• What saves fuel more: driving slow or driving fast?

    What saves fuel more: driving slow or driving fast?
    Fuel efficiency is a key concern for many drivers, especially with fluctuating gas prices and growing environmental awareness. One common question is whether driving slow or driving fast saves more fuel. Understanding the relationship between speed and fuel consumption can help you make smarter driving decisions, ultimately saving money and reducing your carbon footprint.The Basics of Fuel EfficiencyFuel efficiency, measured in miles per gallon (MPG) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km), indi
  • Could eggplants affect your gut health?

    Could eggplants affect your gut health?
    The Gut Verdict: Are Eggplants Friend or Foe?Eggplant, that versatile nightshade with its deep purple hue and mild, spongy texture, is a beloved ingredient in many cuisines. But whispers on the internet can leave you wondering: is this delightful veggie secretly wreaking havoc on your gut? Let's delve into the science to see if eggplants deserve a place on your gut-friendly menu.The Good News: Eggplant's Gut-Boosting BenefitsEggplant comes packed with nutrients that can contribute to a healthy g
  • These are the most thoughtful ways to celebrate Father's Day this weekend

    These are the most thoughtful ways to celebrate Father's Day this weekend
    Whether through simple gestures or grand celebrations, there are countless ways to make Father's Day meaningful and memorableFather's Day, which is on Sunday, June 16, 2024 this year, is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating and honouring fathers and father figures who have played pivotal roles in our lives.This day is an opportunity to express gratitude, love, and appreciation for the sacrifices, guidance, and support fathers provide.Whether through simple gestures or grand celebrations,
  • How to lower blood pressure instantly

    How to lower blood pressure instantly
    There are simple tricks that can reduce blood pressure but note that it isn’t a substitute for exercise, diet and drugsManaging high blood pressure involves the right diet, exercise and drugs but here are two simple tricks that can accelerate the reduction in a short time.Ben Kelly, Head of Preventative Medicine at Nuffield Health, explains a simple trick to lower blood pressure:Isometric handgripIsometric handgrip [adityabirlacapital.]The trick involves isometric handgrip devices, these 7
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  • Common causes and preventions of cholera

    Common causes and preventions of cholera
    Here are the common causes and preventions of cholera.Cholera is a bacterial infection that causes severe watery diarrhoea, leading to dehydration and even death if left untreated. It spreads through contaminated food or water containing the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.With the cholera outbreak in Lagos, it’s important to know the causes and prevention of cholera.Causes of choleraContaminated water, such as tap water from contaminated supplies, ice or drinks made from unclean water, and infe
  • Bracelets believed to ward off bad energy and evil spirit

    Bracelets believed to ward off bad energy and evil spirit
    Throughout history, various cultures have used bracelets and other forms of jewelry as protective talismans against negative energies and evil spirits.These bracelets often incorporate specific materials and symbols believed to possess protective qualities. Here are some of the most popular bracelets known for their protective properties:1. Evil eye braceletThe evil eye is a powerful symbol of protection against negative energies and malicious stares. It is believed to ward off harm caused by en
  • Chinese Zoo Gives Up on Helping Obese Leopard Lose Weight

    Chinese Zoo Gives Up on Helping Obese Leopard Lose Weight
    A Chinese zoo has abandoned its efforts to help a severely overweight leopard shed some pounds after a two-month program yielded no results. The leopard, nicknamed "China's Officer Clawhauser" due to its striking resemblance to the cartoon character, had become an internet sensation in March.Despite promises to improve the leopard's diet, exercise, and living conditions, the zoo reported no weight loss. Officials cited the leopard's advanced age (16 years old, equivalent to 60-70 human years) an
  • Nigerian celebrities with the most expensive diamonds jewellery

    Nigerian celebrities with the most expensive diamonds jewellery
    Diamonds may be a cherished symbol of luxury, but for Nigerian celebrities, they are the ultimate status symbol.Jewellery serves as another avenue for them to showcase their riches and identity, alongside cars, houses, and clothes.Here are Nigerian celebrities with the most expensive diamond jewelleryBurna BoyBurna Boy with his diamond jewellery [torinews]Another aficionado of luxury timepieces, Burna Boy boasts an impressive watch collection that includes three Richard Mille watch, two of which
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  • Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

    Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa
    When it comes to cleanliness, these cities take the lead.When many people think of Africa, they think of dirt, trash bags, empty bottles, open defecation, and sand, but this isn’t always the case; some cities in Africa are clean and environmentally conscious.Here's a glimpse at the five cleanest African cities1. Kigali, RwandaKigali, Rwanda [shutterstock]Rwanda takes environmental protection seriously. Their national park, Nyungwe Forest, emphasises the importance of cleanliness to preserv
  • How to make sushi at home

