• Never do these 5 things to your pregnant wife

    Never do these 5 things to your pregnant wife
    Husbands should never do to these things their pregnant wives.Pregnancy is a time of great inconvenience to many women; they feel sick, their bladders are being squished, their feet are swollen, and they are generally uncomfortable.It’s a time when they need their husbands more than ever, but unfortunately, many men don’t know how to be there for their wives during that time.Here are five things husbands should never do to their pregnant wives:1. Never let her do house chores aloneWe
  • 5 mind games men play to test your loyalty in relationships

    5 mind games men play to test your loyalty in relationships
    Have you ever felt like you're being tested or played with?Sometimes, your partner might do things that leave you confused, wondering if they truly trust you. You might find yourself wondering if the guy you're with is really all in, or if he's just playing games, which can be annoying and stressful. Here, we will discuss five common mind games men might play and how you can recognise and respond to them while maintaining your self-respect and mental peace.1. The disappearing actOne of the most
  • Nigerian sisters behind L’Enchanteur are CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists

    Nigerian sisters behind L’Enchanteur are CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists
    Soull and Dynasty Ogun are the designers behind the jewellery and clothing brand, L’Enchanteur.Nigerian jewellery and clothing designers, Soull and Dynasty Ogun, who are behind the brand L’Enchanteur have been announced as part of the finalists for the 2024 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund.This year’s cohort is part of the 20th anniversary of the fund, one of the most prestigious in the world of fashion.“This milestone year’s group of CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists reflec
  • Pulse Hot Takes: Is my husband's family name more important than mine?

    Pulse Hot Takes: Is my husband's family name more important than mine?
    Should women change their surname after marriage?There is a traditional practice of women changing their surnames after marriage, but many women choose not to do this. Is that acceptable?On the latest episode of Pulse Hot Takes, Elvis, Kimmy K, Christabel, and Amarachi discussed whether a woman should change her surname to her husband.Kimmy KAccording to Kimmy K, a woman’s surname is her identity; why should she change her entire identity because she got married to a man? It gives the sens
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  • 7 foods that are dangerous to eat too much of

    7 foods that are dangerous to eat too much of
    Even healthy foods should be taken in moderation.We all love food. It gives us energy, makes us happy, and brings us together. But did you know that some foods can be dangerous if we eat too much of them? Even healthy foods can cause problems if we overdo it. It's important to know which foods to watch out for and why. This way, we can enjoy our meals and stay healthy.Here are seven common foods that can be harmful in large amounts:1. SaltToo much salt can be harmful [TimesofIndia]Salt is in alm
  • Why the average man will die before his wife

    Why the average man will die before his wife
    Have you noticed that in a marriage, the husband always dies before the wife?While life expectancy is improving globally, there is a widening gap between men and women. In Nigeria, for example, life expectancy at birth has increased by nearly 10 years in the past two decades, reaching 63.4 years in 2021, according to the World Health Organization. However, the average life expectancy for Nigerian men remains significantly lower at 52.68 years.This disparity is not unique to Nigeria. The gap is
  • How to know if you're the problem in your relationship

    How to know if you're the problem in your relationship
    In relationships, both partners need to work together to make it beautiful.When things go wrong, it's easy to point fingers and blame the other person. But what if the problem is actually you? It takes courage to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you might be causing some of the issues.Here are some signs to watch for and ways to make things better for a happier, healthier relationship.Signs you might be the problem1. Constant argumentsDo you find yourself always arguing with your partner?
  • 7 common childhood illnesses and how to deal with them

    7 common childhood illnesses and how to deal with them
    With proper care, most childhood illnesses can be managed at home.As parents, we always want to keep our children healthy and happy. However, kids are prone to catching various illnesses as they grow. Knowing how to handle common childhood illnesses can help you provide the best care for your child and reduce anxiety during sickness.Always consult your paediatrician if you are unsure about symptoms or treatments. With proper care and attention, most childhood illnesses can be managed effectively
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  • Health benefits of castor oil on body and skin

    Health benefits of castor oil on body and skin
    Recently, the health benefits of castor oil have been trending on social media.Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean plant. Some people apply a castor oil "pack"—a towel immersed in castor oil—to their skin.Others claim rubbing castor oil directly into their stomach or belly button helps with digestion, eases cramps, clears skin, and generally detoxifies the body. Some people even say that applying castor oil will dissolve tumours. Is this true?Cleveland Clinic discuss
  • Things women do when they are about to break up with you

    Things women do when they are about to break up with you
    Understanding the signs that a relationship might be coming to an end can be challenging. If you notice the following behaviors, it could indicate that your partner is considering a breakup.1. She stops accepting gifts or hesitatesWhen a woman stops accepting gifts or hesitates to receive them, it can be a sign that she is emotionally distancing herself. Gifts often symbolize care and affection, and reluctance to accept them might indicate that she no longer feels comfortable with the intimacy o
  • Why you are gaining weight too easily

