• Protestors Arrested In Burnaby Say They'll Keep Opposing Kinder Morgan Pipeline

    Authorities in British Columbia arrested anti-pipeline protesters Saturday on Burnaby Mountain, a first in a string of actions demonstrators said they have planned for the coming week.Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, who spoke on behalf of a coalition of demonstrators under the banner Protect the Inlet, said each protester was ready to be arrested to send a clear message against Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project."The community isn't going to lay down and just accept that this pi
  • Funding For Calgary Olympic Bid Hasn't Actually Been Confirmed, City Says

    Calgary walked back a city administration report stating the provincial and federal governments would contribute money to a 2026 Olympic Games bid, saying Saturday that no formal or final confirmation had been received.Documents posted Friday on the city's website said the Canadian government would contribute $10.5 million and the Alberta government $10 million towards a bid estimated to cost $30 million.The city said in a statement issued Saturday those reports were posted in error."The version
  • ‘Experience is departing:’ Alberta prosecutors worried as numbers dwindle

    A provincial wage freeze and increased caseloads resulting from a Supreme Court of Canada ruling are making it difficult to recruit new prosecutors to fill Alberta's dwindling ranks, says an organization representing Crown lawyers.

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