• This is how I left Nigeria and got a job as a business analyst in the UK

    This is how I left Nigeria and got a job as a business analyst in the UK
    Aminat pushed back against the myth that Nigerian immigrants can only do low-income healthcare work in the UK.Aminat graduated in 2017 as one of the best students in her class, went for NYSC, and then began what will be an endless loop of job hunting. Sitting every day on her father’s couch became unbearable, so she got an MBA and then learnt makeup. She liked the MBA, but the makeup was not for her.When she finally got a job four years later, even with her MBA, it was a front desk role. S
  • Last week’s best celebrity pictures on Instagram

    Last week’s best celebrity pictures on Instagram
    The week has passed, but much slaying still happened last week.What an exciting week! Last week was for Nigerian celebrities who were fashionable. They stepped out to events, putting their best foot forward for events, parties, and outings.These were last week best pictures:TemsTems shared stunning pictures from her world tour; she wore a Srvc studio bodysuit.Ayra StarrLast week was Ayra Starr’s birthday, and she looked as beautiful as ever in this bandage dress.Temi OtedolaTemi was stunne
  • Surprising activities that can get you arrested in Singapore

    Surprising activities that can get you arrested in Singapore
    Singapore has some laws that might surprise outsiders, and breaking them is considered an offence that could get you arrested or fined. Singapore is renowned for its tourist sites, having some of the cleanest streets in the world and its good food. Aside from these, Singapore is also popular for its strict regulations. The country has some laws that might surprise outsiders, and breaking them is considered an offence that could get you arrested or fined. 7 surprising activities that can get you
  • The earliest miracle Jesus Christ performed as a child found in manuscript

    The earliest miracle Jesus Christ performed as a child found in manuscript
    A hitherto forgotten manuscript contains valuable information about Jesus’ early life.Jesus Christ is the pioneer of Christianity, but not much is known about his early life except perhaps his visit to the synagogue at 12 years old.A discovery has been made at a university library in Hamburg, Germany. A team of researchers has deciphered a 1,600-year-old manuscript believed to be the earliest surviving record of Jesus Christ's childhood.The earliest miracle Jesus performedThe papyrus conta
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  • What to know about the town that’s literally living under a rock

    What to know about the town that’s literally living under a rock
    Setenil de las Bodegas is a town that has adapted beautifully to its natural surroundings.Imagine living in a town where the roofs of your houses are massive slabs of rock. This is the reality for the residents of Setenil de las Bodegas, a small town in southern Spain.Setenil de las Bodegas is unique because many of its buildings are built into and under large rock overhangs. This setup gives the town a picturesque appearance, making it a fascinating place to visit.But how did this town come to
  • How to deal with flight anxiety according to experts

    How to deal with flight anxiety according to experts
    Many people travel by air daily, and many have conquered their fear of flying.Millions of people around the world experience flight anxiety, also known as aerophobia. It can range from mild nervousness to a full-blown panic attack which can prevent people from travelling altogether. But, with a little understanding and some practical tips from experts, you can learn to manage your flight anxiety and take to the skies with confidence.What is flight anxiety and what causes it?Flight anxiety is a t
  • 5 crazy things women used to do to be considered beautiful

    5 crazy things women used to do to be considered beautiful
    Beauty standards have fluctuated wildly throughout history.Beauty has always been a powerful influence on societal norms and personal identity. Over centuries, women have been subjected to extreme, mildly uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening beauty practices to conform to the standards of their time. These practices reveal the lengths women have gone to meet societal expectations. Here are some of the most unusual and crazy things women used to do to be considered beautiful.1. Blackening
  • When is World 3 will starting?

    When is World 3 will starting?
    With global escalating tensions, when will World War three begin?An Indian astrologer, Kushal Kumar, known as the "New Nostradamus," holds firm to his prediction of a possible World War three.Kumar initially predicted the war to begin on June 10, 2024, but now claims June 18 holds the "strongest planetary stimulus" for triggering the conflict. He also mentions June 29th as a potential alternative date.Kumar uses Vedic astrology, a Hindu system based on planetary alignments, to make predictions.
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  • Why your refrigerator smells

    Why your refrigerator smells
    Have you ever experienced an unpleasant odour from your refrigerator and you are not sure how it came about?A smelly refrigerator is an unpleasant and common issue that can affect any home. This odour makes the refrigerator unappealing to use and can even cause some health issues and it is always best to resolve it immediately. It is easier to resolve a smelly refrigerator if you know what causes it. Here's why your refrigerator smellsHere are some possible reasons why your refrigerator smells:1
  • 'It's so funny how I'm not so different from my dad' — Gen Zs talk about fatherhood

    'It's so funny how I'm not so different from my dad' — Gen Zs talk about fatherhood
    On this Father's Day, we are asking Gen Zs how it feels to be a father.What does it mean to be a young father in 2024?As we celebrate Father’s Day this Sunday, June 16, 2024, the generation that favours the term “toxic African parent,” born between 1997 and 2012 and known popularly as Gen Z has entered the fatherhood group chat.See below what they had to say about fatherhood:Israel — 27Before I started dating my girlfriend, I was a virgin. You could say that I loved sex a
  • God Question: I think about God's existence but I try not to stress myself