    Why you are gaining weight too easily
    Gaining weight can often be attributed to certain eating habits that may seem harmless but can significantly impact your body over time. Here are some common habits that contribute to weight gain and tips on how to improve them:1. Eating too fastWhen you eat quickly, your brain doesn’t have enough time to register that you’re full, leading to overeating. This can result in consuming more calories than your body needs.Slow down your eating by taking smaller bites, chewing thoroughly,
  • Nice habits that are actually very rude

    Nice habits that are actually very rude
    You think these things make you a nicer person but they are actually rude.Do you know that some things you think are nice and sweet might rub people off in the wrong way?Here are some not-so-nice things people do:1. Asking someone to smile for youIf you see someone who isn’t smiling, stop telling them to smile for you. You are asking them to smile so you will feel better, not because you care about what might be upsetting them, and the truth is, nothing might actually be wrong with them.2.
  • 5 important health checks every woman should get

    5 important health checks every woman should get
    Taking care of your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.For women, staying healthy means making sure to get regular check-ups. These check-ups help catch problems early, which can make treatment easier and more successful.Even if you feel fine, some health issues don't show any signs until they are more serious. This is why it's important to know which health checks are necessary and why they matter.Let’s discuss five important health checks every woman shoul
  • 10 secrets that make a man sexy and irresistible

    10 secrets that make a man sexy and irresistible
    Being irresistible isn’t about fitting into a certain mould or following a strict set of rules.What makes a man sexy and irresistible? It’s not just about looks or the latest fashion trends. While a handsome face and a well-groomed appearance can catch someone's eye, there are deeper qualities that truly captivate hearts. Being sexy is about a mix of confidence, charm, kindness, and authenticity.Here are ten secrets that can make any man not just attractive, but utterly irresistible.
  • 7 life skills you need to survive living independently

    7 life skills you need to survive living independently
    Living alone, like most things in life, comes with its share of ups and downs.Living independently for the first time is both exciting and challenging. It's a big step where you learn to manage yourself and your life without relying on someone else. While it might seem a bit scary, it’s also a great opportunity to grow and become more confident.Whether you're moving out for college, starting a job, or just ready for a change, here are seven essential life skills you need to make your indep
  • Nigerian woman Hauwa Ojeifo receives $24 million grant from Melinda Gates

    Nigerian woman Hauwa Ojeifo receives $24 million grant from Melinda Gates
    Nigerian women's mental health advocate, Hauwa Ojeifo is the recipient of $24 million grant from Melinda Gates on behalf of women.Melinda Gates, the ex-wife of Bill Gates, pledged $240 million to a group of 24 global leaders to distribute to organisations they believe "do urgent, innovative, and impactful work to improve women’s mental health and overall well-being."Hauwa Ojeifo was one of the global leaders selected to disburse $24 million. Hauwa posted her appreciation on Instagram and p
  • Here’s how a true ‘alpha male’ treats his woman

    Here’s how a true ‘alpha male’ treats his woman
    A real alpha male is a blend of confidence, respect and emotional intelligence.The term "alpha male" usually conjures up images of a domineering, arrogant, and emotionally detached man. However, this stereotype couldn't be further from the truth. A true alpha male exhibits qualities that make him a respectful, caring, and supportive partner. Here's how a genuine alpha male treats his woman.1. Protective and supportiveOne of the hallmark traits of an alpha male is his protective nature. He goes o
  • 5 foods to avoid if you get migraines and headaches

    5 foods to avoid if you get migraines and headaches
    If you suffer from migraines and headaches, you know how painful they can be.Migraines and headaches can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating. For many people, these painful experiences can come out of nowhere and ruin their day.Sometimes, it's hard to figure out what's causing these awful headaches. One possible reason could be the food you eat. Yes, certain foods can trigger migraines and headaches.Knowing what these foods are can help you avoid them and feel better.We will explore seven
  • 7 overnight beauty tips with honey

    7 overnight beauty tips with honey
    Embrace the natural power of honey and enjoy its many benefits.Honey, often hailed as a natural wonder, is a versatile beauty ingredient that can work miracles overnight.Known for its moisturising, antibacterial, and healing properties, honey can be used for many beauty concerns.7 overnight beauty tips with honeyHere are seven overnight beauty tips with honey:1. Dry lips remedyDry, chapped lips can be a persistent issue, especially in harsh weather. To fix this, apply a thin layer of honey to yo
  • Why you should always hang your panties outside to dry

    Why you should always hang your panties outside to dry
    Hanging panties outside to dry is a practice that offers numerous benefitsWhen it comes to washing your panties as a lady, most people either hang them in their bathroom to dry or use a dryer. While both options might get your undies dry, there is a better method to dry that actually comes with some benefits. This option is to dry your panties outside under the sun. Why you should always hang your panties outside to dryBefore you conclude and say, nah, I can never do that, here are some compelli
  • When did humans begin to use modern cutlery?

