• How to rock cargo pants

    How to rock cargo pants
    Cargo pants are versatile and practical, making them a popular choice for those who value both style and functionality. Originally designed for military purposes, these pants are known for their durability and utility, with their relaxed fit and multiple pockets. Here’s how to wear cargo pants the right way, ensuring you achieve both a stylish and appropriate look for various occasions:Choosing the right cargo pantsFit: The key to stylish cargo pants is choosing a pair that fits well. Avoi
  • How to save money on electricity bills

    How to save money on electricity bills
    Did you know that turning off lights doesn't actually conserve electricity? Here's how to really save money on electricity.With the rising costs of electricity, electricity efficiency and conservation is important for every household.A common trope about electricity conservation is putting off lights conserve energy, but is this necessarily true?Does turning off the lights help conserve electricity?While turning off lights when they're not in use is a good habit, switching to more efficient bulb
  • These 5 foods are a no-no when drinking alcohol

    These 5 foods are a no-no when drinking alcohol
    Drink responsibly and take care of your body.Having a drink can be a great way to relax and have fun with friends. But did you know that some foods don't mix well with alcohol? Eating the wrong foods while drinking can make you feel sick, give you a bad hangover, or even cause serious health problems. It’s important to know what to avoid so you can have a good time and stay safe.Here are five foods you should not eat when drinking alcohol:1. Spicy foodsSpicy foodsSpicy foods are not the be
  • Why your visa application keeps getting rejected and how to fix it

    Why your visa application keeps getting rejected and how to fix it
    Getting your visa application rejected can be a major bummer, especially if you’re dreaming of traveling or studying abroad. But don’t worry, we’ve got the lowdown on why this might be happening and what you can do to turn that rejection into an approval.Common reasons for visa rejectionIncomplete application: One of the most common reasons for visa rejection is not filling out the application properly. Missing documents or incomplete information can lead to an automatic no.Ins
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  • 7 tips to cure morning sickness during pregnancy

    7 tips to cure morning sickness during pregnancy
    Pregnancy is an exciting journey, but let's be real—morning sickness can throw a wrench in your happiness. If you're feeling nauseous and looking for some relief, we've got you covered with some easy, tried-and-true remedies.Understanding pregnancy nauseaFirst things first, what is pregnancy nausea? Commonly known as morning sickness, it usually kicks in around the 6th week and can last until the 12th week of pregnancy. Some unlucky folks might feel it all day long, not just in the morning
  • 5 toxic fabrics that can be harmful to your vaginal health

    5 toxic fabrics that can be harmful to your vaginal health
    Our bodies are amazing, and our intimate areas are especially delicate.Just like you wouldn't wear a scratchy outfit all day, it's important to choose clothes that are gentle, breathable, and keeps your vagina healthy and comfortable. Certain fabrics can trap moisture, irritate the skin, and disrupt the natural balance of good bacteria down there.So, let's talk about 5 fabrics that might not be the best choice for your lady parts, and explore some comfy, breathable alternatives.1. PolyesterPolye
  • Most expensive soup in Nigeria Ofe Owerri

    Most expensive soup in Nigeria Ofe Owerri
    There is no doubt the Nigerian cuisine is quite interesting.When it comes to different delicacies, Nigeria is one country that has so many options. From our different kinds of soups to porridge, rice etc, there is no doubt the Nigerian cuisine is quite interesting.Most prominent among the Nigerian delicacies are the different kinds of soups that are peculiar to the many tribes across the country.Among these soups, one seems to stand out and is commonly referred to as one of the most expensive to
  • Why you should never call someone stupid even as a joke

    Why you should never call someone stupid even as a joke
    You might jokingly or seriously call people stupid, but insults are a bad idea, whether directed at your friends or foes.Stupid is a derogatory term that expresses our contempt or dislike of someone else's behaviour. It's an easy way to show our dissatisfaction and anger, as it indicates how disgusted or disbelieving we are of other people’s behaviour.A groundbreaking study investigated the nature of highly negative insults, which were called the "Foul Four." The researchers found that ins
  • Advertisement

  • HIV-positive moms with healthy babies; how it happens

    HIV-positive moms with healthy babies; how it happens
    The idea of an HIV-positive woman giving birth to an HIV-negative baby might seem surprising. But thanks to incredible medical advancements, this is a reality for many families today. Let's dive into the science behind this success story!Understanding HIV:HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, attacks the body's immune system, making it harder to fight off infections. It can be transmitted through bodily fluids like blood, semen, and breast milk. This raises a concern for pregnant women with HIV,
  • Ask Pulse: Help! Who do I choose between my Ghanaian and Nigerian girlfriend?