    God Question: I think about God's existence but I try not to stress myself
    Once every two weeks we will bring to you perspectives from people who have sought the face of God on how they reconcile their beliefs with modern-day demands from their religion.What does it mean to believe in God? How do people who believe in God circumvent their daily decisions in an environment that constantly seeks to test their faith? Or are they at the core already morally compromised?When people who believe in God come into positions of power, are they compelled to be morally upright, pr
  • World's strangest Father's Day traditions

    World's strangest Father's Day traditions
    From the beer-laden escapades of German men to the flower-wielding citizens of Thailand, Father’s Day offers a glimpse into the delightful eccentricities of human culture.Father’s Day, that hallowed institution of neckties and breakfast in bed, seems straightforward enough.But venture beyond the familiar borders of suburban America, and you’ll find that the rest of the world celebrates fatherhood in ways that are sometimes peculiar, occasionally bewildering, and always fascinat
  • An open letter to all men who are scared to become fathers

    An open letter to all men who are scared to become fathers
    Dear Future Fathers,We know you've heard about how scary it can be. You've been told about how financially draining it can be.Some even say that your children will turn against you when they are older. All these things can be frightening, but it doesn't mean they will happen to you.Be scared, but step up anywayIt's natural to feel scared. The unknown often brings fear, and fatherhood is one of the greatest unknowns you'll face. But let me tell you something important: being scared doesn't mean y
  • Strange facts about women

    Strange facts about women
    Women are amazing creatures, full of complexity and fascinating quirks. While we might know about childbirth and menopause, there's a whole world of lesser-known facts about the female body and mind. Let's delve into some of the strangest and most wonderful:Superhuman Senses:Hearing the Unheard: Contrary to popular belief, women aren't necessarily better at hearing in general. However, they excel at picking up on high-pitched sounds, particularly cries. This evolutionary adaptation likely helped
  • Ask Pulse: Help! I’m a man who can’t stop wanking to porn every day

    Ask Pulse: Help! I’m a man who can’t stop wanking to porn every day
    Ask Pulse is a weekly advice column and a listening ear to help you sort through your issues.This week on Ask Pulse, Lee wants to know how to overcome his addiction to pornography.Dear Pulse,I am dealing with a pornography addiction, and I want to stop, but it's so hard. It all started when I was much younger. I had an uncle who used to buy X-rated movies. Whenever he wasn’t around, I would watch and enjoy them. Then in school, my friends told me about websites where I could watch porn for
  • How to tell if he's the one based on his type of shoes

    How to tell if he's the one based on his type of shoes
    Ladies is he the one? Let his shoes tell you. In the world of dating and relationships, first impressions matter. One subtle yet significant detail that can reveal a lot about a man's personality and lifestyle is his choice of footwear. Believe it or not, the shoes he wears can give you valuable insights into his character, interests, and compatibility with you. Here's a fun and insightful guide to understanding what his shoes say about him and whether he might be your type.1. Sneakers: The casu
  • Reasons your girlfriend never came back to your house after the first visit

    Reasons your girlfriend never came back to your house after the first visit
    You might think everything went well during her first visit to your house, but if she never returned, there could be several reasons.First impressions are everything, especially when it comes to dating. You might think everything went well during her first visit to your house, but if she never returned, there could be several reasons why. If you've been puzzled about why she didn't return after that first visit, understanding these potential pitfalls can help you improve your hosting skills and
  • 4 important things every man must know before becoming a father

    4 important things every man must know before becoming a father
    Becoming a father is a transformative experience that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. It's a journey that requires preparation, patience, and a willingness to learn and grow. Here are four crucial things every man should know before embarking on the path of fatherhood:1. The importance of emotional availabilityChildren require emotional support and understanding from their fathers. Being emotionally available means being present, attentive, and responsive to your child's needs.
  • Understanding the process of grief and tips to cope with death of a loved one

    Understanding the process of grief and tips to cope with death of a loved one
    Losing a loved one is an inevitable part of life, and coping with the loss can be very difficult.Grief is the response to a loss, particularly the loss of a loved one and sets in when death strikes.The process is associated with negative emotions such as sadness, anger or sorrow.In her book, "On Death and Dying", Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, 1926, a Swiss American Psychiatrist averred that grief follows five stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and finally Acceptance.At the Denial stage, one
  • Things your father may not say but feels them

    Things your father may not say but feels them
    Fathers often express their feelings in ways that are not always verbal or overt.While they might not always say how they feel, their actions and subtle gestures often reveal their true emotions. Here are four things your father feels but may never tell you directly.1. He loves you, even if he doesn't say itFathers might not always say "I love you" as frequently or openly as other family members, but their love is ever-present. This love is often shown through their actions, such as providing fo
  • 8 sweet things you can do for your father on Father's Day