    When did humans begin to use modern cutlery?
    When and how did humans begin to use modern cutleries?Cutleries, which include forks, knives, and spoons, are everyday tools that we often take for granted. However, the history of these utensils is rich and fascinating. Imagine sitting down for a meal without any cutlery. How would you manage your soup without a spoon, or cut your steak without a knife?Today, we use forks, knives, and spoons without a second thought. But these everyday items have not always been part of human dining. The journe
  • What did the Nigerian flag look like before independence?

    What did the Nigerian flag look like before independence?
    What was Nigeria's flag journey before independence in 1960?Nigeria used many flags before they settled for the green white green that’s still in use today.Here’s a breakdown of Nigeria’s flags:1800s:British Takeover (1800): Britain took control of Nigeria and used British naval flags (Blue and White Ensigns).Blue and white ensigns [wikipedia]British West Africa (1870): A British Blue Ensign with a badge featuring an elephant, palm tree, sand, and green mountains is adopted for
  • How did the Nigerian flag look before independence?

    How did the Nigerian flag look before independence?
    What was Nigeria's flag journey before independence in 1960?Nigeria used many flags before they settled for the green white green that’s still in use today.Here’s a breakdown of Nigeria’s flags:1800s:British Takeover (1800): Britain took control of Nigeria and used British naval flags (Blue and White Ensigns).Blue and white ensigns [wikipedia]British West Africa (1870): A British Blue Ensign with a badge featuring an elephant, palm tree, sand, and green mountains is adopted for
  • Here's what happens when you hold in a fart

    Here's what happens when you hold in a fart
    Farting can be embarrassing, especially when you are in public. It stinks and makes noise, so should you hold in your fart or let it out?When there is excess gas in your body, your butt is one of the two ways gas can be expelled from your digestive system. This is known as farting.What causes farting?Farting is a natural process, so don’t feel weird if you fart a lot. A normal person farts about five to 23 times per day.Farting and belching are caused by gas buildup during digestion and sw
  • 7 ways you are damaging your nonstick cooking utensils without even knowing

    7 ways you are damaging your nonstick cooking utensils without even knowing
    Nonstick cookware is a kitchen staple known for its convenience and ease of use. However, to maintain its effectiveness and longevity, it's crucial to handle nonstick cooking utensils properly. Here are key things you should avoid doing with your nonstick cookware.1. Using metal utensilsMetal utensils can scratch and damage the nonstick coating, reducing its effectiveness and lifespan. Opt for utensils made of wood, silicone, or plastic to protect the nonstick surface.Silicone set2. High heat co
  • How to do a breast self-exam

    How to do a breast self-exam
    Early detection of breast cancer can save lives.Breast self-exams are an easy and important way to help keep yourself healthy. By checking your breasts regularly, you can catch any changes early, which can help in finding issues like breast cancer when they are easiest to treat. Understanding how to do these exams properly and knowing why they are so important can make a big difference in your health.Read on to find out why regular breast self-exams matter and the simple steps on how to do them.
  • Signs you might be in a relationship with a narcissist

    Signs you might be in a relationship with a narcissist
    You deserve to be in a relationship where you feel valued and respected.Being in a relationship can be wonderful, but sometimes, it can also be very challenging. One of the toughest situations is when you might be in a relationship with a narcissist. A narcissist is someone who is overly focused on themselves and their needs, at the expense of others. This kind of behaviour can be confusing and hurtful.Here are seven signs that might indicate you're in a relationship with a narcissist.1. They al
  • 5 oldest known sculptures in the world

    5 oldest known sculptures in the world
    These sculptures show us the creativity, beliefs, and daily lives of our ancestors.Sculptures have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. They tell stories, depict gods and goddesses, and show us what life was like long ago. Some of the oldest sculptures in the world are fascinating pieces of art that give us a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors.These ancient sculptures, made from stone, bone, and ivory, have survived through the ages and continue to amaze us with their beauty
  • Here is a quick way to make palm nut soup

    Here is a quick way to make palm nut soup
    Palm nut soup, also known as "abenkwan," "banga," or "omoebe," is a delicious and rich dish enjoyed in many West African countries. Here’s a quick and easy recipe to make this flavorful soup at home.Ingredients1 can of palm nut cream (800ml)1 pound of meat (chicken, beef, or goat)1 pound of smoked fish1 medium onion, chopped2-3 cloves of garlic, minced2 tomatoes, chopped1 cup of okra, sliced (optional)1 bell pepper, chopped1 teaspoon ground crayfish (optional)2-3 tablespoons groundnut past
  • Avoid the 5 most common dating romance scams

    Avoid the 5 most common dating romance scams
    Find love, not tears, when you date people you meet online.The most popular way to find love nowadays is online, since we are always on our phones. But it’s also pretty easy to get scammed on social media, dating websites, and apps.Privacy expert Trevor Cooke at EarthWeb reveals the top scams most people looking for online fall into and how to date intelligently and cautiously online.Catfishing and romance scamsRomance scammers frequently fabricate online personas to trick victims in a sch