• Dealing with the silent treatment in your relationship

    Dealing with the silent treatment in your relationship
    The cold shoulder. The icy glare. The radio silence that stretches on for what feels like an eternity. Being shut out by your partner through the silent treatment can be incredibly hurtful and confusing. It leaves you feeling unseen, unheard, and desperately wanting to break the ice.But before you chase after your partner with apologies or frantic pleas, let's explore what the silent treatment is, why it happens, and what you can do to navigate this frustrating situation effectively.Check out: H
  • Reasons most women don't enjoy wearing bras and panties

    Reasons most women don't enjoy wearing bras and panties
    For many women, undergarments such as bras and panties are everyday essentials. However, despite their ubiquity, a significant number of women find these garments uncomfortable and even avoid wearing them when possible. Here are some key reasons why bras and panties can be more of a nuisance than a benefit.1. DiscomfortOne of the primary complaints about bras and panties is that they can be incredibly uncomfortable. This discomfort can stem from various factors, including ill-fitting sizes, itch
  • Why you keep attracting the wrong men

    Why you keep attracting the wrong men
    Finding the right person takes time and effort.Do you feel like you keep meeting the same kind of guys over and over again, and it's just not working out?Maybe he's unavailable, a bit selfish, or just not a good fit for your personality. It can be frustrating, but it's not about bad luck. There might be a few reasons why you keep attracting these guys, and you can change the story.Let's discuss why you might be attracting the wrong guys, and more importantly, how to change that.Reason 1: You're
  • Why you shouldn't rinse your mouth after brushing

    Why you shouldn't rinse your mouth after brushing
    Contrary to popular belief, instead of rinsing after brushing, you can skip the rinse and get to enjoy some health benefits. Everyone brushes their teeth daily. That is the norm and the usual dental routine is brushing our teeth and an automatic reflex: rinsing our mouths with water. While this is what most of us are used to, recent research has given some compelling reasons to reconsider this habit.Contrary to popular belief, instead of rinsing after brushing, you can skip the rinse and get to
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  • The real origin of the viral Asoka makeup challenge and how to do it

    The real origin of the viral Asoka makeup challenge and how to do it
    If you've scrolled through TikTok and Instagram lately, you've likely seen the viral and complicated Asoka challenge flooding your timeline.In the Asoka trend, women make elaborate hand movements while dancing and applying makeup. It also involves captivating transitions.Where did the Asoka trend start?The trend originates from the popular song "San Sanana" from the 2001 Bollywood film "Asoka." The movie told the historical journey of Emperor Asoka of the Maurya Empire during the 3rd century BCE
  • How to leave a talking stage without ghosting

    How to leave a talking stage without ghosting
    Don't feel pressured to continue talking if it doesn't feel right.We've all been there. You meet someone new, the sparks fly, and you start texting and chatting like crazy. Maybe you even go on a date or two. Things seemed fun at first, but then you realised it wasn't quite the connection you were looking for. It happens! Maybe you're just not clicking, or maybe you've met someone else who seems like a better match. Whatever the reason, you know it's time to move on. But how do you do that witho
  • How to stay celibate for a long time

    How to stay celibate for a long time
    Choosing to be celibate means deciding not to be sexually active for a period of time.For some men, deciding on celibacy can be based on personal, religious, or health reasons. Staying celibate is a personal choice that can bring many benefits, like more time to focus on your goals and personal growth. If you've decided to be celibate, here are some tips to help you stick with your decision and make the most of it.Understand your reasonsThe first step to staying celibate is understanding why you
  • Mistakes to avoid when starting a new job

    Mistakes to avoid when starting a new job
    Avoiding these common mistakes when starting a new job sets you on the right path to success.Searching for a job can be tasking. Most people put in so much effort in getting one and the excitement that comes with that offer letter is worth the effort put in most of the time. But then, the hard work should not stop with just getting a job as some people still make costly mistakes especially after they get a new job. If you do not want to be in this category, you should avoid some common mistakes
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  • Prince Harry and Meghan’s visit to a Nigerian school in Abuja

    Prince Harry and Meghan’s visit to a Nigerian school in Abuja
    The 5th in line to the British throne, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, are in Nigeria.Their first visit in Nigeria was to a school. Prince Harry and Meghan have met children at the Lights Academy in Abuja, a school supported by their Archewell Foundation.Harry founded the Invictus Games, an international sporting event for wounded servicemen and veterans. At the 2022 Invictus Games in Düsseldorf, Germany, he met with the Nigerian team and General Christopher Musa, Chief of Defence
  • What your zodiac sign says about you

    What your zodiac sign says about you
    Have you ever been asked about your zodiac sign?Zodiac signs are like a special way to understand more about yourself and how you might get along with others. They are based on when you were born and can tell you about your personality, who you might be friends with, and even what kinds of things you might be good at.What are zodiac signs?What's your star sign? [GlamourUK]Zodiac signs are twelve different symbols that come from the stars. Long ago, people looked up at the night sky and divided i
  • Can you make a safe and effective sunscreen yourself?

    Can you make a safe and effective sunscreen yourself?
    Is it possible to DIY a safe-to-use sunscreen?Sunscreen is a lotion or spray that you put on your skin to protect it from the sun. The sun's rays are strong and can damage your skin. This damage can cause sunburn, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. Sunscreen helps to block these harmful rays from reaching your skin.Why is sunscreen important?Imagine the sun as a giant light bulb in the sky. That light bulb gives off different rays, just like a regular light bulb might give off light and heat. Two o
  • The 7 Millennium Prize Problems with $1 million reward

    The 7 Millennium Prize Problems with $1 million reward
    Did you know anyone who solves one of these seven math problems gets $1 million?The Millennium Prize Problems are seven unsolved mathematical problems, each carrying a $1 million prize for the right answer.The Millennium Prize Problems were created by Landon T. Clay, an American businessman who founded the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1998 to promote and share mathematical knowledge. The institute's goal is to give a million-dollar reward to anyone who can sol
  • How to earn the respect of your subordinates as a leader

    How to earn the respect of your subordinates as a leader
    Respect is a two-way street, particularly in the realm of leadership. For leaders aiming to cultivate a respectful and engaging workplace environment, the approach to leadership must be grounded in mutual respect and understanding. Here are effective strategies to ensure you gain the respect of your team while fostering a positive workplace culture:1. Demonstrate respect firstAs a leader, setting the tone for the team’s interactions through your own behavior is crucial. Show respect in eve