• Video: Shots Heard During Live Stream News Conference Promoting Two Genders Campaign

    Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate is flanked by two volunteers dressed in skeleton costumes in front of billboard and with banner that says "Only 2 genders, no bones about it." NEWS PROVIDED BYPublic AdvocateMay 15, 2024WASHINGTON, May 15, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- Summary: Shots were fired near Public Advocate's CEO and staff during a live stream video announcement of a billboard campaign opposing transgender surgery on children and promoting the reality of Source: Pub
  • CfaN Launches Groundbreaking Series of 15 Mass Crusades Across Uganda

    Christ for all Nations
    June 14, 2024ORLANDO, Fla., June 14, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- This week, Christ for All Nations (CfaN), led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, embarks on an unprecedented evangelistic mission across Uganda. In a historic initiative, CfaN will conduct 15 mass crusades, each spanning 4 to 5 nights, totaling 70 nights of crusades. This monumental series aims to transform lives and spread a message of hope across the nation.Planning and organizing the Source: C
  • Why Won't Rachel Levine Celebrate Father's Day?

    NEWS PROVIDED BYCatholic League for Religious and Civil RightsJune 14, 2024NEW YORK, June 14, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Bill Donohue, President, Catholic League: Rachel Levine, President Biden's assistant secretary of health, should be celebrating Father's Dayhe has two childrenbut he won't be. That's because he thinks he is a woman. But he didn't celebrate Mother's Day either. Why would a parent not celebrate one of these two days? Source: Catholic League
  • You Abused and Oppressed Me, Dad. I Forgive You.

    You Abused and Oppressed Me, Dad. I Forgive You.
    How a community’s example of radical forgiveness helped me relinquish my own rage.Father’s Day is a multibillion-dollar affair. In the weeks leading up to it, men’s ties, BBQ aprons, and golf-themed gifts fly off the shelves.My own view on Father’s Day has a complicated history. After an abusive, impoverished childhood (detailed in my recent memoir, Motorhome Prophecies), I sometimes felt an anger toward my dad as intense as what Salvador Dalí, the Spanish surreali
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  • Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad

    Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
    Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”When our first daughter was born, in the fall of 2021, she couldn’t nurse properly. For my wife, feeding her was an every-few-hours exercise in pure pain. Lactation consultants were consulted, to little avail; a minor tongue-tie operation, newly trendy in such cases, didn’t help either. We thought about switching to formula, but my wife was dead
  • Faithful Fathers

    Faithful Fathers
    Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.Problems with fathers are nothing new. They go back to the beginning. Genesis alone is a vast catalog of fathers’ sins, whether those of Adam, Noah, and Lot, or the patriarchs themselves.What about good fathers, though? Here is C. S. Lewis, writing in the 1940s: We have learned from Freud and others about those distortions in character and errors in thought
  • Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly

    Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
    It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.This piece was adapted from Russell Moore’s newsletter. Subscribe here.In his New York Times column this week, my friend David French wrote about what it was like to be “canceled” by his denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. He later told me how stunned he was by how many people responded immediately—grieving their own “cancellations” from churches or ministries
  • Mission Network News (Fri, 14 Jun 2024 - 4.5 min)

    Today's Headlines “Fake news� reflects tension, paranoia in Lebanon
    Christians prepare for ministry in Indonesia’s new capital
    Nearly 2,000 kids injured or killed since war began in Ukraine
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  • PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book

    PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
    The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) at its annual meeting on Thursday voted to investigate the Christian appropriateness of the best-selling book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, who was part of the PCA and died in August last year at age 77. Young was one of the most-read evangelicals of the last 20 years.Pastors in the denomination are concerned that Young’s use of th
  • SCOTUS Punts on Abortion Human Pesticide Mifepristone

    High Court Rules in Abortion Drug Case, Confirms Abortion is in the Hands of the States
    NEWS PROVIDED BYOperation RescueJune 13, 2024
    WICHITA, Kan., June 13, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a long-awaited ruling in the Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine appeal. In a unanimous decision, the Court granted full access to the human pesticide, mifepristone, marketed under the brand name Mifeprex and used in more than half o S
  • Ministry Challenges the Church to 'Stand Firm in the Cultural Tornado'

    Biblical Worldview: Answers for Difficult Dayslaunches June 13GARLAND, TexasA Texas-based ministry claims core biblical values are being eroded in the most unlikely placesAmerica's pulpits and pews.
    We're facing a constant battle of ideas, including within many of our churches, said Bunni Pounds, founder and president of Christians Engaged (www.christiansengaged.org).Our basic beliefs about the worldour worldviewset the course for our lives, she said. Tragically, Source: I AM PR
  • Fathom Acquires U.S. Distribution Rights to AVERAGE JOE, the True Story of Football Coach Fired for Praying