    How to make sushi at home
    Making sushi at home can be a fun and rewarding cooking experience. With the right ingredients and tools, you can create delicious and fresh sushi rolls that rival those from your favorite restaurant. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.IngredientsFor the sushi rice2 cups sushi rice2 1/2 cups water1/2 cup rice vinegar2 tablespoons sugar1 tablespoon saltFor the sushi rollsNori (seaweed sheets)Fresh fish (like tuna, salmon, or yellowtail) or other proteins (such as shrimp, cr
  • 9 things you should never say to your step-children

    9 things you should never say to your step-children
    Avoiding these harmful statements and focusing on positive, respectful communication, can build a strong, healthy relationship with your step-childrenBlending families can be a rewarding but challenging experience. Building a strong, healthy relationship with step-children requires patience, understanding, and careful communication.Here are some things you should never say to your step-children if you want to maintain a positive and supportive relationship.1. You’re not my real childThis s
  • Reasons most single women love married men

    Reasons most single women love married men
    The attraction that some single women feel towards married men can be explained by a variety of factors. While not universally applicable, these reasons often stem from perceived qualities and behaviors that married men exhibit. Here are five reasons why most single women may find married men appealing:1. They know how to pamperMarried men often have experience in maintaining and nurturing relationships, which includes knowing how to pamper and take care of their partners. This experience can ma
  • 5 qualities of an understanding girlfriend or wife

    5 qualities of an understanding girlfriend or wife
    Are you an understanding woman, or are you in a relationship with an understanding woman?Most men desire an understanding woman who gives them peace of mind, but remember if you want peace, you must be peaceful.What are the essential character traits an understanding woman must possess?1. Financially secure, not obsessed with moneyYou should to be with someone who doesn’t worship money, because the love of money means very slack morals not to mention the unwanted financial pressure.Do you
  • 5 qualities of a woman who makes her man's life sweeter

    5 qualities of a woman who makes her man's life sweeter
    Are you an understanding woman, or are you in a relationship with an understanding woman? Most men desire an understanding woman who gives them peace of mind, but remember if you want peace, you must be peaceful.What are the essential character traits an understanding woman must possess?1. Financially secure, not obsessed with moneyDo you know that even rich people can be obsessed with money? There's a difference between appreciating financial security and being obsessed with money. The latter m
  • Understanding albinism: Realities and the need for awareness

    Understanding albinism: Realities and the need for awareness
    Albinism is a genetic condition that affects the production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes. People with albinism typically have very light skin, hair, and eyes. Despite being a natural genetic variation, albinism is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions that can lead to discrimination and social stigma. This article aims to provide a clear understanding of albinism, dispel common myths, and highlight the importance of awareness and inclusion.What is a
  • 5 vegetables that burn belly fat

    5 vegetables that burn belly fat
    The right diet is often the link between a big and a small belly.Belly fat can be a result of many factors; diet, genetics, and a lack of exercise play a role in how big or small your belly is. So, how can you fix it?Here are vegetables that burn belly fat:1. CarrotsHealth benefits of carrots [Individualfitness]Carrots are rich in lutein, an antioxidant with potential links to lowering abdominal fat. Additionally, dieticians suggest that chewing raw carrots might help boost your metabolism. This
  • Never let your girlfriend get away with these 5 things

    Never let your girlfriend get away with these 5 things
    Maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship requires setting boundaries and addressing issues when they arise. Allowing certain negative behaviors to go unchecked can lead to an unhealthy dynamic and long-term dissatisfaction. Here are five things you should never let your girlfriend get away with:1. DisrespectRespect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. If your girlfriend disrespects you, it can erode your self-esteem and the foundation of your partnership. Disrespect can come
  • African countries with the most powerful passports

    African countries with the most powerful passports
    African passports are known for being notoriously weak, but five stand out.Your international passport is your gateway to a world of effortless travel. A good passport ensures you don’t have to undergo rigorous visa approval every time you travel or stringent immigration process at airports.Based on Henley & Partners' 2024 data, here are the top 5 African passports.1. Seychelles The reigning champion for three years straight! This island paradise prioritises travel opportunities, secur
  • 7 common myths about people living with albinism

    7 common myths about people living with albinism
    These myths are deeply rooted in cultural and traditional beliefs across various societies, perpetuating stigma and discrimination.Albinism is a genetic condition characterised by a lack of melanin, the pigment responsible for the colour of skin, hair, and eyes.Despite scientific understanding of the condition, people living with albinism often face significant challenges due to widespread myths and misconceptions.These myths are deeply rooted in cultural and traditional beliefs across various s
  • 7 daily challenges people living with albinism in Nigeria face

    7 daily challenges people living with albinism in Nigeria face
    Many of these challenges translate into various forms of discrimination, affecting their daily lives in significant ways.People living with albinism in Nigeria face unique challenges that often stem from widespread misconceptions and deeply ingrained prejudices.Albinism, a genetic condition characterised by a lack of melanin in the skin, hair, and eyes, affects individuals physically and socially. Unfortunately, many of these challenges translate into various forms of discrimination, affecting t
  • Why Egyptian pyramids are not mentioned in Old Testament

