• UBA gets bancassurance license - The Observer

    The Observer
    UBA gets bancassurance license
    The Observer
    United Bank for Africa (UBA) has become the ninth financial institution in Uganda to offer insurance policies to their customers and the general public through bancassurance. The bank recently received its license from the Insurance Regulatory ...
  • $0.34 EPS Expected for Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. (UBA) - Frisco Fastball

    Frisco Fastball
    $0.34 EPS Expected for Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. (UBA)
    Frisco Fastball
    May 16, 2018 - By Linda Rogers. Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. (NYSE:UBA) Logo Investors sentiment decreased to 1.17 in 2017 Q4. Its down 0.12, from 1.29 in 2017Q3. It worsened, as 8 investors sold Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. shares while 46 reduced ...
    Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. (UBA) EPS Estimated At $0.34 on ...The Casual Smart
    Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. - Receive News & Ratings Da