• Trans Mountain Pipeline Project Approved Again By Trudeau Government

    OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave Canada’s controversial Trans Mountain pipeline expansion a second lease on life Tuesday, framing the decision in starkly political terms that portrayed his Liberal government as best positioned to walk the narrow tightrope between economic development and environmental protection.Trapped between the need to find new markets for Canadian oil and his own party’s branding as environmental stewards, Trudeau made his best case for a pipeli
  • Deadline For Trans Mountain Pipeline Project Looms For Liberals

    OTTAWA — The federal government is widely expected to green light the Trans Mountain expansion project a second time Tuesday. But even with approval, construction is likely weeks, if not months away.The federal cabinet will be reconsidering the project at its weekly meeting this morning, nine months after the Federal Court of Appeal shelved the original approval. Any decision isn’t likely to be announced until after the markets close for the day.International Trade Minister Jim

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