    Why Egyptian pyramids are not mentioned in Old Testament
    The majestic pyramids of Giza stand as enduring testaments to ancient Egyptian civilization. Yet, for all their grandeur, they are curiously absent from the narrative of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible's first section. This omission can be surprising, especially considering the Israelites' time in Egypt is a central theme. So, why are these iconic structures silent in the biblical text?There are several key factors at play:Chronological Mismatch: The pyramids were primarily built during the
  • Things that are worse than your fear of not being married before 30

    Things that are worse than your fear of not being married before 30
    Societal pressures can make the idea of being unmarried by a certain age, such as 30, seem daunting. However, there are far more significant concerns that can have a lasting impact on your happiness and well-being. Here are some things that are much worse than the fear of not being married before 30:1. Marrying someone who makes you feel aloneOne of the worst outcomes is being in a relationship where you feel isolated and unsupported. Being married to someone who makes you feel alone can be more
  • Ideas to improve your remote working experience

    Ideas to improve your remote working experience
    These essential tips can create a more efficient, productive, and enjoyable work environment. Working from home or remotely has become a standard practice for many, offering flexibility and comfort. However, to ensure productivity and efficiency, incorporating the right tools and habits into your routine is crucial. Here’s a list of essentials that can make your remote work experience smoother and more enjoyable.1. Set up a dedicated workspaceHaving a specific area for work helps create a
  • How to choose a suitable partner if you are stuck between two lovers

    How to choose a suitable partner if you are stuck between two lovers
    Finding yourself in a situation where you are torn between two lovers can be incredibly stressful and emotionally draining. It's important to approach this dilemma with careful thought and consideration. Here are some steps you can take to help you make the right decision.1. Assess your feelings honestlyTake some time to reflect on your true feelings for each person. This requires honesty with yourself about what you feel when you are with each of them, and what you feel when you think about a f
  • Signs your partner is a serial cheater

    Signs your partner is a serial cheater
    15 signs that could indicate your wife has been repeatedly unfaithful with a guy who has the latest Range Rover model In any relationship, trust is the cornerstone that keeps everything together. When trust is compromised, it can lead to serious issues that may ultimately end the relationship. Infidelity is one of the most challenging betrayals to overcome.While everyone makes mistakes and some partners may stray due to various circumstances, some individuals habitually cheat.If you suspect your
  • Bola Tinubu breaks world record with the largest portrait on canvas ever made

    Bola Tinubu breaks world record with the largest portrait on canvas ever made
    Bola Tinubu’s portrait is the largest portrait on canvas in the world.On Wednesday, June 12 2024 which is Democracy Day in Nigeria, the National Troupe unveiled a large portrait of Nigerian President Bola Tinubu at Eagles Square.This took place during the 2024 Democracy Day celebration parade.Opeyemi Alaba, the creator of the painting, described the painting as a message of hope for Nigerians and Africa. He explained to Arise News that the portrait was done by 37 painters, representing the
  • 7 negative things that keep happening to you because you are attractive

    7 negative things that keep happening to you because you are attractive
    Being attractive can bring many positive experiences, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and downsides. Here are some negative things that you might experience frequently due to your attractiveness:1. Unwanted attentionAttractive people often receive more attention than they desire, which can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. This attention can come from strangers, acquaintances, or even friends, and can sometimes cross boundaries. Strangers may approach you frequently, making you
  • Reasons a PhD is better than an international passport

    Reasons a PhD is better than an international passport
    Obtaining a PhD and having an international passport each come with their unique advantages and opportunities. However, a PhD offers several profound and long-lasting benefits that can outweigh the utility of an international passport. Here are five reasons why a PhD might be considered better than an international passport.1. Lifetime recognition and prestigeA PhD is a significant academic achievement that provides lifetime recognition and prestige. It signifies a high level of expertise and de
  • Who nailed this Bridgerton-style dress? Beauty, Priscy, Bola or Shine?

    Who nailed this Bridgerton-style dress? Beauty, Priscy, Bola or Shine?
    Who wore this dress best?The new season of the Netflix series Bridgerton has brought a return of the classic 18th-century outfits with the corset and overblown pleats.A fashion brand called Kaykay has tapped into this renaissance with its Mongana gown. This dress has been seen by many celebrities and influencers, leading us to ask: Who wore it best?Beauty TukuraBeauty Tukura [Instagram]Beauty rocked the red gown, pairing it with gold slippers and a matching purse. Her sleek, laid-back bun comple
  • Haunted hotels around the world still in business

    Haunted hotels around the world still in business
    While these hotels are haunted, it hasn't stopped guests from spending time there.When people think about hotels, their first thought is usually a comfortable or luxurious place where they can spend the night or a few nights. There are some hotels around the world that meet this criteria but also come with a twist - something spooky. These are hotels around the world that are haunted. Seems unbelievable right? But there are truly haunted hotels around the world that are still in business and peo