• Promises you should never make to anyone

    Promises you should never make to anyone
    Promises can be the backbone of trust in any relationship, whether personal or professional.They bind intentions and expectations, creating a bond based on reliability and commitment. However, there are certain promises that one should think twice before making, as they can lead to disappointment, resentment, and strained relationships if unfulfilled. Here are five promises that are wise to avoid:1. Promising to give moneyWhile it's generous to help someone financially, promising to lend money w
  • 5 Nigerian celebs who know how to dress for themed events

    5 Nigerian celebs who know how to dress for themed events
    Can Nigerian celebrities interpret the dress code for an event?Being a celebrity in Nigeria, as in the rest of the world, involves attending many events such as movie premieres, birthday parties, product launches, award shows, fashion shows, and dinners.As Queen Elizabeth once said, "You have to be seen to be believed." Attending these events is a crucial part of maintaining publicity.Wearing the right (or sometimes the wrong) clothes can keep you on the tip of everyone’s tongue and trendi
  • How to make chicken suya

    How to make chicken suya
    Chicken Suya is a delicious, spicy Nigerian street food that’s loved by many.Traditionally made with beef, suya is grilled meat coated in a blend of spices, known as suya spice or yaji. However, chicken suya is a popular variation, offering the same smoky and spicy flavours but with tender, juicy chicken instead. It's perfect for a family gathering or even a casual dinner.If you’ve ever wondered how to make chicken suya at home, you’re in luck. This recipe is simple, and you ca
  • 5 Beauty trends taking over Nigeria in 2024

    5 Beauty trends taking over Nigeria in 2024
    Nigerian beauty enthusiasts are embracing trends that celebrate individuality, cultural heritage, and sustainability.In 2024, Nigeria's beauty scene is experiencing a vibrant and exciting transformation. From makeup innovations to skincare routines, Nigerian beauty enthusiasts are embracing trends that celebrate individuality, cultural heritage, and sustainability. As the global beauty industry continues to evolve, Nigerian influencers, beauty brands, and consumers are leading the way in shaping
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  • 7 secret countries you probably haven’t heard of

    7 secret countries you probably haven’t heard of
    These places give us a glimpse into a different side of the world.When we think of countries, we usually think of the big, well-known ones like the United States, China, or France. But did you know that there are many lesser-known countries that most people have never heard of? These secret countries are small, remote, or simply overlooked on the world stage. Some of them have fascinating histories, unique cultures, and beautiful landscapes that would surprise you. They may not get much attentio
  • The only continent in the world where time doesn't exist

    The only continent in the world where time doesn't exist
    Imagine waking up and you don’t know what time it is, so you decide the time is whatever you say it is.This is what happens in Antarctica, one of the planet's seven continents. It is at the South Pole, the southernmost part of the Earth. Why doesn’t time exist in Antarctica? In Antarctica, all time zones in the world are correct. It is located on every line of longitude due to its position on the South Pole. The poles lack it's own longitude since that is where all meridians converge
  • 5 foods that prevent pregnancy

    5 foods that prevent pregnancy
    These foods are believed to have natural contraceptive properties in certain cultures.When it comes to family planning, people have different preferences. Some rely on medical contraceptives, while others prefer more natural methods. If you're looking for natural ways to help prevent pregnancy, you may be curious about how food can help. Note that no food can replace medically approved contraceptives like birth control pills or condoms. However, some foods have been traditionally believed to imp
  • The richest cat in the world

    The richest cat in the world
    With a net worth of over $100 million, Nala is officially the richest cat in the world.It’s not every day you hear about a cat with a net worth that surpasses most people’s wildest dreams, but Nala the cat has done just that. She isn’t just a pet; she’s a social media sensation, a business mogul, and a brand icon, all wrapped up in adorable whiskers and fluffy fur. But how did Nala achieve such incredible wealth and fame?Nala’s journey to fameNala wasn’t born
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  • 5 countries where it's easiest to own a gun

    5 countries where it's easiest to own a gun
    Owning a gun can be a complicated process depending on where you live.Some countries have strict laws that make it difficult for citizens to own firearms, while others make it much easier. People choose to own guns for different reasons, including self-defence, hunting, and sport. In countries where it’s easy to own a gun, the process typically involves less paperwork and fewer restrictions, allowing citizens to buy and keep firearms without too many obstacles.Let’s take a look at fi
  • 5 exercises that reduce leg swelling you can do at home

    5 exercises that reduce leg swelling you can do at home
    Here are simple exercises that reduce leg swelling.Leg or foot swelling, also known as peripheral edema is the accumulation of fluid in the legs, feet, and ankles. This happens when small blood vessels leak fluid into nearby tissues, causing extra buildup of fluid and making the tissues located in your feet swell.Inactivity often causes swelling in the feet, while regular and simple exercises can help reduce swelling and pump fluids from the feet into the centre area of the body.Here are some si
  • 5 foods to avoid if you’ve had typhoid fever

    5 foods to avoid if you’ve had typhoid fever
    The food you eat may slow down the healing process.Typhoid fever is a serious illness caused by a bacteria called Salmonella Typhi, which spreads through contaminated food or water. People who have suffered from typhoid fever experience symptoms like high fever, stomach pain, weakness, and loss of appetite. Even after recovery, your digestive system might still be weak and sensitive. This means that what you eat can make a big difference in how quickly you recover.After battling typhoid fever, y
  • How do snakes digest big animals?