    8 sweet things you can do for your father on Father's Day
    Father's Day is a special occasion to celebrate and honor the love, guidance, and support of fathers. It’s the perfect opportunity to show your dad how much he means to you. Here are some thoughtful and sweet ideas to make your father's day unforgettable.1. Cook his favorite mealPrepare a special meal featuring your dad’s favorite dishes. Whether it’s breakfast in bed, a hearty lunch, or a fancy dinner, taking the time to cook for him shows your appreciation and love. You can e
  • Unusual symptoms of autism in adults

    Unusual symptoms of autism in adults
    It turns out that many people only find out about their neuroatypicality in adulthood, but there are also those who are unaware of it throughout their lives. It is a myth that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder diagnosed in childhood. It turns out that many people only find out about their neuroatypicality in adulthood, but there are also those who are unaware of it throughout their lives. It is difficult to describe an adult with autism and even more difficult to diagnose. We present
  • Could eggplants affect your gut health?

    Could eggplants affect your gut health?
    The Gut Verdict: Are Eggplants Friend or Foe?Eggplant, that versatile nightshade with its deep purple hue and mild, spongy texture, is a beloved ingredient in many cuisines. But whispers on the internet can leave you wondering: is this delightful veggie secretly wreaking havoc on your gut? Let's delve into the science to see if eggplants deserve a place on your gut-friendly menu.The Good News: Eggplant's Gut-Boosting BenefitsEggplant comes packed with nutrients that can contribute to a healthy g
  • These are the most thoughtful ways to celebrate Father's Day this weekend

    These are the most thoughtful ways to celebrate Father's Day this weekend
    Whether through simple gestures or grand celebrations, there are countless ways to make Father's Day meaningful and memorableFather's Day, which is on Sunday, June 16, 2024 this year, is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating and honouring fathers and father figures who have played pivotal roles in our lives.This day is an opportunity to express gratitude, love, and appreciation for the sacrifices, guidance, and support fathers provide.Whether through simple gestures or grand celebrations,
  • How to lower blood pressure instantly

    How to lower blood pressure instantly
    There are simple tricks that can reduce blood pressure but note that it isn’t a substitute for exercise, diet and drugsManaging high blood pressure involves the right diet, exercise and drugs but here are two simple tricks that can accelerate the reduction in a short time.Ben Kelly, Head of Preventative Medicine at Nuffield Health, explains a simple trick to lower blood pressure:Isometric handgripIsometric handgrip [adityabirlacapital.]The trick involves isometric handgrip devices, these 7
  • Common causes and preventions of cholera

    Common causes and preventions of cholera
    Here are the common causes and preventions of cholera.Cholera is a bacterial infection that causes severe watery diarrhoea, leading to dehydration and even death if left untreated. It spreads through contaminated food or water containing the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.With the cholera outbreak in Lagos, it’s important to know the causes and prevention of cholera.Causes of choleraContaminated water, such as tap water from contaminated supplies, ice or drinks made from unclean water, and infe
  • Bracelets believed to ward off bad energy and evil spirit

    Bracelets believed to ward off bad energy and evil spirit
    Throughout history, various cultures have used bracelets and other forms of jewelry as protective talismans against negative energies and evil spirits.These bracelets often incorporate specific materials and symbols believed to possess protective qualities. Here are some of the most popular bracelets known for their protective properties:1. Evil eye braceletThe evil eye is a powerful symbol of protection against negative energies and malicious stares. It is believed to ward off harm caused by en
  • Chinese Zoo Gives Up on Helping Obese Leopard Lose Weight

    Chinese Zoo Gives Up on Helping Obese Leopard Lose Weight
    A Chinese zoo has abandoned its efforts to help a severely overweight leopard shed some pounds after a two-month program yielded no results. The leopard, nicknamed "China's Officer Clawhauser" due to its striking resemblance to the cartoon character, had become an internet sensation in March.Despite promises to improve the leopard's diet, exercise, and living conditions, the zoo reported no weight loss. Officials cited the leopard's advanced age (16 years old, equivalent to 60-70 human years) an
  • Nigerian celebrities with the most expensive diamonds jewellery

    Nigerian celebrities with the most expensive diamonds jewellery
    Diamonds may be a cherished symbol of luxury, but for Nigerian celebrities, they are the ultimate status symbol.Jewellery serves as another avenue for them to showcase their riches and identity, alongside cars, houses, and clothes.Here are Nigerian celebrities with the most expensive diamond jewelleryBurna BoyBurna Boy with his diamond jewellery [torinews]Another aficionado of luxury timepieces, Burna Boy boasts an impressive watch collection that includes three Richard Mille watch, two of which
  • Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

    Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa
    When it comes to cleanliness, these cities take the lead.When many people think of Africa, they think of dirt, trash bags, empty bottles, open defecation, and sand, but this isn’t always the case; some cities in Africa are clean and environmentally conscious.Here's a glimpse at the five cleanest African cities1. Kigali, RwandaKigali, Rwanda [shutterstock]Rwanda takes environmental protection seriously. Their national park, Nyungwe Forest, emphasises the importance of cleanliness to preserv