    Coach Joe Kennedy's Historic Battle for Religious Freedom Inspired a Nation and Will Ignite Theaters This FallFrom the Producers of GOD'S NOT DEAD and THE BLIND, AVERAGE JOE Reminds Us Sometimes We Have to Kneel to Ultimately Make a StandNEWS PROVIDED BYEPICJune 13, 2024NASHVILLE, June 13, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- GND Media Group and Fathom announce the release of AVERAGE JOE, coming to theaters nationwide this fall. Based on the life of US Marine (ret.) and high school football So
  • Interview: A Writer’s Creative Calling Isn’t Found in the Middle of a Crowd

    Interview: A Writer’s Creative Calling Isn’t Found in the Middle of a Crowd
    Award-winning author E. Lily Yu speaks about her faith, her deep love of language, and the perils of “moving with the majority.”E. Lily Yu is that rare creature: a writer of exceptional skill who is grounded in faith, literary history, and a lifetime of reading. Her short story collection Jewel Box was a finalist for a Los Angeles Times Book Prize, her novel On Fragile Waves won the Washington State Book Award for fiction, and Yu herself has received the LaSalle Storyteller Award and
  • 3 Ways I’ve Learned to Support China’s Christians Better as an American Pastor

    3 Ways I’ve Learned to Support China’s Christians Better as an American Pastor
    Don’t let political rivalry define our perspectives of each other.I serve as senior pastor of a medium-sized church in Cary, North Carolina. Besides being multicultural and multiethnic, we are also politically diverse: There are Democrats, Republicans, and many politically “homeless” people who have a difficult time identifying with either party.This year, like many pastors and church leaders in the United States, I find myself yet again leading my congregation through a season
  • Mission Network News (Thu, 13 Jun 2024 - 4.5 min)

    Today's Headlines ISIS loses influence in Mosul, but Christians not ready to return
    Kenya Hope’s new projects include Christian school and wells; still seeking leadership
    Summer of Hope kicks off in Lebanon
  • Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting

    Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
    From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.In the weeks before the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, newly elected president Clint Pressley finished reading Malcom Gladwell’s book on precision bombing in World War II, Erik Larson’s bestseller set in the lead-up to the Civil War, and a history of a 19th-century mutiny on a Royal Navy vesse
  • Global Disciples Appoints Josh Keefer as Interim CEO

    LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIAJune 12, 2024Galen Burkholder has stepped down as CEO of the Lancaster-based missions organization, Global Disciples, after a 7-year transition period planned together with the Board of Directors. Josh Keefer has assumed the role of Interim CEO effective today.
    Burkholder founded the near-culture missions organization in 1996 and has served as CEO since. The 67-year-old wanted to step down while in good health and at a time when the organization is flourishing. G Source: G
  • World Refugee Day June 20: Unto Providing Lifesaving Support to Displaced People

    ORLANDO, FL June 12, 2024Approximately 110 million people worldwide are forcibly displaced, with 36.4 million being refugees.* On World Refugee Day, June 20, individuals and organizations around the world will demonstrate solidarity with those who have been forced to flee from their home countries due to war, violent conflict, human rights violations, oppression and persecution.We have the opportunity to tangibly meet the critical physical needs of people experiencing this crisis first Source: G
  • United States Space Force Hymn, 'Creator of the Universe,' to be Sung Across America July 4, 2024

    Photo: Modified USSF Flag. Use of released Department of Defense imagery does not constitute product or organizational endorsement of any kind.NEWS PROVIDED BY Don BiadogJune 12, 2024WASHINGTON, June 12, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- Churches and military chapels across the nation are experiencing a surge in their expressions of patriotism at this time of the year, due to recent celebrations of Memorial Day and preparations for the 4th of July.So they are preparing to perform the military hy
  • Why Does Southern Baptist Abuse Reform Keep Hitting Hurdles?

