• How social media causes depression

    How social media causes depression
    Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity.Let's talk about something real. We all know social media is a big part of our lives these days. Scrolling through Instagram, catching up on Twitter trends, or staying connected with friends and family on Facebook – it's all there at our fingertips. But have you ever noticed how sometimes after spending a chunk of time online, you might feel a bit… down? Social media, while it has its perks, can sometimes negatively affect our moo
  • 7 creepy things dead bodies do after death

    7 creepy things dead bodies do after death
    What happens to the body after death? Well, a lot.Death is a one-way street, but the transition can be eventful. The body is on a final journey, undergoing a series of bizarre changes as it transforms from lifeless to lifeless.Here are some weird things dead bodies do:1. Make noiseIt's frightening to think about hearing a corpse talk. Oftentimes, dead bodies will produce involuntary groans and moans. Human-like grunts and groans are produced when cadavers are moved after death because the air in
  • Why you should never take a shower during a thunderstorm

    Why you should never take a shower during a thunderstorm
    For safety purposes, it is best to avoid taking showers during a thunderstorm.Did you know that taking a shower during a thunderstorm can be dangerous? Not just showers though, washing dishes, and using some plugged electronic devices during a thunderstorm are also dangerous. Why you should never take a shower during a thunderstormSome people are fond of taking showers during a thunderstorm. If you have been doing this, here are a few reasons why this is dangerous and you should consider stoppin
  • What the colour of your passport says about your country

    What the colour of your passport says about your country
    Did you know that the colour of your passport can hint at the type of country that issued it?Passports are important documents that allow you to access other countries. There are four primary passport colours in the world. These colours have a distinct meaning in the country in which they are used.RedRed passports [Quartz]Red is the most common colour for passport covers. Countries with communist pasts or presents and European countries use red passports. Countries like Serbia, Russia, Latvia, S
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  • How shallots are different from red onions

    How shallots are different from red onions
    They may seem similar at first glance, but shallots are different from red onions, here's how.When it comes to crafting the perfect stew or any culinary masterpiece, the choice of ingredients is paramount. Among the essential elements that can significantly impact the flavor profile of your dishes are shallots and red onions. While they may seem similar at first glance, these two alliums bring distinct characteristics and flavors to the table. How shallots are different from red onionsShallots a
  • 10 toxic patterns that show you're dealing with a narcissist

    10 toxic patterns that show you're dealing with a narcissist
    10 toxic patterns that show you're dealing with a narcissistIn our complex social world, encountering different personalities is inevitable. Among them, narcissists stand out for their particularly damaging behaviors.Narcissists can be charming and persuasive, but beneath the surface lies a web of manipulation and control that can wreak havoc on your emotional and mental well-being. Recognizing these toxic patterns is the first step toward protecting yourself.Here are ten toxic patterns that ind
  • 3 main things that should guide the choice of your earrings

    3 main things that should guide the choice of your earrings
    Selecting the right pair of earrings involves more than just choosing what looks prettyEarrings are a versatile accessory that can transform your look, complement your outfit, and express your personal style. With so many options available, choosing the perfect pair can sometimes be overwhelming. Here are three comprehensive guides to help you select the ideal earrings for any occasion.Shape of the faceRound face: If you have a round face, elongate it with long, dangling earrings or drop earring
  • Ways to destroy your enemy without fighting them

    Ways to destroy your enemy without fighting them
    Use these 10 tactics to destroy your enemy, they won't see it coming!When it comes to dealing with adversaries, the best strategy isn't always a confrontation.Sometimes, the most effective approach is to outsmart them without ever raising a hand. Here are ten ways to destroy your enemy without fighting them, inspired by both ancient wisdom and modern tactics.1. Outshine them with your successOne of the most effective ways to defeat an enemy is by focusing on your own success. By excelling in you
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  • The incredible benefits of walking: your path to better health

    The incredible benefits of walking: your path to better health
    Walking is one of the simplest yet most effective forms of exercise. It requires no special equipment, can be done anywhere, and offers numerous health benefits. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, boost your mood, or improve your overall health, walking can be the key to achieving your goals. In this article, we’ll explore the myriad benefits of walking and how incorporating this easy activity into your daily routine can lead to a healthier, happier life.1. Weight Management and Fat Los
  • How to make ice cream without milk or cream

    How to make ice cream without milk or cream
    For those who are lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply looking for a dairy-free alternative, making ice cream without milk or cream is not only possible but also delicious. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create creamy, satisfying ice cream using non-dairy ingredients.IngredientsTo make dairy-free ice cream, you’ll need a few basic ingredients that can be easily found at most grocery stores:Base ingredient: 2-3 ripe bananasSweetener: Choose according to your preference:1/4 to 1
  • 6 lifesaving research you must do before meeting your online date in person

