent Company Connected to Gruesome Snake Killings

    Gucci Parent Company Connected to Gruesome Snake Killings
    In never-before-seen footage, a PETA Asia investigation into the exotic-skins industry in Thailand reveals that thousands of snakes are cruelly confined and then bashed over the head with hammers and impaled with hooks while still moving.
    The two python farms that PETA Asia’s investigators visited supply skins to Caravel, a tannery owned by fashion conglomerate Kering, the parent company of Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, and other brands.
    Kering is supporting the immense suffering and horrific
  • Peter Tatchell Urges Newly Out Matador to Turn Back on Bullfighting

    Peter Tatchell Urges Newly Out Matador to Turn Back on Bullfighting
    Following the recent coming out of Mario Alcalde, Spain’s first openly LGBTQ+ matador, Melbourne-born animal ally Peter Tatchell sent a letter to Alcalde. He implores the bullfighter to see the obvious parallels between the oppression of LGBTQ+ people and that of animals and to take a stand against the cruelty inherent in the bullfighting industry.“Bullfighting is the ritualised killing of innocent animals, who have no choice but to enter the ring. They stand no chance of coming out
  • For Compassionate People of Faith, ‘Christspiracy’ Offers Answers and Hope

    For Compassionate People of Faith, ‘Christspiracy’ Offers Answers and Hope
    The new documentary Christspiracy is what every compassionate person of faith who has struggled or prayed for answers has been waiting for. And it’s full of eye-opening revelations for anyone who wants to learn about “the biggest cover-up in 2,000 years”.
    From Nazareth to the Vatican and from New Delhi to Kathmandu, gospel musician Kameron Waters and documentary director Kip Anderson questioned world-renowned theologians, Christian farmers, Indigenous shamans, archaeologists, a
  • This Leather Blood Bath Video Will Make You Swear Off Animal Skin

    This Leather Blood Bath Video Will Make You Swear Off Animal Skin
    PETA UK’s new video will open eyes to the cruelty of the leather trade. It begins with a seemingly harmless party game but quickly transforms into a sobering revelation. Once you see the truth, there’s no turning back. This video will haunt you long after it ends:The spot was created by global integrated marketing agency Samy Alliance with creative direction from Santiago Lucero. It was directed by M&M (Martin Jalfen and Mike Usandivaras) and produced by ROMA Productions.
  • New Video: Civet Cats Are Still Exploited for ‘Poop Coffee’ in Bali

    New Video: Civet Cats Are Still Exploited for ‘Poop Coffee’ in Bali
    Civet cats in Bali are still being abused for “poop coffee”, also known as kopi luwak, which is obtained from the animals’ faeces. Watch this new footage by PETA Asia to see where it really comes from:Civet Cats Are Languishing in Cages
    Investigators uncovered that tourists in Bali often visit coffee gardens where guides lie, saying that the faeces used for the coffee comes from wild animals, when it’s actually obtained from caged civet cats.PETA Asia’s previous inv
  • PETA’s Birthday Gift to Albo: ‘Time Is Ticking on Your Live-Export Promise’

    PETA’s Birthday Gift to Albo: ‘Time Is Ticking on Your Live-Export Promise’
    As Prime Minister Anthony Albanese celebrates his 61st birthday, PETA is reminding him that time is ticking on his live-export ban promise.
    Labor’s term in office may end in September 2025, when the next federal election is held –and it’s quite possible, given the current situation, that the government’s election promise to phase out the live export of sheep won’t have been fulfilled by then. So we sent Albo a clock in the shape of a sheep covered with “blood&
  • Behind the Scenes: Animals Used in Hollywood Are Confined and Virtually Starved

    Behind the Scenes: Animals Used in Hollywood Are Confined and Virtually Starved
    A PETA US undercover investigation into Atlanta Film Animals (AFA) – a business that trains and provides animals for the film, television, and advertising industries – has revealed what happens behind the scenes. Workers used antiquated training methods, such as denying cats and other animals food; deprived elderly pigs of veterinary care; and warehoused dogs in cold, barren kennels.
    “Fucking whore!”
    “She’s a total bitch.”
    AFA has provided animals for ma
  • Don’t Celebrate Mardi Gras With Cruelly Obtained Feathers – They Were Stolen From Someone

    Don’t Celebrate Mardi Gras With Cruelly Obtained Feathers – They Were Stolen From Someone
    The Sydney Mardi Gras parade is set to be a brilliant party yet again this year. As one of the largest LGBT+ festivals in the world, the event is on track to attract hundreds of thousands of people from across Australia and overseas to celebrate. While it’s a time for extravagance, please don’t make birds suffer for it. Here’s why you should ditch feathers from your Mardi Gras outfit.Dyed feathers are often featured in Mardi Gras costumes, from boas and feather dusters to elabo
  • When We Use Animals for Food, We May as Well Be Lighting Bushfires

    When We Use Animals for Food, We May as Well Be Lighting Bushfires
    Following severe heatwaves this summer across Australia, PETA has sent a cheeky gift to agriculture and emergency management minister Murray Watt: a box of matches intended to remind him that amid escalating temperatures due to the climate catastrophe, when we strike out meat, we can douse the heat.Minister Watt is being reminded that animal agriculture is fuelling the climate catastrophe and the most comprehensive analysis to date concludes that eating vegan produces 75% less climate-heating em
  • ‘Immense Suffering’: PETA Objects to Piggery Expansion