    How do snakes digest big animals?
    How do snakes manage to swallow and digest animals that are bigger than their heads?Snakes are interesting creatures, especially when it comes to how they eat and digest their food. Unlike humans and many other animals, snakes don’t chew their food. They swallow their prey whole, which can include animals much larger than you might expect, such as deer, goats, and even crocodiles!This ability leaves many people wondering: How do snakes digest such big animals without chewing them first? Th
  • Nigeria and other countries in the world former names

    Nigeria and other countries in the world former names
    These are the ancient names of countries before modernity.Many countries have undergone name changes over time, often for a variety of reasons. Whether to redefine their identity, assert independence, or reflect a new political reality, these name changes are significant. What were some of these countries formerly called and what are their current names?NigeriaThe area that is now known as Nigeria was home to several ancient African civilisations, including the Oyo Empire, Sultanate of Kano, the
  • Why is a baby's grip so strong?

    Why is a baby's grip so strong?
    New parents might find this surprising and confusing.If you've ever held a baby’s hand, you might be surprised at how strong their grip is. This strength can seem surprising given how small and delicate babies are. A baby’s strong grip comes from an instinctive reflex called the palmar grasp reflex. This reflex is a natural part of a newborn’s development and serves important evolutionary and biological purposes.The palmar grasp reflexThe palmar grasp reflex is an involuntary r
  • 5 foods you shouldn't give to children

    5 foods you shouldn't give to children
    Some foods even though they are healthy for adults, can be harmful to children.Being a parent is no easy task. It means you are in charge of a whole other human being (or more), taking care of everything concerning them including their nutritional needs and you have to be very careful or things could go wrong in a split second.This is largely because when it comes to nutrition, some foods even though they are healthy for adults, can be harmful to children. Here are five foods you should not give
  • The only country in the world where divorce is illegal

    The only country in the world where divorce is illegal
    The Southeast Asian nation has a complex and unique stance on marriage dissolution, due to cultural, religious, and legal factors.It is quite common these days to see couples who have been married seeking to get a divorce. But did you know that there is a country where divorce is illegal?This country, the Philippines stands out as the country outside the Vatican where it is against the law to get a divorce. The Southeast Asian nation has a complex and unique stance on marriage dissolution, due t
  • 5 fruit combinations you should avoid eating

    5 fruit combinations you should avoid eating
    Fruits are generally safe to consume, but you must avoid some combinations.Eating fruit is one of the healthiest habits you can develop, as fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre. However, not all fruits go well together. Some combinations may cause digestive discomfort, bloating, or even disrupt the absorption of nutrients.Here are some of those combinations that you should avoid to keep your digestive system healthy.1. Bananas and milkBananas and milk [iStock]Bananas and milk are
  • Are they flirting or just being nice? Here’s how to tell

    Are they flirting or just being nice? Here’s how to tell
    It’s normal to feel confused when someone is being extra friendly.Many people struggle to figure out whether someone’s behaviour means they are interested romantically or if they are simply being kind. This confusion happens because flirting and being nice can look very similar. Small gestures, compliments, or even a smile can be hard to read. This can leave you feeling unsure and wondering what their real intentions are.To avoid any awkward situations or misunderstandings, you&rsquo
  • The health dangers and benefits of eating ponmo

    The health dangers and benefits of eating ponmo
    Is it true that ponmo has no nutritional value?Ponmo, a popular and extensively eaten indigenous dish in West Africa and other places where Africans reside, is also known as "Kanda" in Hausa and "Welle" in Ghana. It's a tasty portion of beef that goes well with soups, stews, veggies, and sauces. It is sold on the street as a finger food and snack, especially in beer parlours where it is drunk with beer and other beverages.However, ponmo has its many health dangers and benefits:1. Faecal contamin
  • 5 cultures around the world that celebrate death in unusual ways

    5 cultures around the world that celebrate death in unusual ways
    These cultures focus on remembering and celebrating death rather than solely grieving.Death is seen as a time of mourning, but in many cultures around the world, death is celebrated in unusual and meaningful ways. These cultures view death not as an end but as a continuation of the journey, and they mark the event with traditions that honour the deceased and celebrate their life.Here are five cultures that celebrate death in unusual ways:1. Mexico - Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)D&i
  • 5 character traits all cheating men have in common