    6 lifesaving research you must do before meeting your online date in person
    Meeting someone from an online dating platform can be exciting, but it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being. Conducting thorough research before your date can help you make informed decisions and ensure you’re meeting someone genuine. Here are some crucial steps to take before meeting your online date.1. Verify their occupationUnderstanding your date's occupation can provide insights into their lifestyle and values.Ask detailed questions: When chatting online, ask specific
  • 6 lifesaving research tips you must do before meeting your online date in person

    6 lifesaving research tips you must do before meeting your online date in person
    Meeting someone from an online dating platform can be exciting, but it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being. Conducting thorough research before your date can help you make informed decisions and ensure you’re meeting someone genuine. Here are some crucial steps to take before meeting your online date.1. Verify their occupationUnderstanding your date's occupation can provide insights into their lifestyle and values.Ask detailed questions: When chatting online, ask specific
  • What to know about periods

    What to know about periods
    Let's talk about periods. Now, we know this might not be the most comfortable topic, but hear us out.Periods are a completely normal part of life for many women, and understanding them can be a great way to show you care about your partner's well-being. What is a period?A period is simply the monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus. The uterus is kind of like a big, comfy house for a baby to grow in if a woman gets pregnant. But if there's no pregnancy, the lining isn't needed, so the body
  • 5 signs you should not bring children into the world

    5 signs you should not bring children into the world
    Not everyone should have children, even married couples.For many people, male or female, the fact that they are adults means they are ready for kids, but this is not always the case.Children are huge responsibilities that require time, energy, attention, and a whole lot of money.Are you ready for a child? Here are signs you are not:1. You are not financially responsible or stableChildren are expensive, and you will continue spending money on them until they turn 18 years old. Think about your in
  • Diseases that can make men impotent

    Diseases that can make men impotent
    Infertility is a significant concern that affects many men worldwide.Various diseases, if left untreated, can lead to infertility by impacting sperm production, function, or delivery. Understanding these diseases and their potential consequences is crucial for early intervention and treatment.Here are some diseases that can cause infertility in men if left untreated.1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)STIs are a common cause of infertility in men, particularly when they are not promptly dia
  • The world’s oldest foods

    The world’s oldest foods
    Have you ever wondered what people ate thousands of years ago?These foods are so ancient that they've survived thousands of years, giving us a glimpse into the diets of our ancestors. Through the work of archaeologists, we have discovered some fascinating ancient foods that tell stories of past civilisations.Here are seven of the world’s oldest foods discovered by archaeologists; these finds are not just relics but also windows into history:1. Roman wine in a sealed bottleRoman wine in a s
  • Weird reasons men love to bet

    Weird reasons men love to bet
    Betting, in its various forms, has been a popular pastime for centuries.Men, in particular, seem drawn to the thrill of wagering, driven by a mix of psychological and social factors.While the love of betting can be seen in sports, casinos, and even friendly dares, the reasons behind this fascination are often quite peculiar. Here are some weird reasons why men love to bet.1. The thrill of risk and adventureMen are often seen as thrill-seekers, and betting provides an adrenaline rush that few oth
  • How to stop snoring permanently

    How to stop snoring permanently
    What if we told you that there is a permanent cure for snoring?There is nothing as annoying as sleeping beside someone who snores; snoring is such a huge discomfort to other people and embarrassing for the person who snores.You can make many lifestyle changes if you want to stop snoring. Things like avoiding alcohol and smoking and sleeping on your back, but if all else fails, here’s how to stop snoring:How to stop snoringHere's how to stop snoring permanently. Wear a nasal strip or dilato
  • How to get rid of stretch marks scientifically

    How to get rid of stretch marks scientifically
    Here’s how to treat stretchmarks scientifically.Stretch marks are deep lines on the skin around the abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, lower back, and buttocks. They are caused by the skin rapidly stretching or contracting. Treating stretch marks is challenging and they can cause insecurities in many people.Here are some scientific ways to treat stretch marks.1. DermabrasionStretch marks can be surgically removed with dermabrasion which produces smooth new skin and improved skin c
  • 4 cultures that greet by prostrating like the Yorubas

    4 cultures that greet by prostrating like the Yorubas
    In many cultures, prostrating is a sign of respect for elders.When Yorubas ethnic group bow or prostrate to greet, some people may think they are doing too much, but they are not the only ones who practice this form of greeting.Here are cultures that greet by prostrating or bow Yoruba cultureRespect is a key aspect of Yoruba culture. Prostrating to greet is called Idobale and it means "meet the earth". It is seen as a sign of humility. Men greet older people with bows, while women kneel. Yoruba
  • 7 places people are forbidden from visiting

    7 places people are forbidden from visiting
    Our world is full of amazing places, but there are also a few places that are strictly off-limits to visitors.Amidst the vast expanse of the world we're free to explore, there exist pockets of secrecy, places deemed too dangerous, too sacred, or simply too mysterious for the average adventurer. These forbidden places are shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and for good reason! Here are a few of them:1. The Dome of the Rock, JerusalemThe Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem [HistoryHit]The Dome of the Rock
  • Can animals really talk to each other?