    Why Does Southern Baptist Abuse Reform Keep Hitting Hurdles?
    Leaders and advocates are grateful for the convention’s support but frustrated at the inability to enact their plans.
    Jules Woodson remembers the spark of hope she felt when a sea of yellow ballots went up across the hall at the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting in 2022. The vote in favor of abuse reform following a watershed abuse investigation was her sign that the messengers cared about victims like her and were willing to listen and make changes.At this year’s annu
  • Love in an Attention Crisis

    Love in an Attention Crisis
    Readers of the Latin Bible could see how close love and diligence are.Anyone who has studied a foreign language knows the fun of stumbling across a word that looks familiar. It’s like a treasure hunt. In my first weeks of high school Latin, I found that my own surname, Vincent, was a Latin word for “conqueror,” which gave rise to the word vanquish. That’s a pretty cool find for a slightly bored 15-year-old!It was my enthusiasm for surprising derivatives that inspired me t
  • Kids Aren’t Cheap. That Doesn’t Fully Explain Why We’re Ambivalent About Having Them.

    Kids Aren’t Cheap. That Doesn’t Fully Explain Why We’re Ambivalent About Having Them.
    A new book explores why what was once a default life stage now feels like an increasingly fraught choice.
    In a recent Guardian article about “America’s premier pronatalists,” the journalist mentions her own assumption that “the main thing that [makes having kids] hard [is] that it’s now so incredibly expensive to raise children.”“No,” the father of the profiled family replies. “Not at all”—and in a significant sense, I think he&rs
  • Mission Network News (Wed, 12 Jun 2024 - 4.5 min)

    Today's Headlines India’s minorities could become persecution targets in coming weeks
    Switzerland hosting weekend peace summit for Ukraine
  • UN Controlled Olympic Committee Pushes the Radical LGBTQ Agenda

    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) updated its "Portrayal Guidelines." They address how the media should cover athletes. The 2024 Olympics are in Paris this summer.They say "biological male" or "biological female" should be avoided as it is "problematic." Also, "a person's sex category is not assigned based on genetics alone and aspects of a person's biology can be altered when they pursue gender-affirming medical care."They provide guidance on how to write about women Source: 4 WINDS USA
  • UN Controlled Olympic Committe Pushes the Radical LGBTQ Agenda

    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) updated its "Portrayal Guidelines." They address how the media should cover athletes. The 2024 Olympics are in Paris this summer.They say "biological male" or "biological female" should be avoided as it is "problematic." Also, "a person's sex category is not assigned based on genetics alone and aspects of a person's biology can be altered when they pursue gender-affirming medical care."They provide guidance on how to write about women Source: 4 WINDS USA
  • Coptic Solidarity to Host 12th Annual Conference Discussing Hated Based on Religion

    NEWS PROVIDED BYCoptic SolidarityJune 11, 2024WASHINGTON, June 11, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity will host its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion in Washington, D.C., June 13-14. This leading policy event unites legislators, academics, policy professionals, and activists to discuss the situation of human rights and democracy for Copts in Egypt as well as other indigenous minorities in the region. The Policy Day will be hosted on Thursday, June
  • I’m an Evangelical Parent of Adult LGBTQ Children. Now What?

    I’m an Evangelical Parent of Adult LGBTQ Children. Now What?
    My theology is squarely orthodox. Now I need fellow Christians to help me work out a sustainable vision of day-to-day life with my children.For evangelical parents who hold to the church’s long-standing doctrines on gender and sex, waking up to the reality of LGBTQ children in our homes frequently marks the beginning of a difficult journey.Often blindsided by the development, many parents feel ill-prepared for the work of discernment required to move forward. They hunger for instruction an
  • All Churches Should Require Background Checks

    All Churches Should Require Background Checks
    As a former police officer and PCA elder, I believe this basic step can protect congregations from predators.For years, Jimmy G was seen as great guy and a leading member at his local community church—he was the go-to volunteer for all the ministries others avoided. On most Sunday mornings, you would see him serving alongside his wife in children’s ministry. But then something happened. Jimmy was suddenly arrested for multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault—some of them in
  • Mission Network News (Tue, 11 Jun 2024 - 4.5 min)

    Today's Headlines Security mission to Haiti to launch soon
    Unknown Nations trains and equips Yemeni Christians
    Gospel outreach grows in Sri Lanka
  • REUP Men's Movement Announces THE MAN JOURNEY -- A Transformative Training Experience for Men's Groups Looking to Grow

    NASHVILLE, Tenn., June 10, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- REUP Men's Movement, an organization dedicated to addressing a crucial need for men's discipleship within the modern church, has announced a new discipleship and mentorship model focused on biblical manhood. The Man JourneyDiscovering The Three Truths Of A Biblical Man.  It is a simple but intentional three-year plan that engages all ages of men and answers the question, "Wh Source: EPIC