    5 character traits all cheating men have in common
    While every individual is unique, some common character traits are often found among men who cheat. These behaviours are red flags that can suggest unfaithfulness, and while not always definitive, they tend to be present in many cases. Below are five traits commonly seen in cheating men.Never take the blame for their actions A cheating man often refuses to take responsibility for his wrongdoings. He will deflect blame, make excuses, or even accuse his partner of being overly suspicious or parano
  • Signs You Have Too Much Mucus in Your Lungs

    Signs You Have Too Much Mucus in Your Lungs
    Excess mucus in the lungs can be uncomfortable and is often a sign that your body is trying to fight off an infection or irritant. Here are some key signs that indicate you might have too much mucus in your lungs:Persistent cough: One of the most common signs is a chronic cough that won’t go away. Your body is trying to expel the excess mucus, which can result in frequent coughing.Shortness of breath: Excess mucus can block your airways, making it harder for you to breathe normally. You ma
  • Why men shouldn't pee standing up

    Why men shouldn't pee standing up
    Here's why men should sit down when peeing.Physiologically, men have the instinct to stand and pee. This is probably because their penises are positioned in such a way that peeing while standing seems easier.Even the socio-cultural attitude towards men urinating is they ought to stand and pee. However, sitting down might be the healthier option in most cases. Here’s why:Benefits of men sitting down when urinating1. Relaxes the muscles of the pelvic floorIf you have symptoms of an enlarged
  • 5 weird things that tighten bond between couples

    5 weird things that tighten bond between couples
    While traditional factors like love, trust, and communication are often seen as the foundation of strong relationships, there are some unexpected, even "weird" things that can also strengthen the bond between couples. These quirks often seem counterintuitive, but they can help bring two people closer in surprising ways. Below are a few of these peculiar bonding experiences.Gossiping together Though gossiping is generally seen as negative, couples who share secrets, observations, or talk about ot
  • 5 tattoos that bring good luck according to ancient beliefs

    5 tattoos that bring good luck according to ancient beliefs
    Tattooing symbols that represent good luck is a tradition rooted in ancient beliefs.Tattoos have long been more than just body art; in many cultures, they carry deep meanings and are believed to bring good fortune. Ancient beliefs suggest that certain symbols inked onto the skin can protect, attract luck, or even connect us to higher powers. If you're considering a tattoo and want one that brings more than just aesthetic appeal, here are five designs known for their good luck in different cultur
  • Why your skin needs special care in private areas

    Why your skin needs special care in private areas
    The skin in your private areas is more sensitive than the skin elsewhere on your body.Taking care of our skin is important, but many people forget that the skin in private areas, such as the genital area, needs special care too. This skin is delicate, sensitive, and more prone to irritation than other parts of the body. Understanding how to properly care for these areas can help prevent discomfort and keep the skin healthy.Why is the skin in private areas different?The skin in private areas is t
  • Top 10 smartest countries in the world

    Top 10 smartest countries in the world
    These countries have been recognised for their exceptional achievements and brainpower.When we think of intelligence, we focus on individuals, but, entire nations can also be recognised for their collective intelligence, which can be measured through education systems, IQ levels, scientific achievements, and technological advancements.A country’s intelligence can also be reflected in its focus on research, innovation, and the overall intellectual capabilities of its people.Here’s a l
  • Health benefits of darker skin

    Health benefits of darker skin
    In a world where people are constantly bleaching, there are many advantages to having dark or darker skin.Most humans have similar melanocyte numbers, but those with darker skin tones have higher, larger, and more pigmented melanosomes.Simply put, the more melanin a person has, the darker their skin.Here are some health benefits dark-skinned people have:1. Dark-skinned people rarely don’t get sunburntDarker skin is adapted to sunlight and contains more melanin. Light-skinned people, especi
  • Here’s why you feel more tired after napping

    Here’s why you feel more tired after napping
    This tired feeling is called sleep inertia.Napping is supposed to refresh and re-energise us, right? However, many people wake up from a nap feeling groggy, sluggish, and even more tired than before they laid down. If you've ever wondered why this happens, you’re not alone. While naps can be beneficial, they can also leave you feeling more tired than when you started if not done correctly. Here’s why.The science behind napsWhen you sleep, your body goes through different stages known
  • Girls with big foreheads should reconsider getting these 5 hairstyles

    Girls with big foreheads should reconsider getting these 5 hairstyles
    Girls with larger foreheads can absolutely rock any hairstyle, but some styles may highlight the forehead more than you would like. If you're aiming to downplay your forehead, it's helpful to be aware of certain hairstyles that might not be the most flattering. Below are some styles to avoid if you're trying to minimise the appearance of a larger forehead.Slicked-back ponytails or bunsThese styles pull all the hair away from the face, making the forehead appear more prominent. The clean look may