    Ask Pulse: Help! Who do I choose between my Ghanaian and Nigerian girlfriend?
    Ask Pulse is a weekly advice column and a listening ear to help you sort through your issues.This week on Ask Pulse, a Nigerian-Ivorian man is confused about who to be with—a Nigerian or Ghanaian.Dear Pulse,I was born Nigerian, but I have an Ivorian passport. Years of living on the Ivory Coast have made me lose my Nigerian accent, and so many people have mistaken me for an Ivorian. I can’t speak my Nigerian native language, but I still feel Nigerian. Everything I do, I do it in a Nig
  • How to enjoy a self-driving Vacation in Kigali, Rwanda

    How to enjoy a self-driving Vacation in Kigali, Rwanda
    The perfect way to enjoy a road-tripping vacation in any country with flexibility and at your own pace is by self-driving. A number of travelers in Rwanda are copying the new exciting trend of renting a car in Rwanda and driving themselves.This is mainly done by budget travelers who may not afford or wish to book full-packaged safaris by travel agents.A number of car rental agencies can be found in Kigali and these offer a variety of cars from which you can rent your preferred choice. A self-dri
  • Why Middle Eastern, North African populations are not dark-skinned

    Why Middle Eastern, North African populations are not dark-skinned
    Skin colour diversity across human populations is a fascinating aspect of our genetic heritage and adaptation to environmental conditions. The common assumption that direct and prolonged exposure to sunlight, prevalent in desert regions, would naturally result in darker skin tones does not always hold true, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This article explores why people living in these regions, despite experiencing intense sunlight, often have lighter skin compared to pop
  • Here are 4 reasons men should not bath hot water

    Here are 4 reasons men should not bath hot water
    Hot baths might seem like a perfect way to relax after a long day, but scientists caution that men should think twice before indulging in this seemingly harmless pleasure.Here's a deeper look into why men should avoid hot baths, particularly due to their impact on sperm production and overall reproductive health.1. Affects sperm productionThe primary concern with hot baths is their effect on sperm production. The testes are located outside the body because they require a cooler temperature to pr
  • 5 mind games men play to test your loyalty in relationships

    5 mind games men play to test your loyalty in relationships
    Have you ever felt like you're being tested or played with?Sometimes, your partner might do things that leave you confused, wondering if they truly trust you. You might find yourself wondering if the guy you're with is really all in, or if he's just playing games, which can be annoying and stressful. Here, we will discuss five common mind games men might play and how you can recognise and respond to them while maintaining your self-respect and mental peace.1. The disappearing actOne of the most
  • All you need to know about the placebo effect

    All you need to know about the placebo effect
    The placebo effect is a fascinating phenomenon where patients experience real changes in their health after receiving a treatment that has no therapeutic effect. This effect highlights the powerful connection between the mind and body, and it has significant implications for medical research and practice. Here’s everything you need to know about the placebo effect.What is the placebo effect?The placebo effect occurs when a person experiences a beneficial response to a treatment that has no
  • Nigerian sisters behind L’Enchanteur are CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists

    Nigerian sisters behind L’Enchanteur are CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists
    Soull and Dynasty Ogun are the designers behind the jewellery and clothing brand, L’Enchanteur.Nigerian jewellery and clothing designers, Soull and Dynasty Ogun, who are behind the brand L’Enchanteur have been announced as part of the finalists for the 2024 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund.This year’s cohort is part of the 20th anniversary of the fund, one of the most prestigious in the world of fashion.“This milestone year’s group of CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists reflec
  • Pulse Hot Takes: Is my husband's family name more important than mine?

    Pulse Hot Takes: Is my husband's family name more important than mine?
    Should women change their surname after marriage?There is a traditional practice of women changing their surnames after marriage, but many women choose not to do this. Is that acceptable?On the latest episode of Pulse Hot Takes, Elvis, Kimmy K, Christabel, and Amarachi discussed whether a woman should change her surname to her husband.Kimmy KAccording to Kimmy K, a woman’s surname is her identity; why should she change her entire identity because she got married to a man? It gives the sens
  • 7 foods that are dangerous to eat too much of

    7 foods that are dangerous to eat too much of
    Even healthy foods should be taken in moderation.We all love food. It gives us energy, makes us happy, and brings us together. But did you know that some foods can be dangerous if we eat too much of them? Even healthy foods can cause problems if we overdo it. It's important to know which foods to watch out for and why. This way, we can enjoy our meals and stay healthy.Here are seven common foods that can be harmful in large amounts:1. SaltToo much salt can be harmful [TimesofIndia]Salt is in alm
  • Why the average man will die before his wife

    Why the average man will die before his wife
    Have you noticed that in a marriage, the husband always dies before the wife?While life expectancy is improving globally, there is a widening gap between men and women. In Nigeria, for example, life expectancy at birth has increased by nearly 10 years in the past two decades, reaching 63.4 years in 2021, according to the World Health Organization. However, the average life expectancy for Nigerian men remains significantly lower at 52.68 years.This disparity is not unique to Nigeria. The gap is
  • Things men should never discuss with their side chicks