    ‘Immense Suffering’: PETA Objects to Piggery Expansion
    As the February 29 deadline for public submissions regarding the proposed expansion of what would be one of Australia’s largest piggeries looms, PETA is urging Australians to have their say, pointing out that waste from the Goondiwindi factory farm could increase the risk of health issues like asthma among students at the local state school, which is located fewer than five kilometres from where developers plan to imprison yet more pigs.
    In a letter to the local council to oppose the growt
  • New Zealand’s Live Export Ban Is Under Threat

    New Zealand’s Live Export Ban Is Under Threat
    New Zealand’s ban on live export was world-leading . It put a stop to the live export by sea of cattle, deer, goats, and sheep from New Zealand last year, sparing around 3 million live farmed animals every year horrific suffering on voyages around the world. But now, the new government – under pressure from the animal agriculture industry – plans to overturn the ban.
    Animals on live-export ships face dehydration, starvation, and illness and are tossed about on rough seas, tramp
  • Africa Union Bans Donkey Slaughter for Ejiao

    The African Union heads of state have ratified a motion proposing a 15-year ban on the donkey-skin trade. The group’s 55 member states will ban the slaughter of donkeys for their skin, sparing countless animals the trauma of being kidnapped and a cruel death just to fuel China’s lucrative market for gelatine extracted from their hides.
    Donkey-hide gelatine is commonly known as “ejiao” and sometimes “gelatina nigra”. It can be found in beverages, candy, and eve
  • Here’s Why Ginger & Smart Will Never Use Exotic Skins or Angora Fur

    Here’s Why Ginger & Smart Will Never Use Exotic Skins or Angora Fur
    One of Australia’s most beloved luxury brands, Ginger & Smart, has confirmed to PETA that it does not – and will never – use angora rabbit fur or exotic skins, such as those torn from crocodiles, snakes, and lizards, in its designs. Renowned for its structured professional looks and unforgettable evening gowns, the brand is popular worldwide, including with the luxe Saks Fifth Avenue set.
    This commitment to never using angora or exotic skins tells us that Ginger & Smart
  • Update From Fremantle: 10 Days of Rest but No Reprieve

    Update From Fremantle: 10 Days of Rest but No Reprieve
    The MV Bahijah returned to Fremantle yesterday. After being at sea since 5 January, the surviving 15,000 Australian sheep and cattle are set to be brought back to land over the next few days. In an unprecedented situation, they can expect to spend 10 days in stockyards before the exporter will likely try again to export them to the Middle East with another permit and via a different route.
    Near Fremantle Harbour, where the MV Bahijah is currently docked, PETA’s latest billboard reminds pas
  • NSW Could Be the First Jurisdiction to Ban the Forced Swim Test

    NSW Could Be the First Jurisdiction to Ban the Forced Swim Test
    Further use of the forced swim test and the smoke inhalation test will soon be illegal in New South Wales! Thanks to a private members’ bill that passed in the state’s parliament earlier this week – brought forward by the Animal Justice Party and backed by Animal-Free Science Advocacy – experimenters will no longer be allowed to initiate new projects that force mice and other mammals to experience the panic of near-drowning or the plethora of health issues caused by smoke
  • Animals Remain Trapped as Harrowing Live-Export Ordeal Continues

    Animals Remain Trapped as Harrowing Live-Export Ordeal Continues
    Australians are disgusted and ashamed by the stranding of thousands of animals near Perth. After already enduring weeks on rough seas, these animals are now trapped in a heatwave due to the government’s myopic and heartless decisions. More than 15,000 Australian sheep and cattle – like the millions who have been shipped to slaughter before them – should never have been aboard any ship, let alone one bound for what had already clearly been established as a high-conflict zone in
  • No More Treading Water: Australian Research Council Joins Forced Swim Test Ban

    No More Treading Water: Australian Research Council Joins Forced Swim Test Ban
    There’s another nail in the coffin for the cruel forced swim test in Australia: the Australian Research Council (ARC) has endorsed the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) decision to prohibit funding any experiments that use the forced swim test to model human depression in order to study “depression-like behaviour” or anxiety disorders and their treatment.
    The ARC acts as the government’s primary non-medical research funding agency, and the decis
  • There’s Nothing Humane About Australia’s Crocodile Welfare Standards

    There’s Nothing Humane About Australia’s Crocodile Welfare Standards
    What crocodiles endure on farms, including in Australia, is hideously cruel. These native animals, who have formed a crucial part of the environment for over 240 million years, have been reduced to commodities – they are abducted from their natural homes or bred in captivity and forced to live in filthy, cramped pits or dank, urine- and faeces-polluted water in dark sheds on factory farms before workers shoot them in the head or stab them in the neck for frivolous fashion accessories or &l
  • Government Rejects Its Own Inquiry – Duck Hunting in Victoria to Continue

    Government Rejects Its Own Inquiry – Duck Hunting in Victoria to Continue
    Shame on the Victorian government for ignoring the recommendations of its own inquiry – as well as appeals from more than 10,000 Australian voters – by continuing to support recreational duck hunting. This cruel and destructive activity is already prohibited in New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia, and it’s high time Victoria joined the 21st century and ended this bloodbath, too.
    Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals Media
    Every year in Victoria, around 300,000 waterbirds
05 Jun 2024

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