    Can animals really talk to each other?
    Animal communication is diverse and fascinating.Can you picture your dog chatting with the neighbour's cat or birds gossiping about the best places to find worms? Animals do not use words like humans, but they have their own special ways of communicating with each other.These modes of communication are essential for their survival, helping them find food, avoid danger, and build social bonds.How do animals communicate?Animals use a variety of methods to communicate. Here are some common ways:1.
  • 5 sex-related issues you should never ignore

    5 sex-related issues you should never ignore
    Our sexual health should never be taken lightly.Sometimes, problems arise that can make sex less enjoyable or even painful. Ignoring these issues can lead to more serious health problems. Sex-related issues can be uncomfortable to discuss, but they are important to address. Taking care of your sexual health is just as important as taking care of any other aspect of your health. Don't be afraid to reach out and get the help you need.Here, we’ll discuss five common sex-related issues that yo
  • 10 smallest African countries by land mass

    10 smallest African countries by land mass
    Africa, renowned as the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent, boasts an expansive total land area exceeding 11,724,000 square miles (30,365,000 square km), encompassing about one-fifth of the Earth's total land surface.Business Insider Africa presents 10 smallest African countries by land mass.While several African nations boast expansive territories, there are those with comparatively smaller land masses.This list is courtesy of StatistaSliced almost evenly by the Equator,
  • Isaac Geralds withdraws from Guinness World Record for longest sing-a-thon

    Isaac Geralds withdraws from Guinness World Record for longest sing-a-thon
    A Nigerian singer was attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest time spent singing.Isaac Geralds intended to beat Sunil Waghmare's 2012 record by singing continuously for 110 hours, breaking the record for the most consecutive hours of singing. He, however, withdrew at the 98 hours and 26 minutes mark. He started on Sunday, June 2, 2024, and ended on Thursday, June 6, 2024.In a press release on his Instagram page, it was stated, “We would like to announce that Isaac Ger
  • Low-maintenance plants to have at home

    Low-maintenance plants to have at home
    Adding plants to your home can improve air quality and make it feel more vibrantAdding plants to your home can make it feel more vibrant and improve the air quality. If you’re worried about keeping them alive, don’t be! Here are some low-maintenance plants that are easy to care for:1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)The Snake Plant is a fantastic option for beginners. It can tolerate low to bright light and only needs watering every 2-4 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.
  • This is why you always have a cold and here's what to do about it.

    This is why you always have a cold and here's what to do about it.
    Experiencing frequent colds can be frustrating and disruptive to your daily life. If you find yourself constantly battling a cold, it's important to understand the potential causes and what you can do about it. Let's explore some common reasons for persistent colds and provide practical solutions.Lack of adequate restOne of the primary reasons for frequent colds is not getting enough rest. Your body needs adequate sleep to rejuvenate and strengthen your immune system. If you're constantly runnin
  • DIY facial toners for a refreshing glow

    DIY facial toners for a refreshing glow
    Add these natural toners to your daily skincare routine to enjoy a radiant and healthy glow.In skin care processes, facial toners often don’t get the spotlight they deserve. Yet, they are crucial for maintaining balanced, healthy skin.Toners help to refine pores, balance the skin’s pH, and provide a refreshing burst of hydration.Instead of reaching for products laden with harsh chemicals, why not try making your facial toners at home?Using natural ingredients, you can create customis
  • How to date a paranoid girlfriend

    How to date a paranoid girlfriend
    Dating someone with trust issues can be challenging, but with patience, understanding, and open communication, it is possible to build a healthy and trusting relationship.In this step-by-step guide, we will explore some easy steps to help you navigate dating a girl with trust issues.Understand her trust issues:Take the time to understand the root causes of her trust issues. It could be due to past experiences or trauma. Listen to her and validate her feelings without judgment. This will help you
  • Are your single friends happy for you? Here are 4 things you should know

    Are your single friends happy for you? Here are 4 things you should know
    At some point in our lives, we have all been "the single friend" and we can admit that it wasn't always easy to be happy for our friends when they constantly flaunted their relationships in our faces. Now that you find yourself in a happy and loving relationship, you may wonder if your friends are genuinely happy for you. While some of them may be, especially if they are also in happy relationships, it's important to acknowledge that not all single friends will feel the same way. Here are some r