    Things men should never discuss with their side chicks
    There could be many reasons you might find yourself indulging in an extramarital affair. Whether it's a search for excitement, an emotional connection, or something else entirely, it's crucial to navigate these waters carefully. If you find yourself in an extramarital affair, here are four things you should never discuss with your side chick because it could lead to chaos in the future.1. Your partner's flawsTalking about your partner's flaws with your side chick is a big no-no. Not only does it
  • How to know if you're the problem in your relationship

    How to know if you're the problem in your relationship
    In relationships, both partners need to work together to make it beautiful.When things go wrong, it's easy to point fingers and blame the other person. But what if the problem is actually you? It takes courage to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you might be causing some of the issues.Here are some signs to watch for and ways to make things better for a happier, healthier relationship.Signs you might be the problem1. Constant argumentsDo you find yourself always arguing with your partner?
  • 10 careers that have become lucrative in recent years

    10 careers that have become lucrative in recent years
    In the vibrant and ever-evolving landscape of Ghana, certain careers have risen from humble beginnings to earn the respect and recognition they deserve.There was a time in our history when you wouldn't dare tell your parents that you wanted to do certain jobs but now, they are held in high esteem because of how lucrative they have become.Let's shine a spotlight on these professions that are not just putting food on the table but also bringing a sense of pride and fulfillment.1. DancingGone are t
  • 7 common childhood illnesses and how to deal with them

    7 common childhood illnesses and how to deal with them
    With proper care, most childhood illnesses can be managed at home.As parents, we always want to keep our children healthy and happy. However, kids are prone to catching various illnesses as they grow. Knowing how to handle common childhood illnesses can help you provide the best care for your child and reduce anxiety during sickness.Always consult your paediatrician if you are unsure about symptoms or treatments. With proper care and attention, most childhood illnesses can be managed effectively
  • Health benefits of castor oil on body and skin

    Health benefits of castor oil on body and skin
    Recently, the health benefits of castor oil have been trending on social media.Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean plant. Some people apply a castor oil "pack"—a towel immersed in castor oil—to their skin.Others claim rubbing castor oil directly into their stomach or belly button helps with digestion, eases cramps, clears skin, and generally detoxifies the body. Some people even say that applying castor oil will dissolve tumours. Is this true?Cleveland Clinic discuss
  • What's the best diet code for weight loss

    What's the best diet code for weight loss
    When it comes to weight loss, the battle between portion sizes and meal frequency rages on. Many swear by the simplicity of one large meal a day (OMAD), while others champion the steady energy levels achieved through multiple smaller meals. But which approach reigns supreme in the weight loss arena? Let's delve into the science of meal timing and unveil the strategy that best suits your goals.The Case for Multiple Meals:Metabolic Boost: Spreading your calories throughout the day may keep your me
  • Things women do when they are about to break up with you

    Things women do when they are about to break up with you
    Understanding the signs that a relationship might be coming to an end can be challenging. If you notice the following behaviors, it could indicate that your partner is considering a breakup.1. She stops accepting gifts or hesitatesWhen a woman stops accepting gifts or hesitates to receive them, it can be a sign that she is emotionally distancing herself. Gifts often symbolize care and affection, and reluctance to accept them might indicate that she no longer feels comfortable with the intimacy o
  • Why you are gaining weight too easily

    Why you are gaining weight too easily
    Gaining weight can often be attributed to certain eating habits that may seem harmless but can significantly impact your body over time. Here are some common habits that contribute to weight gain and tips on how to improve them:1. Eating too fastWhen you eat quickly, your brain doesn’t have enough time to register that you’re full, leading to overeating. This can result in consuming more calories than your body needs.Slow down your eating by taking smaller bites, chewing thoroughly,
  • Why you should cover food while warming it in the microwave

    Why you should cover food while warming it in the microwave
    Microwaving food is a convenient and quick way to prepare meals, but it's essential to cover your food before hitting that start button. Microwaving food is a quick and convenient way to prepare meals, but did you know that covering your food before popping it into the microwave can make a big difference? Whether you're reheating leftovers or cooking from scratch, covering your food is crucial. Here’s why:1. Even heatingCovering your food ensures that it heats evenly. Without a cover, some
  • Nice habits that are actually very rude

    Nice habits that are actually very rude
    You think these things make you a nicer person but they are actually rude.Do you know that some things you think are nice and sweet might rub people off in the wrong way?Here are some not-so-nice things people do:1. Asking someone to smile for youIf you see someone who isn’t smiling, stop telling them to smile for you. You are asking them to smile so you will feel better, not because you care about what might be upsetting them, and the truth is, nothing might actually be wrong with them.2.
  • 5 important health checks every woman should get

    5 important health checks every woman should get
    Taking care of your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.For women, staying healthy means making sure to get regular check-ups. These check-ups help catch problems early, which can make treatment easier and more successful.Even if you feel fine, some health issues don't show any signs until they are more serious. This is why it's important to know which health checks are necessary and why they matter.Let’s discuss five important health checks every woman shoul